Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Mike Deodato
As you can tell from yesterday's Comic Boo Moments of the Week, this issue was jam packed with kick ass moments, like Songbird vs. Green Goblin, Samson / Penance vs. Moonstoone and Bullseye taking care of business, and it capped off an amazing, if delay ridden, run by Ellis and Deodato. It truely is a shame to know this is the last issue.
If you've been following Thunderbolts all along, you'll know we have a group of telepaths locked up in Thunderbolt Mountain and they are messing with everyone's heads, causing them to go nuts, fight each other and kill everyone in the base.
This issue wraps up that storyline with the previously mentioned fight sequences. There's not much else happening in this issue besides that and Ellis simply gives us lots of action, amazing dialogue and then rushes in for the touchdown by having Bullseye, fresh off surgery for his spine, waltzing into the holding cells and picking off each telepath one by one with some scalpels he picked up on the way, inadvertently saving the day as he had only wanted to go kill some people while the power was out and figured the prisoners were expendable.
I found Deodato's art was rushed and a little off compared to the previous issues. Actually, it might just be the story, itself, which was rushed, causing him to try and fit more into the few pages he had left than his art actually being weaker, as it still looks fantastic.
I loved Bullseye "saving" the day, but, after all the build up and chaos the telepaths caused, they just get offed so casually, almost like an after thought from Ellis, who just realized he had to finish the storyline with only a couple of pages remaining.
It's a small nitpick and I really don't care all that much, as I enjoyed the entire Caged Angels arc immensely, but it's definitely a complaint worth mentioning.
Verdict - Must Read. It's not stop action as the Thunderbolts kick the crap out of each other before Bullseye finishes off the "villains", all with beautiful artwork. If this doesn't turn your crank, I don't think any super hero comics will.
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