Tuesday, August 5, 2008

OYL Day 5 Giveaway - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

While only sharing names with the current movie, The Dark Knight, tearing up the box office as we speak, I thought Batman: The Dark Knight Returns would still make an excellent prize for everyone and a nice way to cap off the One Year Later Anniversary for the blog.

How can you win this copy of comic book history? Read on to find out.

But first, don't forget to sign up for the other OYL contests currently running.

How To Win

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below with your:
  • name
  • email address (use username AT email DOT com if you are afraid of spammers getting your email address. ex: kirbymorph AT gmail DOT com = kirbymorph@gmail.com)
  • Give me a seven word review of The Dark Knight movie. (ex. "The Dark Knight is the bees knees.")
That's it! Simple enough, right? Be sure to check out the contest rules & regulations for information on things such as which countries are eligable, if shipping costs apply to you, etc.

Good luck to all who enter and stay tuned for more contests! Remember, the contests only run for one week and winners will be announced starting Friday!

The contest has ended. Thank you for entering and stay tuned for the announcement of winners and future contests.

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Andrenn said... 1
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Andrenn said... 2

Andrenn Jones
"The Dark Knight is a dark masterpiece"

zmarcus said... 3
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Unknown said... 4

DKR is the Best work Frank Miller has ever done.

Oracle_Batgirl said... 5

And so, here she is again. Once again lured by the siren song of le comique to come, comment and make big manga eyes at the patron saint of the geek to bless moi with a luck! :)

Jenny T.

zmarcus said... 6

Zach Marcus
zach.marcus at gmail dot com
Thought provokingly dark, but why so serious?.

Tyler said... 7

Tyler Kes

Its the one to show the public

Tyler said... 8

Tyler Kes

Its the one to show the public

David said... 9

David Miranda

djmiranda AT gmail DOT com

The Dark Knight is no Batman Forever

Unknown said... 10

Kevin D. Florin
"A comic book movie my girlfriend actually liked."
- note: my girlfriend thinks comic books are only for kids and that i need to grow up.

Anonymous said... 11

Matias Duarte
mattias_duarte at yahoo dot com

"Read my lips: no more bat nipples"

Matthew said... 12

Matthew Morrison

nathandarcy AT gmail DOT com

"Freaks own Gotham, force shining knight's fall."

chris said... 13

Chris Van Slyke
I give it an enthusiastic one thumb up.

Anonymous said... 14

Randy Kao
randykao AT hotmail DOT com

DKR is the best Batman movie ever!

Anonymous said... 15

Jeremy Birks

"I see your 'Empire' and raise TDK"

Escap3st said... 16

"Joker=Sexual Tension, Batman=Angst, Two-Face=Both."

Ethereal said... 17

Justin Miousse
Justin DOT Miousse AT Gmail DOT com

Heath Ledger is better than Christian Bale

Anonymous said... 18

Ryan Prasad
So good, i wanna see it again!

abc said... 19
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Ron Cacace said... 20

Ron Cacace
"I ask this once. Why So Awesome?"

Anonymous said... 21

Mike Fiume

"The best way to beat up Superman."

Frank said... 22

Frank Lanza
So damn good but enough for Oscar?

Unknown said... 23
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Mr. No said... 24

Cristhian Paredes
"TDK es la crema sobre mi enchilada!"

Unknown said... 25

Mercado Lee
"An amazing and haunting movie. Goddamn!"

Anonymous said... 26

Scott Zeller
s2zeller AT netscape DOT net

See DKR, or the Joker's on you!

The Kingdom of Bladh said... 27

Eric Bladh
embladh AT gmail dot com

Batman is alive! The Dark Knight delivers!

Unknown said... 28

David Warren

d.t.warren AT gmail DOT com

"The Dark Knight Returns is ballz nasty!"

Anonymous said... 29

Jimmy Walthereson

viciousEXE @ gmail . com

The dark knight was grandiose in magnitude

Andy O. Bruce said... 30

Andrew Breidinger

"There will never be a better Joker."

Anonymous said... 31
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Anonymous said... 32

Ryan Bravo
Why couldn't Katie Holmes have died instead?

Anonymous said... 33


What's better than The Dark Knight, seriously?

Anonymous said... 34

Alejandro Palmeyro

"An awesome bat-movie without a good batman"

SC Spartan said... 35

William Goodman


"The Citizen Kane of Comic book movies."

Sandra said... 36

Sandra Swindle


Most definitely NOT a large soda movie!

Ben F. said... 37

Ben Flores

"It made me cry a little bit."

Unknown said... 38

Eric Zhou
ezhou65 at gmail dot com

Flip a coin. Could use more TwoFace.

Anonymous said... 39

John Steib


"Two-Face looked a lot like Jonah Hex."

Russel Harder said... 40

Russel Harder
"Four-color pictures penciled on Asylum walls."

Anonymous said... 41

Okman Zeng\
unvrknew AT gmail DOT com

Me and my friends loved the movie

Anonymous said... 42

Only movie that is an IMAX requirement.

Unknown said... 43

Jeff Garretson
Social theory and car chases mesh perfectly.

Sean Whitmore said... 44

Sean Whitmore
Dark Knight's awesomeness quieted my full bladder.

Unknown said... 45

Greg Hayes
The Dark Knight is the Joker's Oscar!

Anonymous said... 46

bsg At bryangaffin Dot Com

no movies when you have a toddler.


(does the emoticon count as a word?? I hope not)

Anonymous said... 47

Jennifer R.
jrubinovitz AT yahoo DOT Com
The Dark Knight is overrated and long.

Anonymous said... 48

Kristin Holliday

The Dark Knight was quite a trip.

Unknown said... 49

Cory Teague
rockstarcory at hotmail dot com
"The Dark Knight was awesome but long"

Neamathla said... 50

Brian Estep
space1889 (at) yahoo (dot) com
It was definitively worth my nine dollars.

Harlan J. Bryan said... 51

Harlan J. Bryan
harlanjbryan AT gmail DOT com

I'm dying because I haven't seen it!

J Ray said... 52

Josh Ray

jray AT csulb DOT edu

So good it's gonna sink the Titanic

jsoweidy said... 53

Jonathan Soweidy

Dark Knight is better than the Godfather

Anonymous said... 54

Andrew Irwin
agirwin AT ozemail DOT com DOT au

"Stark would have actually bedded those ballerinas"

Anonymous said... 55

Raghu Menon
"true reflection of the nature of humanity"

Unknown said... 56

Ken Grobe
kengrobe (at) yahoo.com
"Bad for kids; great for the medium"

Anonymous said... 57

Wolfgang Moebius
wolfgaaang AT gmail DOT com
"Wanna know how I got these scars?"

And not my entry, but just for fun:
"Ledger screws one Gyllenhaal, kills the other."

AJ Apelian said... 58
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AJ Apelian said... 59

AJ Apelian


"Holy Shit. That Pencil. Holy goddamn shit."

Kyle Chrise said... 60

kyle chrise

awesome but depressing. Hope's second-guessing itself.

Bunny B said... 61

bunnybx at gmail . com
Morose and dark film that totally rules!