Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott and Doug Hazlewood
I really like the characters featured in Secret Six and I like the way Simone writes them and I'm reading it, primarily, for the characters, as opposed to the storyline, but I'm getting the feeling I may not like the direction the book is heading, despite my overall enjoyment of it.
To understand, I suppose I should elaborate on the direction I see it heading in first. That would be dealings with magical objects, such as the mysterious card they've been tasked with retreiving, and how said card was created by Neron, the devil in the DCU, as a 'get out of Hell free' card. If you found that premise as ridiculous as I, you can probably see where my concerns arise.
Presently, the story has been kept focused on the characters and the task at hand - retrieving the card and delivering Tarantula to their employer. With the revelation of Neron's involvement and a magic card that lets you get out of Hell, this comic's premise just became that elephant in the corner that no one wants to talk about.
As I've made my dislike for most magical based stories known previously, I won't dwell on this much longer, as it hasn't negatively affected the book as of yet, but it's going to need addressing in the future and I hope Simone avoids the pitfalls of most magic based stories.
Regarding the actual issue, Catman continues to impress with another flashback to his time in Africa and how he dealt with the poachers, whom he caught in a flashback in previous issues. Bane's dialogue is still ridiculously funny, which is both good and bad, depending on how much you know / care about the character. Ragdoll is equally funny, but in his own disturbed way and the new member of the group the previews spoke of turns out to be non-existent. I assume it will end up being Tarantula, whom they've dressed up in her costume (which was a funny scene as Catman tries to find out who dressed her).
Verdict - Check It. I'm tempted to say Must Read, but the whole Neron / magic card deal left a sour taste in my mouth. Otherwise, great issue.
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