Yes, stories - not comics. This list, while dominated by much of his Sandman work, also features the odd prose or illustrated novel. It is also not a "best of" list. This is merely my favourite stories, which may or may not fall onto a definitive Best Of list. Also, this is simply in alphabetical order, but I'm sure you can pick out which stories fill out the top three or four spots.
As Neil Gaiman's entire bibliography reads like one big Best Of list, I imagine everyone could write down ten of their favourite stories from the master and we'd all come up with different lists and I'm dying to hear what stories, or dreams, fill everyone else's lists, so be sure to let me know in the comments.
With that said, hit the jump to see Kirk's 10 Favourite Neil Gaiman Stories!

Art by John Bolton, Scott Hampton, Charles Vess & Paul Johnson
Before Harry Potter became the juggernaut that it is today, Neil Gaiman penned this 'magical' tale of a young, bespecticaled boy named Timothy Hunter, who has the potential to be the greatest magician the world has ever known.
So, my day is done. How strange. We called ourselves the Endless, but only two of us are left, here at the end of everything. It sometimes seemed as if I would never turn the final page; never close my book for the last time. It is a relief to lay down my burden, my sister. Thank you. Goodbye. - DestinyThe story followed Tim's adventures as the Trenchcoat Brigade, a group of mystics, made up of John Constantine, Phantom Stragner, Dr Occult and Mister E, try to guide and protect the young magician from the Cult of the Blue Flame, unsure whether or not Tim will be a force of good or evil in the world of magic or if they should just leave him alone in hopes he goes on to live an ordinary life.
The story ended with Tim deciding the cost of these powers was too high and an attempt to walk away from it all only to find out that his newfound knowledge and abilities make it impossible for him to do just that.
This is pure Neil Gaiman and he is in his element in this story.
Interested in reading more about The Books of Magic? Purchase the trade and help support the Weekly Crisis!

Art by Andy Kubert
Marvel 1602 was an eight issue mini-series which teamed Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert in Gaiman's first new comic work since The Sandman had ended and saw all of the Marvel heroes transplanted into the Elizabethian era - specifically into the year 1602.
The series explores a universe where the heroes of the Marvel Universe started to appear 400 years earlier than they should have, their new roles in this era and, subsequently, the return of these heroes to their proper timeline.
While probably not the best work Gaiman has done, it still holds a special place in my heart for the unique and imaginative portrayal of my favourite Marvel heroes in an Elseworlds style tale uncharacteristic of most Marvel projects.
I think the biggest fault this book has is that it came after Gaiman finished his comic book work and critically acclaimed run on The Sandman, which lead to expectations for 1602 that no book could possibly measure up to.
Interested in reading Marvel 1602? Purchase the trade and help support the Weekly Crisis!

"The Sound of Her Wings"
Art by Mike Dringenberg
I've seen many a person pick up my cope of the first Sandman trade, Prelude & Nocturnes, start reading it and then start questioning why this series gets all the praise that it does.
While they are correct in that the first several issues of The Sandman is relatively average fair, primarily due to the fact DC was trying to keep the Vertigo line grounded in the DCU at the time, I simply tell them to read the trade to completition and then get back to me on what they think.
It's like clockwork. Inevitably, these people reach the last issue collected in the trade - The Sandman #8 - and turn to me and ask, "Where's the next trade?".
I walk by her side, and the darkness lifts from my soul. I walk with her, and I hear the gentle beating of mighty wings... - DreamIt never fails to impress me just how big a turning point in the series, "The Sound of Her Wings", and Death's first appearance has on people's opinion of this series. And with good reason, as this issue introduces the loveable upbeat, goth version of Death that turned people's perception of how they view the personification of death on its ear.
It also signals a shift in style and tone for the series, as a whole, and distanced itself from the DCU, allowing Gaiman to spread his storytelling wings and bless us with the critically acclaimed series that we have today.
Interested in reading The Sandman #8? Purchase The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes and help support the Weekly Crisis!

"A Dream of a Thousand Cats"
Art by Kelley Jones
A much overlooked and underrated Sandman story, "A Dream of a Thousand Cats", is one of my favourite one-shot stories from the series.
