Written by Mike Carey, C.B. Cebulski, Duane Swierczynski & Andy Schmidt
Art by Scott Eaton, David Lafuente & Frazer Irving
This was nothing like the first X-Men: Divided We Stand issue. The drop in quality is as apparent as night and day. To compare it to something from DC, issue one was like 52 while this is like Countdown. One told an engaging story that setup future storylines and had meaningful resolutions. The other was a trainwreck of a story who's only purpose was to hit a bunch of key notes to move people in position for the next big event.
This issue, unfortunately, would be the latter of that comparison. As such, I'll describe the events in a Countdown-like manner.
Forge is upset everyone breaks into his glass doored apartment and beats him up. After getting knocked out, shot and robbed by Bishop, again, he decides to build a mousetrap of a home so he can live in peace and build some crazy inventions.
Beast has no confrontation with Dark Beast, as the solicit stated, and simply shuts down and destroys any potential threats remaining in the ruins of the X-Mansion, which is literally a slab of concreate with a few crumbled walls, hardly even a building anymore, which is odd, considering the Young X-Men are living there currently and none of this is reflected there.
Surge goes to see Dani and has a heart to heart about how she sucks as a leader and is self destructive and hates her life. They swap sob stories and then look at the pretty sunset.
Havok is imprisoned by Vulcan and listens to his teammates being tortured. Vulcan decides to play Mr Wikipedia and describes Messiah Complex for anyone that has no clue what happened there. Havok then destroys the vid screen, ending the conversation.
Finally, Illyana decides to use the power of love to get her soul back. She takes a visit to the X-Mansion to see Colossus and Kitty, but the place is destroyed. As this is an everyday occurance, I'm surprised she went off the deep end and switched to deciding revenge and suffering is the answer to getting her soul back, but I digress. Her little demon watch has one gem in its socket and four remaining. I assume Pixie is responsible for one of the gems, so I guess this will be picked up in Uncanny X-Men, where Pixie is joining the team?
Waste of money. Just skip it and pretend the first issue was the only one that ever came out.
Verdict - Avoid It
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