Written by Ed Brubaker & Greg Rucka
Art by Michael Lark
Two words. Must Read.
The team of Rucka and Brubaker has put together one of hell of a first issue. If you're a fan of murder mysteries or crime dramas or movies, such as The Rainmaker, then this issue should hit all the right buttons for you. All I know is, I'm hooked and it'll be hard for me not to enjoy the rest of this story from two of the best writers in the business.
For those looking for some plot details, Matt is still reeling from the aftermath of Without Fear, where Mr Fear caused irreprable damage to Matt's wife, Milla's, mental state of mind, Matt continues to take out his frustrations on anyone he can, which includes his pal, Luke Cage, in this issue.
Luke turned up looking for some help from Matt and all he got was a punch from Daredevil, to comedic effect, as Luke's bulletproof skin proved to be similar to punching a brick wall for Matt. Luke ends up arranging a meeting with Matt's collegue, Dakota, and lays out the details of a criminal Luke knows is innocent of a gruesome crime, decapitating three children, said criminal has even confessed to.
Dakota takes it upon herself to find out more information about the criminal and finds nothing but suspicions in the police file, whether it be the lack of follow up by the police or the disappearance, and reluctance of the criminal to confess to, of the father of the children, and this leads her to a face to face with the death row inmate. There, he spills out his confession, which she is recording, and tells of his finding religion with his conversion to Islam in prison.
On Dakota's way home, she stops for coffee and is assaulted from behind and threatened to let the convict fry on death row and to stop asking questions. This doesn't go over well as she shows up on Matt's doorstep with a bloody lip and bruised up face.
She's had enough of Matt's moping around and "me against the world" attitude and just cuts the bullshit with him and tells it to him straight to get over it and come back to the real world. She tells him about the case and how she was going to lay a guilt trip on him in an effort to help him out and let's him know she doesn't care anymore, slamming the recording and notes on the table and leaving.
We end the issue with Matt clicking the recording on and then a quick scene change to him showing up at the prison for a sitdown talk with the convict, telling him he's going to save his life.
Verdict - Must Read. If you're looking for the guy in the red pajama's, I'm sure he'll show up more in the next few issues. However, don't let that stop you from picking up a great murder mystery that after just one issue has sunk it's teeth into me pretty damn deep and has me mulling over how this is going to turn out over the coming months. Highly recommended issue.
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