Little one, I would like to see anyone — prophet, king or God — persuade a thousand cats to do anything at the same time. - A cynical catIt's a powerful story that illustrates the power of dreams. It features a cat that goes from town to town telling other cats of a world where cats ruled and how humans "dreamed" themselves the most powerful creatures on Earth. The humans' dreams were so great, that it changed the very world we live in, reducing the cats to a lowly pet. The cat believes that if enough cats dream it so, they will,, once again, become the dominant species on Earth.
Imaginative and thought provoking, it is a story I pull out and read again and again, making it one of my favourite single issues and Neil Gaiman penned stories of all time.
Interested in reading "A Dream of a Thousand Cats"? Purchase The Sandman Vol. 3: Dream Country and help support the Weekly Crisis!

"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Art by Charles Vess
Only Neil Gaiman could take both the history of William Shakespeare and the rumours surrounding the origins of his plays and combine that into a masterpiece of modern storytelling with his version of, "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
In Gaiman's version of the story, Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, has commissioned a young Bill Shakespeare to direct a play for him in exchange for more ideas and dreams to fund his playwright mind and allow him to pen the dozens of masterpieces he is credited for today.
Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot. - DreamThe catch, however, is that the audiance for "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is the entire kingdom of Faerie, mystical creatures of all kinds and of whom the play is based upon.
It's a wonderful experience with which, like "A Dream of a Thousand Cats", I keep coming back to over and over again, my enjoyment of it increasing with each subsequent reading.
Interested in reading "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? Purchase The Sandman Vol. 3: Dream Country and help support the Weekly Crisis!

As originaly told in The Sandman #21-28
Art by Kelley Jones, Mike Dringenberg & Matt Wagner
The Sandman is made up of numerous stories, ranging from short arcs to single issues to some stories that do not even revolve around Morpheus at all.
"Seasons of Mist", however, is what I would call the best Morpheus story Gaiman ever wrote, as opposed to the actual series, The Sandman, he supposedly stars in.
It features Morpheus' return to Hell to free Nadia, a woman he onced loved, yet condemned to Hell when she refused his advances by committing suicide, destined to eternal torment until Morpheus forgives her.
The last time Morpheus was in Hell, Lucifer vowed to destroy him if he ever saw him again. Prepared for a battle he does not expect to win, Morpheus journeys to Hell in search of Nadia only to find all of Hell emptied and Lucifer, literally, closing up shop. He has expelled all of the demons, sinners and residents of Hell. No one ever told him he had to stay in one place forever, especially Hell, and he has had enough of the place and simply leaves.
To absent friends, lost loves, old gods and the seasons of mists. And may each and everyone of us always give the devil his due. - Hob GadlingFollowing through on his vow to destroy Morpheus, Lucifer hands over the key and control of the realm of Hell to the Lord of Dreams. What follows is a series of events whereby numerous other deities and factions try to curry favour with the Shaper of Dreams in exchange for the key to Hell. One party is even willing to offer up the soul of Nadia - the girl whom Dream journeyed to Hell to free in the first place.
The different pantheons on display in this arc are a sight to behold and what eventually becomes of Nadia and the key to Hell all do, in fact, lead to the eventual destruction of Morpheus, just as Lucifer prophesized. A wonderfully crafted tale that stands on its own, yet who's appreciation only grows with further readings of The Sandman series, culminating with death of Morpheus in The Kindly Ones.
Interested in reading "Season of Mists"? Purchase The Sandman Vol. 4: Season of Mists and help support the Weekly Crisis!

"Distant Mirrors Ramadan"
Art by P. Craig Russel
Given the choice of having one comic to hold me over for all eternity, I would choose The Sandman #50's story, "Distant Mirrors Ramadan". There's a reason this is the highest selling single issue of The Sandman ever produced and words cannot describe how much I love this story.
The Caliph Haroun, al-Raschid, rules the greatest, most magnificient and prosperous city, Baghdad, the world has ever seen. It is literally the city of gold and filled with wonders beyond mortal imagination, including, but not limited to, magic carpets, genies, djinns and more.
