Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weekly Crisis Atomic Robo Vol 1 TPB Giveaway Contest is Now Closed!

It's been a wild eleven days, but, after close to 1500 entries, it's finally time to sift through the entries, weed out any duplicates and pick some winners.

I want to thank everyone who entered for their participation and I hope the contest inspired a few of you to give Atomic Robo a try, especially later this summer when volume two comes out.

I'd also like to thank Brian Clevinger for, first off, writing such a great book and, secondly, all his help with the signing of the books and their eventual shipping to the winners.

I'll be announcing the winners on Saturday, June 14th and winners will also be contacted by email. As the trade was delayed one week, we'll have to wait until June 18th to ship them out to you, but the extra week will give you time to respond to the emails with your contact information.

Again, thanks for all who entered and good luck!

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