Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dixon Out, Tieri and Fabian In

By now, we've all heard about Chuck Dixon's abrupt departure with DC Comics and his less than flattering opinion of Editor-in-Chief, Dan DiDio.

Dixon was the current writer of DC's Robin and Batman and the Outsiders titles. While we already knew Frank Tieri was going to be taking over on the Outsiders, it's only now becoming known who will take over his Robin duties.

As you've probably read the title of this post, you can probably guess who the man appointed the job, at least temporarily, as it hasn't been confirmed as an on-going position or not, and that is none other than Fabian Nicieza, current co-writer of DC's Trinity, and this is based on his current solicitation as the writer in DC's September solicitations. It lists the issue as the first of a story, which implies Fabian will be there for the foreseeable future and, hopefully, longterm.

Hit the jump for more.

On Frank Tieri

Personally, Frank Tieri has yet to do anything that has impressed me a great deal. He had flashes of brilliance in Gotham Underground, but has, otherwise, done nothing of great distinction. There are worse writers they could have chosen for Outsiders and there are better ones, too. Can't really complain either way on their decision.

On Fabian Nicieza

As for Fabian, this is good and bad news. It's bad that Dixon is off, but good that they chose someone like Fabian, who's similar to Dixon in many ways, to take over for him and my wavering faith in sticking with Robin post-Dixon has been all but washed away. I loved his Nightwing fill-ins during Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul and can't wait to see what he does with Robin.


I'm not sold on Tieri, but Fabian is a step in the right direction in the post-Dixon shakeup. I'm curious if the change in writers will affect your continued purchasing of either title or if you will go out of your way to pick up either book with the change in writers. Let me know in the comments below!

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