You have called me here, Haroun. It is unwise to summon what you cannot dismiss. - DreamHowever, al-Raschid is vexed and fears that this perfection and greatness could never last and seeks an audiance with Dream, himself, in hopes of preserving his city's greatness. al-Raschid offers up the entire city of Baghdad to Morpheus in exchange that he ensure its wonder and greatness endures for all eternity.
Morpheus agrees to these terms, "after a fashion" and the city is sealed away in dreams, to forever be told and retold, living on in vivid imagination and dreams, leaving only the delapatated and dreary version of Baghdad that we know today.
Interested in reading "Distant Mirrors Ramadan"? Purchase The Sandman Vol. 6: Fables and Reflections and help support the Weekly Crisis!

Illustrations by Yoshitaka Amano
My fascination and wonder at Japanese culture, which extends beyond mere anime and manga and into their culture, history and lore, notwithstanding, "The Dream Hunters" is still a wonderfully crafted and imaginative tale in the vein of other one-shot Sandman stories featured on this list.
However, "Dream Hunters" differs from these other stories in one crucial detail - it's not a comic book! "Dream Hunters" is an illustrated prose novel. Simply put, this means it only has the occasional picture, not sequential panels like the standard comic.
While this may be off putting to some people, the story and beautiful illustrations more than make up for it with a Japanese folk tale, which Gaiman crafted based on various Japanese stories and lore, yet has no direct origin or reference like his Shakespeare or Arabian tales.
It follows the story of a fox and tanuki spirit and their attempts to drive a Buddhist monk out of his temple and claim it as their own. After both failing to do so, the fox finds itself falling in love with the monk and appears before him as a beautiful woman, who apologizes for all the trouble they have caused him. What follows is a series of events that see the monk giving up his life in order to save the fox spirit, who goes on to avenge him.
While it is difficult to summarize, the story combines my favourite aspects of Japanese magic, folk lore and legends and is one of my favourite Sandman tales, despite Morpheus' limited role in the story.
Interested in reading "The Dream Hunters"? Purchase The Sandman: The Dream Hunters and help support the Weekly Crisis!

Chapter 3: "Dream - The Heart of a Star"
Art by Miguelanxo Prado
While all of Endless Nights was incredible, one story easily stands above the rest and that is Chapter 3's, "Dream - The Heart of a Star".
The story recounts a tale of a meeting between the lords of the universe, from the lowliest of stars (yes, actual stars) to the Endless, themselves, shortly after the birth of the universe.
What's most interesting about this tale is the different portrayals of the Endless, including a very morbid and dark Death, in stark contrast to her regular light hearted personality. It also features the origin of the Desire / Dream feud as Morpheus' female Oan (yes, of Green Lantern fame) companion falls under desires sway and falls in love with her solar system's star.
Easily the best story in the collection, "Dream - The Heart of a Star", is also one of the best Sandman stories ever told.
Interested in reading "Dream - The Heart of a Star"? Purchase The Sandman: Endless Nights and help support the Weekly Crisis!

Illustrations by Charles Vess
If you have never read Stardust, forget everything you know about the movie. While both fun and imaginative, the movie pales in comparison to the illustrated novel. You may have heard Stardust described as a modern day Princess Bride and that is a very apt description for the book.
Adventures are all very well in their place, he thought, but there's a lot to be said for regular meals and freedom from pain. - TristranWhere most post-Lord of the Rings fairy tales embraced the epic Tolkien-like storytelling, Gaiman put to use much of the time he spent reading fantasy stories in a library as a child to work with this classic fairy tale styled story that excites the imagination by making you feel like you are a child again and that all these wonderous and unbelievable things could actually exist behind some mysterious old wall at the edge of town.
Few prose books capture my attention or imagination as well as Gaiman did with Stardust and I can't recommend the book enough. Recapture your childhood with a tale can do nothing but put a smile on your face and suck you into a world of fantasy you've never dreamed of.
Interested in reading the original novel? Purchase Stardust: Being a Romance Within the Realm of Faerie and help support the Weekly Crisis!
