Saturday, April 5, 2008

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 04/02/08

Word to the wise, I put a large warning before the last set of moments for The Walking Dead. It's a pretty graphic image and, while I don't think anyone will be overly grossed out or offended by it or anything, it's still pretty intense. So, when you see the warning, you can stop reading. Now that I've said that, everyone will be dying to see it and ignore it anyways, so I'm guessing this warnign was pointless to begin with.

Other than that, there's plenty of Skrull moments and a plethora of random images from this week's releases. I don't read every book and can't find every single moment, though. So, if you come across something I might have missed, feel free to drop a link to the scan and I can add it to the list.


"Wakka wakka wakka! Whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop!"

Poor Dr Zoidberg. The poor guy can't catch a break, even in the DCU.

"I've been an outsider my whole life."

Really? The adopted parents, world full of ridiculously powerful super heroes and villains, about half dozen or more legitimate Kryptonians and dozens of loved ones makes you an outsider now? Yes, Superman is an alien, but he is far from being an outsider. The whole world freaking loves him.

Also, while the whole one punch deal is a great image, having the entire Legion, which consists of some pretty heavy hitters itself, get taken down by Earth Man while Kal goes and one shots him two seconds later is kind of underselling the entire Legion.

I don't know why, but I just love that last panel with Superman just leaning casually against the tree. Can't really explain why, so I'll just leave it at that.


"My cape doesn't work under these early morning conditions!"

I saw previews of this image and I just have to give props to the artist, inker and colourist or whoever is responsible for it. I'm sure it's just a simple Photoshop technique to add the transparency, but this image just wows me for some reason. Dr Strange looks like he's actually some astral projection dropping in on them through the ceiling.


You might have missed this cute little bit of sound effect useage, but I saw some people talking about it (I don't buy ASM anymore) and couldn't help but chuckle at it. Wolverine has the claws out and we all know the SNIKT sound it makes when he pops the claws. Here, after some convincing by Spidey, Logan de-pops the claws with a noticeable reverse TKINS, or backwards SNIKT, sound. I don't think I've ever seen that sound effect used before for the detracting of the claws and I just found it was a nice little touch.


"While I do have use of both my arms, I think I'll build a wall rack of replacement arms of various uses, including nuclear powered ones, just in case I have my arm bitten off."

Forge is the dumbest smart guy I know. Oh wait, scratch that, it's just the writer. Let's assume Forge had some reason for making these arms. Why does he have a nuclear powered battle arm hanging on his wall? Nuclear powered. Also, why are these arms bigger than Forge's entire body? He'd never be able to use them based on how it looks on the well over 6ft Bishop. And why build a wall rack that isn't big enough to hold these arms? The 3rd one is overlapping the entire rack and no normal human could wear that.


Okay, look at the panel on the left. The angle of the image doesn't change in either image. Bishop fires at the disappearing Cable. Cyclops is kind of near Cable and Xavier is well off in the distance, on the left of Cable, and no where near the line of fire. Now, look at the right image. Bam, head shot. HOW? Cyclops is on the right ducking out of the way instead of helping Xavier and Xavier has the mutant power of getting shot in the head despite being no where near the bullet now. How did the artist or editors not see any problem with this image?


"Has Xavier always been black?"

Replace "everyman" with "mutant" and read that panel. Is Greg Land writing this book or something? That's some damn good copying there.


"Should have charged admission."

Got to love the crowd just watching this take place. This fight scene takes place over a couple pages and I couldn't really get scans of four or five pages, so choose the conclusion to the fight. The whole sequence was very uplifting and I found myself routing for him to kick their asses by the end of it and the final "thank you" from the man he saved capped off a great fight sequence to an otherwise dull "six month recovery montage" issue.


"Didn't this happen yesterday?"

The Baxter Building gets attacked all the time, but this time it was a rather spectacular explosion. As cool as it is, though, it'll be rebuilt as soon as this event is over or not even referenced in Millar's run and I know for a fact Susan, Johnny and whoever else was inside that is a super hero did NOT die. If I can just take it for what it is, this is an awesome moment.

"That's not Emma, she's wearing too much clothing."

Again, this is a great bit of imagery with the heroes coming out, but it was so predictable and Bendis' self-hype has robbed it of any real impact to me. I am curious which Jean Grey that is. The first one? The one that died during Dark Pheonix? The one from the cocoon? Madelyne Pryor? The one from Grant Morrison's run that died? This could go on all day...

Also, aren't half of these guys a joke to discount as the real deals? Spider-Man has no real contact with Skrulls to my knowledge and they couldn't possibly know about his spider sense or half the nonsense he's gone through. Cap's shield can't be real as it was a one of a kind thing and Bucky has it. Real Cap didn't turn to a Skrull either. Vision could be examined easily to see if it was a robot. Thor is easy with picking up the hammer and the fact Skrulls can't summon Asgard to the middle of the Ohio or whatever.

However, there won't be any civil discourse next issue. We all know it's super hero slugfest time and it should be fun, in a mindless summer action movie way.

"He even loves you."

We all knew one of them was a Skrull. No way they were letting us know how the Skrulls were undetectable in the first issue. Seeing as Pym was shown on a cover Skrullified already, it was pretty much assured this was coming the minute he was alone with Reed. Add in satisfaction of taking down their nemesis and I should have yawned when this happened. However, this was probably the best scene in the issue for me and I loved the random eyeball and teeth in the blob of Mr Fantastic after being shot. Why they don't kill Reed is a mystery to me, as we know no one can die or stay dead. Makes these things grow stale when everyone is safe until there's a New X-Man or Avengers: The Initiative member around for cannonfodder.


"Kill the New Mutants"

The new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is the old New Mutants. Cannonball is off the X-Men for a day and he's an evil mutant. Good times.


"Oh god, you're not wearing any underwear!"

Darkseid, in his pretty little skirt, does not just sit spread eagle on some dirty old couch in an apartment Mary didn't have a year ago when this mess started. He'd at least know not to put the goods on display, but he's evil, so that's just how he rolls.




DAMN YOU KIRKMAN! Not for the faint of heart, or stomach, this issue was pretty intense and just when I thought I'd seen the worst Kirkman could throw at me, he writes this little scene into the book, where Rick's wife and newborn child, well, you can see the picture.

"Everything is different now."

Damn right everything's different now. There's like 4 survivors from the prison and the only ones we are sure about are Rick and his son. Based on this cover, it looks like Rick might be joining the zombie population, judging by the stagger and darkened face and bloodied clothing. This could and probably is a fakeout and Rick is most likely just a broken man with his wife and child killed as he ran away, but I'm thinking he's going the zombie route, personally.

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Anonymous said...

i dont think Infinity Inc.'s a copy title. i like this title than i like kick ass or secret invasion.

Anonymous said...

I have to say my two favorite moments of the week are 1) When the Earth police officer asks "what the hell is that", a great variation on the "look up in the sky" routine and (2) when Wolverine tells Spidey he let him get attacked so he count the number of bad guys accurately...hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! People Are Paying Attention To Me!

Unknown said...

One of my favorite moments in Secret Invasion is the breakout at Marvel Boy's prison. Every other hero seems to be trying to rally for the worst to come... Marvel Boy is like "Well, that's my cue to get the F outta here." One of the best scenes if you know his character.

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