Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen
It's issues like this that make me love Ultimate Spider-Man and wish Bendis could just write this three times a month instead of a couple other books he does. It very much reminded me of the old school Spider-Man stories that were 70% Peter Parker, his friends, trials and tribulations in high school and 30% Spider-Man messing everything up for him.
This issue fits that description to a tee and is a fun done-in-one story that wraps up the dangling Kitty / Peter school baby project. I could go into detail about what happened, but all you need to know is it's Peter, so the baby got destroyed in his battle with Omega Red.
All that is barely worth mentioning in comparison to the numerous joy inducing moments littered throughout the book. Where to begin? One, off the top of my head, is the return of Flash Thompson to the book, who hasn't been featured for a while, and his "I'M NOT SPIDER-MAN" routine. In fact, the entire guidance couciller scene was great, especially the end with Kitty Pryde's reaction to being singled out to explain mutants. Another great moment was at the end when Jameson wants Spider-Man to pay for the damages of the Omega Red fight. Immonen does an amazing job on the facial expression here and Jameson's reaction is pure gold as Spidey points his hand in the "your about to get webbed in the face" pose, as the scene fades to black.
I can't imagine anyone not liking this issue. It wasn't perfect or the greatest USM issue ever, but it's a damn good comic and a lot of fun to read and that's all you can ask from a book.
Verdict - Must Read
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