I'm not a very big fan of Neil Gaiman (ever since that McFarlane petty lawsuit I've had a hard time not rolling my eyes when I hear his name). But he is a good writer, I may check out his Sandman work. I've heard good things about it.
"Petty"? I think you might be missing some of the details on the Gaiman / McFarlane feud.
It was far from petty and Gaiman, who wasn't fighting for money and even donated all of his earnings from 1602 to a defense fund to ensure the rights were given to the proper owners, which he is part of, instead of letting Todd get away with stealing both the various Spawn characters Gaiman owned and the Miracle Man property for his own personal gain.
I like both creators, but Todd is the one to blame for this. He had written and verbal contracts with Gaiman over these rights, conveniently "lost" or outright denied these connections and, after Gaiman gave him Cogliostro and Angela in exchange for Miracle Man rights, which Gaiman actually wrote and had plans that fell through with teh collapse of Eclipse int he early 90's, and Todd simply backtracked ont eh deal the minute he got the Spawn characters from Gaiman.
You don't have to be a Gaiman fan, but he is far from petty and this was just bad form on Todd's part anyway you look at it.
I hadn't heard much on the Miracle Man thing. But I was glad that the judge gave them both equal ownership of the characters. But it seemed like that would have been a good idea in the first place for them to settle.
I will admit, McFarlane definitely started it but both of them let it get kind of crazy after a while. It really spiraled after a while.
I'm not a Gaiman fan because of the lawsuit thing, but more I've just had a hard time enjoying his writing. I kind of enjoyed 1602, and I've been tempted to pick up his Sandman things.
Anyway, I didn't mean for it to sound like I didn't know anything about the lawsuit or that it was the main reason I'm not a fan of his. He's just never appealed to me much. Though I have to admit, Spawn #9, great issue.
Also, I'm still not sure what to think of his's got Andy Kubert involved and I like Kubert's Batman, but I can't help but be worried for delays...though with any luck he's already doing pages for it.
No worries, mine comes off harsher than I meant it to on second reading. The petty comment just had me a little confused since the situation had nothing to do with being petty on either of their parts.
As for not liking Gaiman, if your only experience iwth him is Spawn #9 or 1602, you're really missing out. Sandman is more of an experience than something you can quantify in terms of single issues or generic reviews.
While you can read single issues of Sandman, it doesn't realyl come together until after the first dozen or so issues when the world has been fleshed out and it only gets better after that.
Most of his best work is non-super heroes, which can be off putting for some people, too, so it's not a big deal if you don't like his work either.
As for Batman, I wouldn't worry about it being delayed. It's two issues and Kubert is a fast penciller. I'm willing to bet there was something going on in his personal life or with the running of the Kubert school or whatever that caused the numerous delays.
Also, most people that get to work with Gaiman aren't going to let themselves get delayed. Add in like 6+ months and the fact this didn't just materialize over night (he's probably been working on it for a while now) and I guarantee this won't be delayed.
I figured you didn't mean to come off harsh, so no worries.
As for Sandman, I'm still not sure...I'll check out one of the trades maybe. I think a friend of mine used to read it and he may have some old issues...
It's only 2 issues? I thought that was the "battle for the cowl" storyline, and that this would be longer? I must be getting them mixed up or something.
Anyway, I'll check out some of these books, see if they make a fan out of me.
Ya, only 2 issues. I believe they're double sized (someone confirm this for me) though.
Battle for the Cowl is a Grant Morrison thing that will either build on Gaiman's work or O'Neil's and the fallout from RIP.
Lying in the Gutters is reporting that the bat books will be hiatus'd and Robin will become Batman & Robin, Nightwing is cancelled and becomes Red Robin for Jason Todd and Nightwing becomes the new Batman. And Morrison will launch a Battle for the Cowl series to fill in for the hiatus'd books.
Seems like some obvious conjecture on his part, but hard to tell with so little information righ tnow. I could see Batman ending up in Arkham or something similar post-RIP.
The Dream story from Endless night is one of my favorite stand alone issues. I loved the little references to Oa and Rao.
Also, have you read American Gods? The story is very slow-burning, with seemingly separate stories that all come together eventually into a nice and incredible story (kind of like Sandman). I highly recommend it.
