Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Kick-Ass #2 Review

Written by Mark Millar
Art by John Romita Jr

I want to like this issue, I really do, but, unlike issue one, there was no story here. It actually felt like a bunch of random, disjoint scenes strung together to form a book. We go from Dave in hospital to a couple recovery pages and then he's fighting a couple gangbangers and the issue ends.

On top of that, Millar has soured the whole "real world" feel this had going with how he resolved the whole "beat half to death, run over by a car and left for dead with a broken back and multiple fractions lying in a pool of his own blood" cliffhanger from last issue. Oh, did I mention he stripped himself naked and hid his costume behind a car while having this broken back so he wouldn't be caught dressed up like a super hero? Ya, that don't fly with me either. Finally, Dave just magically gets better. He goes through a few operations, spends a couple months, six to be precise, in rehab and he's good as new. Science must be wonderful in this make believe world.

Millar toned down the swearing a bit this issue, but it still feels like a 5 year old found out about a naughty word and is just shouting it as often as possible because he's not supposed to. I'm not against swearing in comics, but to have it for the sake of having it doesn't make a story better.

The lone shining moment in this book, if you can ignore the miraculous recovery time or the recovery at all, is the last sequence where Dave puts the costume back on and goes back out on patrol. I still find it impossible to see this kid walking after what happened, let alone being physically able to go prancing around and fighting people, but I did enjoy the girls accusing him of being a pervert in his get up coming out of an alley and the final fight with the gang members. To be honest, the guy being chased looked just as bad as the three men chasing him, but the fight was quite the battle royale that just barely goes in Dave's favour.

This begs the question what exactly those two wacking sticks Dave has are made of. If they're asps or just regular metal pipes, they should be more than enough to take someone down with one hit, yet everyone keeps getting up and it's like he's hitting them with tissue paper sometimes.

Verdict - Check It. The first issue was amazing, but this follow up felt a little weak in comparison. It's still a good book and worth picking up, as I still enjoyed it, but no one could fault you for skipping this either.

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