Friday, June 6, 2008

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 06/04/08

Here's the latenight edition of the Comic Book Moments of the Week. Considering how epic an offering this week's worth of comics were, where almost all were Must Read titles, there weren't all that many "moments" or, at least, not nearly in the same proportions.

Still, there were some great moments and you can find them all after the jump.


"Flux Capcitors"

I liked the writing on the boxes in this scene. Nice touch by Martin and / or Slott. Way in the back is one marked Flux Capictors and you can make out a Comics box, too. There's an MJ one on another page along with a Webs, the photo book of Spidey pics by Peter. Just some nice touches that add to an otherwise generic moving scene.


"The Weekly WTF"

Okay, first, we have the God of WAR, Ares, wanting to kill Captain America so Civil WAR never comes about and then we have Ms. "I'm a dumb blonde" Marvel shouting, "Let's get Assemblin'!" Who the hell is editing this nonsense and why hasn't he been fired yet? I'm glad I'm not buying this book with stuff like this popping up.

"The Weekly WTF Part Deux"

Not to be outdone, we had to have some Iron Fascist in this issue. Iron Man and his Avengers are obviously the Nazis while the New Avengers get painted as the Allies. Nice parallels. Then we have Iron Man, probably one of the top 5-10 most powerful people on the planet, getting pounded into the ground, smashing the pavement and everything, by Captain "Peak Human" America.

And to continue with the Iron Man hate on, there's even a scene of him getting a giant axe thrown at him and stuck in his chest with pictures of it and mocking news headlines to further humiliate Tony. Truely a masterpiece in comic book form. Again, glad I'm not buying this and only have to put up it in random image postings.


"I don't even want to know."

Seriously, I don't even want to know why Cannonball was introduced just to have his heart ripped out by Bishop's hentai tentacles. You think Sam would have just brought a freaking gun and shot Bishop since he can't stop or absorb projectile bullets like he can other forms of energy. Guess he didn't have 50 years or so to think about how to stop Bishop if he ever ran into him in the future. Oh wait, he did have 50 years to do that.


"I would [not] have words with thee."

Thor wasn't to happy to see Iron Man. You'd think Tony had done something like cloning him and turning said clone into a cybernetic killing machine during Civil War or something. I liked the chipped armour bit, but it's definitely overselling Thor's power level a bit if you ask me. Hulk was smacking the crap out of Tony and the armour took a hefty beating, yet Thor chips it with barely a love tap?


"Shazam! I mean, Black Adam!"

There's not much I can add to something that awesome, so I'll leave it be.

"I pity the foo' who try to talk to Gog."

Poor Mister T, being ignored for his religious, or lack thereof, beliefs.

"I'm Gog, bitch. Who the f*** are you?"

I loved the conclusion to the Mister Terrific ignoring bit as Amazing Man steps in to talk to Gog. They have another scene later, but I couldn't find a scan of it. Good stuff. Oh, and that smile is damn creepy.


"F*** that. I'm walking."

One of the funnier moments this week. Couldn't help but laugh at this. Rooftop jumping just ain't what it's cracked up to be.

"Please be advised - crazy, sword wielding loli on the loose. Remain in doors and don't lose your head over it."

This "sidekick" for Kick-Ass changed the pace and tone of the entire series for me. I doubt we'll be seeing this in the eventual movie that was announced. I don't think 12 year old girls cutting people's heads off goes over well with the general public. Make her a hot 18 year old and it's fine though.



This was definitely one of many highlights from the return of Manhunter this week. Dylan's an ex-professional super villain lackey and it seems his past is catching up to him. I wonder how this will line up with Morrison's Joker and the events of Batman RIP, which I assume the "new" Joker will be in?

"Blue Beetle + Manhunter = *collapsesfromthepureawesomenessofit*"

Add one part awesome, mix in a dash of hell yeah, let sit for 30 days and watch fans go nuts. It's a sure fire way to have me back next month and the endless possibilities of this teamup have me as giddy as a schoolgirl.


"Yeah, just forget that crappy event ever happened."

Seems we all wasted money on the Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul and DC's just been chasing its tail wondering what to do with the old guy. He's looking more and more like his old self her, too. I guess his stay in Arkham left him with a nice tanning plan for that albino look he was sporting. Maybe Ra's is the Black Glove and when he "disappeared", his ultimate plan went into action? Nah, that would make more sense than the messed up shit Morrison is doing.

NOVA #14

"Best. Galactus. EVAR."

I love the way Galactus was depicted in this (and last) issue. He looks like a true cosmic badass now and all it took was a slight addition to the otherwise standard purple Stay-Puft Marshmellowman costume.

"Surf's up."

This is just one of many spectacular scenes from the Silver Surfer / Nova fight and probably one of the only shots Nova actually got in on the Surfer.


"Maria Hill - Saying what everyone else is thinking."

Maybe Bendis took the criticisms on the generic choices for destruction in the first issue and tossed this little scene at us in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way.

"Hey, the Vision is only about a few thousand years more advanced than the Skrulls and Earth combined. No biggie. I'm sure he's fine."

Don't "kill" robots. It's such a copout and a huge comic book tripe by now that we all knew the minute Vision got hit he wasn't dead. Why do it if it's only purpose is to create a false sense of drama? It's a cheap tactic and Bendis should know better. Same goes for the random killing of the Initiative member. It didn't add anything to the story. It didn't make the Skrull threat any more serious than it already was. It was an artificial way to try and shock the reader into feeling something and completely unnecessary.

"Leifeld called, he wants his gun back."

This scene was supposed to be some badass turning point for the good guys, but all I can do is sort of laugh at the absurdity of it all, specifically in regards to Nick Fury's gun. He should have been smoking the cigar and standing there all badass looking. Instead, he just looks ridiculous. Since this is going into issue 4, I assume these guys end up doing nothing to stop the threat and we have to call in Thor and the boys to wrap this up later on.


