Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Weekly Crisis - Comic Book Review Blog Template Update

In case you haven't noticed, I tweaked the site design today. It used to be optimized for 800x600 resolution, but, since there's only a small percentage of my readers using that size and the fact it made everything looked so cramped together, I decided to upgrade it to a 1024x768 resolution friendly size.

The banner was also changed. It looked fine on my widescreen monitor, but, on lower resolutions, it was taking up almost half to three quarters of a page, causing people to scroll down just to see the first post. I'm still tweaking the banner, as there's a lot of negative space left on the right side of it, but, otherwise, I'm quite happy with how smoothly this change over went.

I had played around with making a three column template and you can see what I'm talking about at my English-Japanese language blog, Kirby no Nihongo, if you'd like to see what a three column version of this site might have looked like.

If any posts look broken or something looks off with the new layout, don't hesitate to let me know through email or comments and feel free to let me know what you think of the increased viewing space with the new look!

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bobgorila said...

How're you doing the rounded corners for the various elements that use them? The aliasing looks /horrible/.

Christian Zamora said...

I like the way the banner is looking and yeah, I agree, 1024 width is way friendlier these days. Way to go!

Kirk Warren said...

@sam - I just took the default Blogger rounded corners and modified them to fit. I'm not much a graphic designer, so it was the best I could come up with. I'll see if I can find some tutorials if I find time to make them look a little prettier.

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