Monday, December 15, 2008

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 12/10/08

Despite the rather limited number of comics that came out this week, the moments are actually jam packed, which is always a good thing. I actually remembered to do a Cover of the Week for this one, too. If you see a MotW without one from now on, just drop a reminder in the comments and I'll add it. Not sure why I always forget to do it.


While the quality of this week's Detective was...dubious, this cover was simply amazing.


"Yes. and yet here. You. Are." Loved the dialogue between Brainiac and Lex, specifically Lex's. However, nothing good will come of trying to control Brainiac...

Ignoring the horrible name, I'm kind of disappointed they spent time building up a possible Zod faction rebellion only to use them to grind them up like Storm Troopers. Even back in the Zod story, it seems like Kryptonians are the new ninja - the more you have in one place, the weaker they get.

Maybe Zor survives? They did go to all the trouble of bringing him back. Also, I don't see anyone, especially Power Girl, showing up for this anti-Kryptonian meeting at the end. They better side with Superman and tell them to back off or I'm going to be disappointed.

Oh, and if this page isn't proof of the art drop with Frank on a break, then nothing is.


Okay, this line gave me goosebumps. They better deliver some Green Lantern action in the final battle or I'll be disappointed.

While I'm posting this for the 'if god made an iPod' one liner, I just want to point out that Mister Miracle is looking kind of different here. He's managed to replace his face with Sunny Sumo's in that middle panel.

Some things speak for themselves. In Darkseid's case, 3 billion people do the speaking. And he murders your soul, to boot.

Speaking of which, I thought Darkseid controlled the world. 3 billion isn't even half the population. There can't be that many people resisting his control, especially with the Anti-Life Equation spreading through the internet and all major media.

Here's our wayward Monitor finally 'remembering' who he is. Not sure where we go from here. Does he just go recruit everyone from his drawings? Is he allowed to even interfer on someone else's Earth?


Cain / Vandall goes and enslaves the Spectre and then uses him to recite the Anti-Life Equation to everyone on Earth. Good times.


The wording confused me here. Are they allowed to have relationships with people who are not Green Lanterns? It sounds like they are only forbidding relationships with other Green Lanterns. If that's the case, I'm not sure what that would actually do. Maybe I'm just misinterpreting it.

I didn't do a proper review, but this issue was crazy awesome. Kryb is definitely the creepiest villain I've seen in a while. Picture definitely related.


I can overlook bad art (and this is BAD art), but what the hell is Bendis smoking with this dialogue? What is wrong with Namor here? Has he been out of water too long or something?

There's our mystery 'friend' that is keeping these villains in check. I still think it's Sentry or the Void alter ego based on the profile, but I'm open to suggestions still.

This was the best part of the issue for me. Namor managed to string together a few coherent sentences, too.

Here's the completely unnecessary killing of Swordsman. Not sure where the sword came from, though. It's about the same size as Swordsman in the lower frame, yet it wasn't visible on his back or anywhere else in the previous pages nor where Norman mysteriously pulls it from here. Seeing as he boots Swordsman down a cliff after this and we never see the body and this being comics, I guess he could still be alive. Who knows?


I'm not sure how to take this 'new' Bane. The first thing that springs to my mind is exactly what Scandal says, "What the hell are you talking about?". He's been acting weird like this the entire series. While it's funny, I'm not sure how to take it in comparison to every other appearance by Bane.

Continuing with the Bane moments, I enjoyed the manhandling of Catman while not underselling him either. Also enjoyed him just calmly pulling the knife out as if nothing happened.

And this little two panel shot was just crazy. Don't know who she is other than the host and friend to Scandal, but she just tore the arm of that shark mutant guy and that is awesome.

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Jack Tango said...

I have to say that I *love* what Gail is doing with Bane. He has determined that the best way to deal with Scandal is to give her a father figure; not having a father himself, he is making the best approximation he can at doing so.

Bane is a strategist at his core, and it falls in line with his character to have the best strategy to maximize another individual's performance.

Fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

Terrible art and dialogue aside the one thing I like about the situation Namor is in is that he's associating with villains and it's not that much of a stretch. He's always been as arrogant as Doom and yet treated as a hero, but he's not so much one of them (heroes) as he is one of him. He might have associated with the heroes for wahtever reason but now he associates with Doom, and why not. They both know they are fit to rule, so why should they not collaborate to split the Earth between them. Namor hasn't even turned bad, he's what he has always been.

Namor and Aquaman really do share more than just being aquatic based characters. They are king of 3/4 of the planet for goodness sake. The land based characters don't seem to really understand this. I also highly expect Namor and Black Adam would get on famously. Or try to kill each other on sight.

Matt Duarte said...

During the first reading, i thought the shadowy figure to be Mutant Zero from the Initiative (widely rumored to be either Scarlet Witch or Jean Grey).

But everyone seems to think it is the Sentry, and he has been suspiciously absent recently, so i think it is probably him/Void.

Anonymous said...

"The likes of which this dimension has never seen"??? Really we've never seen anything as epic as a possible fight between Doom and Osborne?

@Ampersand: at this point, Mutant Zero is almost certainly Typhoid Mary.
I agree the shadow was probably Void.

Anonymous said...

The way I understand the Third Law in the Book of Oa is that they're no longer allowed to have relationships with other GLs. Meaning that married couple that features prominently in the battle with Kryb is outta luck.

Of course, based on the first and second laws, it probably means that the Fourth Law will prevent them from entering into any relationships.

Anonymous said...

The way I understand the Third Law in the Book of Oa is that they're no longer allowed to have relationships with other GLs. Meaning that married couple that features prominently in the battle with Kryb is outta luck.

Of course, based on the first and second laws, it probably means that the Fourth Law will prevent them from entering into any relationships.

Anonymous said...

The way I understand the Third Law in the Book of Oa is that they're no longer allowed to have relationships with other GLs. Meaning that married couple that features prominently in the battle with Kryb is outta luck.

Of course, based on the first and second laws, it probably means that the Fourth Law will prevent them from entering into any relationships.

Anonymous said...

oh no, Darkseid's plan is working. Not only are the borders shrinking but time is repeating itself :)

Nathan Aaron said...

What do you all think is up with Alex Maleev's art? Rushed? He ROCKS! So it's suprising how many people didn't like his work on this special? I personally think it's just his Namor. If you remove Namor from the book, it's pretty gorgeous (in my opinion.) But YES, his Namor is BAD. I can't figure out what he was thinking?

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