Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ultimate Spider-Man #123 Review

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen

I'm not sure what to think of this issue. Is it a recap? I don't remember the story Eddie Brock is telling. Is it from the Ultimate Spider-Man game from way back when? If so, it was a jumble of random images with a long winded monologue from Eddie and not the most effective way to kick this story off.

I'm just confused as to the reasoning behind telling it this way. Eddie Brock sits on a park bench and tells a story about how he got his powers, hates Peter Parker / Spider-Man, got in a fight with Silver Sable and her mercenaries, how he fought Spider-Man in a museum and then eats some guy at the end (he may have eaten more people, as the people listening to his story kept changing, but it only showed one confirmed kill).

It was kind of boring reading endless walls of text in every panel.   
That's all that happened and it was kind of boring reading endless walls of text in every panel. During the brief museum fight with Spider-Man, which ended with Silver Sable showing up and shooting them as the panel faded to black, Peter kept complaining about a headache, but I have no idea what's wrong with him or what caused it.

Verdict - Avoid It. I love Ultimate Spider-Man and don't really regret buying this issue, but no one will be missing anything if they skip this issue and, if I had it over again / wasn't obsessive compulsive "don't ruin my comic run" nerd, I probably wouldn't buy this issue.

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Anonymous said... 1

sonds like this ish is basically a recap of the ultimate spider-man game. in the game ethere is a level where peters on a school field trip to the museum and eddie just so happens to be passing by. at the time venoms presence has the oppisite effect on spider-man then in the normal 616 universe as it causes his spider sense to go on overload causing a headache. later in the game its revealed that the reaction is caused by symbiote particles still in peters blood stream wanting to bond with eddies suit

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