Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Olivier Coipel
Simply amazing is the only thing I can say to describe this issue. While I've expressed concerns about Loki's return to form after expressing wishes of starting over (I expected a less pro-active approach for the new Loki), I still came away quite impressed with what JMS has done with the character in this issue.
Not wasting any time this month, Loki immediately begins by sowing discontent in Balder, Volstagg and several others by expressing her (his? I'm so confused when referring to the new Loki) concerns with Thor's "do whatever you want as long as you do what I say" approach to governing the newly rissen Asgardians.
Most shake it off, but Balder, who has his history retold for those out of the loop (his death heralded the coming of Ragnarok and he fought and struggled his whole life to escape that destiny), lends his ear to the honey tongued Loki and, while not immediately won over, finds himself hunting Frost Giants at Loki's behest while searching for a purpose in his new life.
Unknown to Balder, Loki is leading the Frost Giants and helps Balder kill them to help prove Loki's worth and character, which is, of course, as rotten as ever. Balder is thankful for the assist and, by issue's end, Loki has sunk her teeth into the naive and purposeless Balder by dangling the knowledge that his father wasn't killed by Frost Giants when he was a boy, but is actually Odin and that Balder has just as much right to rule as Thor.
It was an incredibly well done turn of events and you could see the conflict playing out in Balder's mind as the issue bore on, culminating with Thor basically telling him not to leave Asgard without his permission, despite previously telling them all they were free to live new lives now, and Loki revealing the info about his father. My only hope is Loki isn't ousted from Asgard too quickly, as I love the behind the scenes maneuvering and would hate to see him exiled too early in the run.
The issue wasn't all drama with Loki and Balder. We had a return of Sir William, from the nearby town, whereby he came to Asgard to visit the beautiful Kelda. His gifting of flowers to her was easily one of the best moments of the week and consisted of her asking him to throw the flowers all the way up to the top wall of Asgard. After failing the first time, he ties a rock to it and throws the flowers, which smash, off-panel, into Kelda's face, ending the scene with her thanking him and inviting him up as she goes to find a cloth for her face. The two have some more fun as throughout the issue as William tries to explain basketball and the points system it uses to the Asgardians to varying degrees of success.
Verdict - Must Read
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