"And. They're. All. CRIMINALS."
This was one of my favourite scenes in the book, mainly because of the dialogue, as the art was basically a series of cut and paste affairs with the odd change in expression. I actually kind of agree with Lex's line of reasoning here. Of course, dedicating your life to killing Superman seems counterproductive compared to just curing cancer or famine and reaping the rewards and accolades from that and proving human superiority that way, but, hey, it's a hobby.
"I am Lex Luthor."
Yet another great scene with Lex Luthor in this week's Annual. I'm a little unimpressed with the jobbing out of a Superman level goon in such a quick manner, but the whole issue was ripe with that kind of stuff. At least this was done by Lex instead of some D-listers.
"It was ME!"
Man, Superman is a dick. Lex put together all the weaponry, which even Supes used, assembled the Revenge Squad, helped take down everybody while Superman chatted with Zod and even put his ass on the line to infiltrate the fortress and jury rigged the pod to suck everyone back into the Negative Zone and Superman gives all the credit to the kid while Lex goes to jail? Now, I know how Lex has felt all these years. Even I want to kill him after reading this.
Click Here For the Most Disturbing Thing I've Seen In A Long Time
I'm serious, the above link is not for the faint of heart and I'm not talking something like The Walking Dead, where a baby and mother were shot, or the Punisher MAX moments, where it looked like Baracuda shot a baby in the face. This is like something from the most disturbing corners of the Japanese hentai world.
"Shut up, you're fired. Can I fire you?"
Good to see Tony and Jim carrying on like this again. Jim is surprisingly missing from the Knauf's work and it was nice seeing Fraction bring him into this book, if only in cameo form.
NOVA #13
"How does the Surfer's board make a "SHOOOMMM" sound in space?"
That's a badass looking Galactus. Rare to see a slightly modified version of him in the comics, but I loved the addition of the stars and planets in his torso. Could just be something to do with eating a planet, but made for a great image, nonetheless. The last page with the Silver Surfer grabbing Nova made for an evil cliffhanger, in that it will be another 30 days before we get to see the next issue.
"A dinosaur? In the Savage Land? That's new."
After a couple pages of rather generic fight scenes, where we don't really see anything except grappling, the whole thing was wrapped up with a dinosaur barging in on them and ending the fight? Half the people present could have simply hit it with their pinky and stopped it. How did it manage to end a fight between 30 or so of the Earth's so-called Mightiest Heroes? Clearly, the only solution to the Skrull problem is to have Deadpool bring a large contingent of dinosaurs from the Savage Land back to New York, alla the last issue of his series.
What an awesome final splashpage to this issue. It almost made the issue worthwhile. Almost. I'm a little confused at who would honestly want Doc Ock's tentacles when they could just make him another Thor Skrull, but I guess there's a limited supply of hammer's and that guy got stuck out in the cold in the powers department. My favourite is the Mr Fantastic Strange Bolt Man, who seems to have Reed's stretching, Dr Strange's cape, Black Bolt's antenae and Iron Man's gauntlet.
Anyone have any idea who the guy in the lower right corner is supposed to be? All I can think of is Sabertooth for the claws, but can't place anything else.
"This here is just messed up."
Quicksilver is going a little stir crazy here. I know I'd be freaking if I was in a cell with someone like that.
"I can fly! Oh wait, no I can't."
I'm not sure if his powers cut out or if he's just not Flash enough to spin his arm's fast enough to fly, but watching him bounce of the plane and hit the ocean makes me wonder where he got the super strength / durability to survive that.
"I hate you Cyclops."
There were some mutant detector thingy's given to the members in the comic shortly after this and Santo's said there were only 5 mutants present for the 6 of them, counting Cyclops. I'm praying that it's not broken and Cyke is a fake. It's possible Ink is the false one, though, seeing as he betrayed them at the end of the issue. He seems to know too much to not be Cyclops at this point, but it just doesn't make sense if it is him. Even if it turns out to be a fake, it won't fix bad writing and this series won't get any better because of it.
House of Mystery was good because it was intelligent horror rather than Saw-level Horro for the sake of Horror. But no Cain?
In answer to your Nova question: Galactus has his own atmosphere. The board makes the noise from the air in that atmosphere.
Judging by his giant hand, I'm guessing the Doc Ock's-tentacles Skrull has all the powers of the Sinister Six (the originals) including Otto's bizarre way of making his tentacles obey him when not attached to his body. So, not a complete loss.
Some time back I seem to recall them saying that Quicksilver's powers are not speed-based, but time based. He controls time around himself, which makes him appear to move faster than other people. This is why when he was using the Terragin Mists, he could travel through time. It was an amped up expression of his mutant powers. That's why he can't do the flash Arm fly thing. He's really moving at normal speed. weren't kidding with the House Of Mystery thing. Is that book out yet? Strange stuff.
I really enjoyed Secret Invasion, I think mostly because I'm a huge Hawkeye fan....I have been ever since he fought and beat The Collector in Avengers #174 from 1978. I hated Bendis when he killed him and I really hope he gets his old costume back on. The scene between him and Bobbi was great....but I have a sneaky feeling all is not as it seems.
Looking forward to your Iron Man Movie review. It was one of my fave superhero flix behind Tim Burton's first Batman flick & X-Men 2.
@ Cierdwyn2 :
If you read the issue in which the moment is from, you will see that Pietro got his powers back.
It was my understanding Quicksilver, as with the Flash, has an invulnerability field when he goes supersonic otherwise he'd be killed by the friction, so he isn't hurt by say, hitting a plane or the water.
As for the horror thing. That is just sick. I have got to learn when someone has a link but says don't look. Don't look.
That page from House of Mystery was pretty bad. But I still think the Trolls from Berserk were worse. There were also a couple of rabbits we had that died from infected cuts getting maggots in them that was very very unpleasent. Oh and I love Cyclops reasoning- he just said basicly "There are only a few of us left, and it's important to the survivial of our race that we kill anyone I think might be dissagreeing with me. No don't bother to chect out why there doing that. Mind control? What's that?"
Superman should have told Luthor that Batman is the one who proves what a human bieng can do.
What I meant was that with his powers, Pietro runs just as fast as a normal runner. It moves at superspeed because his power is not to run superfast, but to speed up/slow time around him so it appears he's a superspeedster, so while he can do some speedster tricks(Running, the rapid fire punch, etc) the true speed tricks(like creating whirlwinds, etc) are beyond him.
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