Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Green Lantern Corps #25 Review

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art and cover by Patrick Gleason and Prentis Rollins

I'm just not sure what to think about this issue of Green Lantern Corps. It was good, but seemed to lose focus at points and the entire Black Mercy retcon came out of nowhere.

As I said, the Black Mercy's were retconned in this issue. The Mercy queen, Mother Mercy, is sentient and has existed for untold years. It pretty much is the planet and even controls its gravitational pull somehow. Instead of leaving us believing Mongul killed all the people that made up the "dead zone" around the planet, it's actually Mother Mercy's doing.

After discovering she could interface with humanoid beings and induce dreamlike states for them when she found a dying alien crashed upon the planet surface, Mother Mercy decides she will send her children throughout the stars to give peace and happyness to the sick and dying whom cannot be saved. She never intended to be used as a weapon and it was only when Mongul first came to this planet many years ago that this happened.

Seems Mother Mercy didn't want to reveal they were alive or empathic creatures, so just let Mongul take her children every once in a while, opting to stay hidden. The dead zone is due to the fact she needed food for her millions of children and she randomly "pulls" down the dead bodies to feed the Mercy's.

Yes, they spent most of the issue explaining this odd segue into the Black Mercy origins and she only attacked the Green Lanterns because they were killing her children. It looks like they are going to team up to fight Mongul next issue to stop him from genetically altering Mother's children into fear inducing monsters.

However, Mongul noticed the bodies falling to Mother Mercy's location and went to check it out. He blind sides several of the GL's at the end, sticking them with the modified fear Mercy's.

Verdict - Check It. I liked this issue, but it was one of the odder books I read this week. Not sure why they needed to create such an elaborate retcon for the Black Mercy plants instead of just having a big brawl with Mongul and the Sinestro Corps lackies he's recruited.

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