"Boys and their games."

This was probably the best scene in Trinity and the only one that actually lived up to the Trinity aspect of the name. Loved the simple explanation about the differences between Superman and Batman's secret identities compared to Wonder Woman's private identity.

"Hanged Man? Is that you?"

I thought I had stumbled into some kind of Astro City team up in the middle of Trinity with this alternate timeline / future / Earth dream sequence. This was the only thing that really interested me and it wasn't enough to make me want to come back to find out about.



For Christ's sake, I can't believe I used to enjoy Greg Land's artwork. Well, it was actually hand drawn back when I liked him in the Sojourn days, so I shouldn't feel too bad about it. This traced porn face ladden image filled with the same 5 poses he keeps tracing over and over is pathetic, especially as a center piece for a landmark issue #500.

I really wish Marvel would put their foot down and just ban the tracer from ever drawing a Marvel comic ever again. I don't care if him being partnered up with big name writers on high profile books is supposed to be "evidence" that people buy books simply for his art. He traces. I don't want to pay for this shit.

And that is NOT how Pixie looks. She's like 13 or 14 and she's not a goddamn porn star.

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Anonymous said...

I hear what your saying, Kirk. Land was one of my faves during Sojourn. I really don't understand what happened with him. Man....I miss some of those good crossgen books.

Avengers/Invaders #2: Why, oh why do I continue buying crap?
Oh least I got around to finally cancelling some terrible books from my pull....7 of them to be exact.

Your caption for the SI #3 Fury page almost made me spit my coffee out. Thanks for the laugh!

TheTruth said...

I agree about Land, it's getting way out of hand. I really think that Marvel should fire him or something, because I think I've seen that Pixie face no less than five times.

IslandLiberal said...

Regarding Avengers/Invaders, Iron Man's presentation is actually quite sympathetic; if you're just looking at random images, you might get a different idea. And the only reason Cap gets in a good hit is because Iron Man is doesn't want to fight him.

Kirk Warren said...

@cat - Ya, I miss Crossgen so much these days. So many good books. I honestly believe it just came out at the wrong time. Comics were just seeing their resurgence and weren't ready for so many independent / non-super hero books at that point. If they had waited 5 years, I could easily see them being sustainable and still kicking.

Ruse, Sojourn, Negation, Meridian, Brath (although it was turning into a bit of a Gladiator rip off), The Path - the list just goes on and on.

A lot of their talent has moved on to become huge stars or were older creators that some have seen major resurgences post-Crossgen. I might do some kind of retro, if you can call 5-10 years ago retro, article on Crossgen one of these days.

@islandliberal - Ya, I imagine it's probably just stills. However, regarding the Cap scene, it wasn't the fact he got a good shot on Iron Man that concerned me. Iron Man ways like a tonne or something and is covered in some of the hardest metals / alloys known to man. He can take a hit from the Hulk or Thor or whoever.

Cap is a human hitting him with a fist. Add in they are flying or Iron man was holding him or something and he didn't even have momentum to hit Tony and didn't use the shield.

He just punches a man covered in the most advanced armour in teh world and sends him hurtling to the ground, smashing all the pavement below him, as if he was nothing. It just looks like a "Cap rules! Tony sucks!" type of fanfiction scene to me.

I didn't read it though, so maybe it comes off better with context.

Anonymous said...

Why is Thor talking all 'shakespearean' in Iron Man? Did no one get the memo at Marvel. He talks normally now!

Rich said...

A/I #2 had at least two great moments with the young Namor beating the hell out of Wonder Man. Both were in the background, and both made me laugh out loud.

I agree with islandliberal re: the Mighty Avengers holding back, and didn't have a problem with how it was handled in context. I don't understand what the New Avengers are thinking at the end, other than acting out of loyalty to Cap. Was glad to see Bucky-Cap enter the story as well.

Deicide The Everliving said...

(About SI #3) Has anyone noticed that the "Random" Initiative that gets killed is Geldoff from the Ultimate Universe, one of Bendis' own creations.

Slott introduced him in the main Marvel U in Avengers Initiative #8 as one of the new recruits. Slott said that he was the first "Ultimate" character to debut in the main Marvel Universe.

In recent interviews, Bendis said he asked Slott which characters from the Initiative he could kill. So, basically, Slott gave Bendis his own creation to murder. heh

(About Avengers/Invaders) It is bizarre how this mini is making everyone job somehow to the Invaders. The Invaders are not that powerful. It was bizarre how the T-Bolts were utterly defeated in a few panels in the first issue.

Tiago José "Deicide" Galvão Moreira

Alex said...

Re: Trinity

I think that's supposed to be Ragman and some sidekick he may have picked up. I think it makes a bit of sense since he's also located in Gotham.

SC Spartan said...

Kirk I was looking forward to the Invincible Iron Man dance photo, but alas, I will have to picture it in my mind.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Fury on this one - it'll take a lot of human aid to pick up that gun at all, let alone aim it...

Paul said...

I disliked the final page of Avengers/Invaders - why would the New Avengers automatically be for taking on the the Mighty Avengers and siding with the Invaders? Hey, here's a thought, you reactionary tools, let's find out why the Invaders showed up and then decide a course of action instead of kneejerk "let's go beat up on Might Avengers!"

Anonymous said...

Also: Solicits describe the new KICK-ASS character as 'Hit-Girl', who is "nine years old, loves Hello Kitty and could rip out your windpipe before you even get a chance to plead for mercy."

Hear that sound? That's the Shark, puzzling philosophically to himself over how many people in the comics biz are jumping over him.

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