Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Avengers #45 Review

Written by Brian Bendis
Art by Jim Cheung

As predicted, this story went nowhere. It was yet another circular story that simply repeats things we already knew without really adding anything to the story. It's the equivilent of going back to the Batman origin story and telling us he had eggs and bacon for breakfast on the morning of the day the bat flew threw his window. New facts for us, but did we really need to know it?

In this issue's case, it basically shows us what the Skrulls did when they woke up to the House of M. For whatever reason, they weren't affected by the Scarlet Witch's spell and knew the world was broken, similar to how Wolverine knew right away. It focuses on Spider-Woman and Hank Pym and just has them repeat how they will fix this and leak it to the media how a mutant did this and it will only help them further their invasion efforts when it's over.

That's it. End of story. Nothing else really happens other than showing some repeated events from House of M and then having the world go back to normal, ending with the Skrulls talking about how things are going perfectly before Spider-Woman reveals the "wave" in the proficies had come true and was actually the Annihilation Wave from Annihilation, which resulted in the death of billions of Skrulls.

Again, so what? We knew this happened. None of this changed anything and nothing new was learned.

Verdict - Avoid It. I like Cheung's art and all, but it's not worth picking this waste of paper up for. Buy something with some meat to the story instead.

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