Anansi Boys features the sons of one of the characters of American Gods, but it is otherwise pretty different both in tone and content (much more light-hearted and comedic).
I am currently reading Good Omens (co-written by Terry Pratchet, i think) and it is very funny. One of the reviews described it as "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Armageddon", and i think that is really accurate. Clever and heavy on the social commentary, but without coming off as preachy.
Also, i've been meaning to check out his Miracle Man stories, but it's kind of a turn off that the series was just cut off in the middle of a story.
Well then I'll get Gaiman's arc. I thought it was going to be something like an extra long 8 issue epic that would take forever to ship.
As for all the changes post-RIP...Nightwing is the only person I can think of who deserves to be Batman.
Ugh, their going with that Red Robin thing from Countdown? I was really hoping they'd ignore that...
@ampersand - I've read American Gods. I really enjoyed it and it was indeed a very slow burn that really came together 3/4 of the way through. Never felt like stopping when I was reading it either, so the slow burn isn't as bad or dense as some other novels I've read.
Anasi Boys is on my list of novels to pick up, but my Neil Gaiman fund is currently filling for Absolute Sandman Vol 3 and then needs to refill for Vol 4 in the fall, so Gaiman is kind of cut off from my wallet for the time being, ahaha.
As for his Miracle Man run, the Golden Age starts off pretty slow, to be honest. To be fair, Alan Moore didn't leave him (or anyone) anything to really work with when he finished up his incredible run.
From what I've read of the proposals for the Silver and Dark Ages and the potential return of Kid Miracle Man, I think it would have read extremely well as a whole.
However, I wouldn't recommend the Golden Age arc based on what we've been given so far. It's really just world building on Gaiman's part with all the good stuff promised for the second and third acts. It's by no means a bad story, but it's not as good as the rarity of the trade makes it out to be.
@andrenn - The Red Robin and Nightwing stuff is rumours, remember. It makes enough sense to be plausible, but it's rumours nonetheless.
Oh, rumors, all right...well either way I hope Grayson gets the cowl.
I suggest checking out Neil's American Gods and Smoke & Mirrors novels. They are an amazing read.
1) Actually, Gaiman left Books of Magic early, leaving it to someone else and merely playing the part of 'consultant'.
2) He also put the book's jarring similarity to Harry Potter - even down to the forehead scar - to there being some 'formula' amongst fantasy writers.
3) Ever notice that whenever anyone but Gaiman tries to do something with his work (and/or without Gaiman's being allowed to approve or veto things as he did with B of M), it eneds up a huge pile of donkey shite? The 1602 sequels, the Neverwhere graphic novel adaptation (*shudder*...don't get me started), the Stardust movie...none of them worked!
4) I think the guy's name is "Tristran". Easy mistake to make.
@anonymous - I've read American Gods and was tempted to put it on the list, but Stardust trumped it for me in terms of pure imagination and childhood fun.
I probably could have replaced 1602 with American Gods, but decided to keep it more comics oriented and limit it to the one novel and the Dream Hunters illustrated novella.
Sadly, I haven't read anything else besides Stardust and AG in Gaiman's novel work. Anasi Boys is on my list for the next book and I wasn't sure where to go after that, but I'll take a look at Smoke & Mirrors now.
@salieri - 1) As far as I know, he did the first 4 issu mini-series and it was then turned into an on-goign by Bergers (think that was the Vertigo editor) with a different writer. I'll admit to not knowing much more about it (no longer own a physical copy of it, but remember it fondly, so can't check it to see if there was a co-writer), so you are probably right about his consultant position.
2) I've heard something similar where he talks about how some people think Harry Potter plagerized his work and he said something along those lines where it was pure coincidence and based on common British fantasy settings and character archtypes.
3) Gaiman was involved heavily with Stardust movie and, while not amazing, I found it to be an enjoyable fantasy movie that we never get to see anymore with the sequel happy / summer blockbuster unoriginality of most movies these days.
It won't top many "Best of" lists, but I wouldn't turn the TV off in disgust if this was playing.
