Posted by
Kirk Warren
11:18 PM
Thought Bubbles: Comic Book Moments of the Week
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My name is Kirk Warren and I’m a full time comic fan blowing my pay cheques on way too many comics every week.
Back in the early 90's, my mother bought me a Spider-Man comic to shut me up on a trip. I didn’t know it at the time, but that moment changed my life. Since then I've become a full blown comic fan and now purchase well in excess of 20 comics per month plus trades and other comic related goods.
As you can see, I've taken my hobby to the next step with this blog and it's allowed me to connect every single day with thousands of people that share the same passion I have for comics and I wouldn't change that for the world.
No moments from Incredible Herc strike your fancy this week?
The "crab hold" and the "eromenos" conversation seem obvious candidates to me.
Like the rest of All-Star Superman series, the book was full of awesome moments. The teaser has me rolling my eyes.
That's definitely the WORST Mac Gargan ever. Ever.
That ScorpiVenom is seriously awesome. Thanks for posting it.
Still not buyind NWtD in the trade, though.
The first "Official" confrontation between Barbara and the Joker post shooting, was I believe in.. Birds of Prey #15-17 where he had gotten appointed as the UN Ambassador from Qurac (gee slightly obvious reference there) and fired nuclear missiles at NY. Barbara makes him think he is safe in Arkham, and get him to tell her what he had planned, then revealed that he was in fact in NY, and would die with everyone else, this was what brought him to the "Big Leagues" and sent off to the Slab.
Decent story, and had a good resolve character wise I had thought.
isn't the fact that Barbara Gordon is Oracle a secret? does Joker know the connection? does he even REMEMBER shooting her?
Technically, the sequel to everything "All Star Superman" set up was written by Grant Morrison already. It's called DC One Million
But then again, the ambiguous nature of the Venom suit kind of makes me feel a little worried about the implications behind that tail...oh, my mind is in the gutter and being stamped on by tramps.
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