4) Not sure how I missed that. I took it from a wiki quote site and the other listings were listed correctly with Tritran. I've fixed it thanks to you though.
I've always preferred Neil's comics work to his novels. For whatever reason, his novels don't seem to have the same energy as his comics work -- hence the slow build-up of American Gods, which I didn't particularly like.
Kirk, if you're interested in Neil's short stories, Angels and Visitations is the way to go -- Smoke and Mirrors actually reprints some of his Angels work. Anansi Boys was just so-so for me but it was still quite entertaining.
It's really a shame that Neil has concentrated more on his novels and movie commitments than his comics work. Other than the forthcoming Batman stories, I don't know of any definite plans for him to write more comic books. I wish he would write Thor or Dr. Strange for Marvel, though.
Honestly, I just roll my eyes when people rave about how great Grant Morrison or Geoff Johns or Bendis or Brubaker are. They're all my favorites too but -- come on -- this is Neil Gaiman we're talking about here. There are only one or two other writers in comics who can hold a candle to him and those are Alan Moore and Frank Miller.
Also, I just wanted to add my 2-cents: Neil has always been a very generous person and I really think he was standing on principle when he had his legal battle with McFarlane.
From "24 hours" up to the end of "Season of mists", Sandman was the best comic out there. After that it was a lot more uneven, and Gaiman has never been as good again IMO. Have you read Gaiman's "Hold me" from Hellblazer 27? Just a beautiful story. I was also rather fond of Black Orchid but maybe that had more to do with Dave McKean's amazing artwork.
@anonymous - While I enjoy his comics work more, too, it's easy to see why, from a monetary standpoint, he's pursuing the novels and movie work.
There's also the consideration he may just enjoy those mediums more than comics, but, for whatever reason it is, I still wish he'd stop by for a random mini-series every once in a while. Even if he just adapted some of his short stories would make me happy.
@max - While Sandman does get a little uneven and fractured shortly after Season of Mists, I think those single issues and random stories only serve to expand upon the universe and Morpheus' methodology and single mindedness in his pursuit of his "work", even when he's only a bit player in those stories.
The thing with Sandman is that it is not a story of Morpheus. It's a journey into dreams and he only serves as our anchor and port in the sea of dreams, focusing our attention and guiding us along on the adventure.
I think a lot of people beocme too attached to the Endless characters and Morpheus, himself, which is understandable to be honest, and begin to expect the standard protagonist based stories, which flies in teh face of the theme of the book - dreams - and how they are unfettered, free flowing and very much directionless beasts, as anyone can attest to with the various dreams they've had over the course of their life.
As for Hellblazer, I've actually never read asingle issue of that series. I see the huge issue count and just become too intimidated to jump in.
And I haven't gotten around to reading Black Orchid yet, but have heard good things about it.
Gaiman's story in Hellblazer 27 is totally selfcontained, with no previous knowledge of the title necessary. Very humane, very much like one of his Sandman short stories. Try it, it's the best things Neil's done outside of Sandman IMO.
As for the later Sandman issues, the mixture between "progressing the Endless story" and "stories about dreams" just didn't work very well as a continuing narrative as the series went along. Take the ending of "Seson of mists". 12 issues pass until Gaiman picks up that thread, which frankly is a bit much. I read Sandman as a monthly and often felt it was more like "what does Neil feel like doing this month?" than a distinct narrative thread. It was still good, but it was so much better in the first four trades (and they're as good as comics get). I also think the short stories were a lot stronger in the beginning ("Dream country" and "Distant mirrors") than in "World's end", "Convergence" and "The wake".
Remember that Gaiman stated early on that Sandman would run for something like 40 issues so it wasn't intended to be this big. Still, it remains a remarkable achievement.
"While they are correct in that the first several issues of The Sandman is relatively average fare, primarily due to the fact DC was trying to keep the Vertigo line grounded in the DCU at the time, I simply tell them to read the trade to completition and then get back to me on what they think."
One small correction to an other wise excellent bit of writing: at the time SANDMAN # 8 was published, the Vertigo imprint did not as yet exist, launching in January 1993 (the first issue of SANDMAN to carry the Vertigo logo was # 47, in fact).
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