"You saw Luke Cage naked?"Wasp is such a slut. They were captured by a horde of hellspawn, magically conjured demons, are being held prisoner by Dr freaking Doom and are suspended in some magical force field awaiting whatever gruesome death Doom has planned and the only thing she can do is put this big smirk on her face and dream about Luke Cage naked and be jealous Spider-Woman got to see it.
"That actually hurt my feelings."Not helping Wonder Man. Dr Doom is the king of put downs and it looks like his inability to shout "RICHAAARRDDSSS" in the last couple years has put him in a foul mood.
However, I'm not sure why Carol is getting upset. Most people don't really know all that much about Ms. Marvel, despite her recent resurgence thanks to mostly to Bendis' use of her. She's literally been through hell and shat back out the other side. Torture? Been there, done that. Brood had a picnic with her and came back for seconds. Rape? Next. Family and friends killed off? Yawn. How about robbing her of her powers? She's only had that done a couple of times. Mess with her mind and make her think her friends betrayed her or erase every happy moment she's ever experienced? Is that the best you can do?
The literally have to have meetings to discuss and think of new ways to mess with her. Doom's put down is just a footnote in decades of physical and mental abuse for the poor girl and I'm surprised it even phased her. Her greatest super power is the will to get out of bed every morning.
"I do have a fan club."
I love you Dr Doom.
"Holy thought bubbles, Batman!"
If a picture is worth a 1000 words, why the hell did Bendis need a 3295 words worth of thought bubbles covering up an otherwise beautifully drawn scene? Occasional thought bubble - good. Page worth of pointless thought bubbles that add nothing to the story - bad. Based on the past 10 issues of this series, I really think Ares is the only one who should be allowed to have thought bubbles. His heart shaped bubble for Black Widow or the "she will be mine" comment were perfectly placed and are the only things keeping me from condemning Bendis' bastardization of their useage.
If you read the Ares' mini-series from several years back, you'll know all about Ares' "relationship" with his father. While Bendis is writing an almost completely different version, personality-wise, the whole "uh-oh" thought bubble was actually well done when you take into account the previous moment of the week.
"We're all screwed when the Sentry gets back."
Sentry. Actually. Does. Something. I can't believe it. And it's badass on top of that. The look in Doom's eye(s) drove home how unbelievable this scene was. Tony's final line caps off a sick ending to an otherwise unremarkable storyarc.
"I'm the third-tallest building in Manhattan."
Yes, yes you are Chrysler Building. This line becomes a running joke throughout the issue. It's hard not to laugh at a talking building.
"What about the cars?"Foster's sad story about how bad a giant he is almost seems like it could work in a touching sort of way until the Chrysler Building follows up with a perfect deadpan line asking about the cars. I shouldn't be finding this issue so funny, but I stop laughing every time I re-read it.
"Oh please. I'll come down on you like the ton of bricks!"
I feel so bad laughing at such corny jokes, but this issue managed to straddle the line between bad and good in a so bad it's good kind of way. Sentry looks like he's pondering whether he should just throw the building into the sun. He should learn not to underestimate the Chrysler Building. Doesn't he know it's the third largest building in New York?
"Chrysler Building is strongest there is. Smash puny heroes."
Where was the Chrysler Building when the Hulk showed up?
"Oh my god."This scene reminded me of
Ultimate Spider-Man #13. Ya, the one where Peter reveals he's
Spider-Man to
Mary Jane. That issue was consider the turning point for USM and made people really take notice of the title. So being compared to that issue, I think that speak volumes for how I feel about this scene.
"Now you sound like a tool."Peter sounds like a broken record with that power and responsibility schtick and I nearly spit my coffee out when I read Liz's response. It caught me off guard and I always enjoy that when I'm reading something. The little make-out conversation at the end with Mary Jane and Peter made the whole page great.
"Next on Jerry Springer - My Night of Passion With the Blob"
In typical Bendis fashion, he spread this revelation over two whole pages in a wall of text. I like his writing, for the most part, so it doesn't bother me, but it makes it a bitch to get any moments from his work. Basically, this takes place before the Ultimate Universe began (ie. pre-Ultimate X-Men #1). Blob is telling Magneto he got a girl pregnant and he wants to bring the family here. He says it's no place for humans, but he's free to leave. Blob doesnt, but Magneto promises to bring the girl to the Savage Land and tell her about her father if something happens to him or if she turns out to be a mutant. This scene revealed the unknown father to be the Blob.
Phew, I should have just posted the double page spread after that wall of text of an explanation.
"It's Superman's universe. We just live in it."
Superman created his own universe in his lab, just to see if our Earth would be able to survive without a Superman around. Things like this are what set All-Star Superman apart from regular DCU Superman.
"Trust me."
I loved this scene. It was almost identical to a recent JSA issue with the Kingdom Come Superman, but executed far better, no offense to Johns' version. Johns' felt like it was about KC Superman being a super-hero. Morrison's is about helping this girl. There isn't a flock of people or heroes watching on as Superman does his thing and it doesn't feel like he's showing off for a crowd in this scene like he does in the other one. It's Superman helping someone that needs saving and the fade away hug panel at the end caps off a wonderful sequence.
Not seen here, however, is the fact this was foreshadowed in previous pages as Superman goes about his day when her doctor is caught up and delayed by Superman's "fight" with Toyman and you can see him talking to someone on the phone about being late and to wait. Even without the build up, this was still a really touching seen.
"That's right baby girl. I'm the Crazy One."
I spliced the ending of the previous page and attached it to the top of this, so this was an even better splash page with the brief pause as you transitioned to the next page from the first panel. Guy Gardner shall henceforth be known as the Crazy One in my eyes.
"Heard you were dead." "Got better."Comic book deaths are taken so seriously be fans. I love it when the creators are willing to poke fun at the obsurdity of these resurrections once in a while with this quick mid-fight banter between Guy and Peacemaker.
The Reach are pretty sophisticated, technology wise. The scarab is seen as magic by most people when it is simply their technology, which is too advanced to be distinguished by lesser races. The Guardians of the Galaxy from Green Lantern had to give pause to them and eventually sign a treaty to avoid further war with them. That just shows how high up the food chain they are. This is only a small detachment, but they've pretty much got all of Earth's technology under their control and were blocking all forms of communication by Reyes, cutting him off from the JLA, JSA and every other possible avenue for help. All that makes this scene so good. What beats the Reach? A simple, hand written, pen and paper letter to Oracle. It's so fitting that something so low tech snuck by them and was ingenious on Rogers' part.
"...We never stood a chance."
First, there's the whole Booster Gold last minute save, which was a nice touch tying back into the origin of Jaime as the new Blue Beetle when Booster picked up him in Infinite Crisis. However, the best part is the panel where the Reach negotiator comes to the stunning realization that they never stood a chance in this battle. The look on his face is priceless.
"Booster's back for 2 seconds and picking up."
The actual foreground isn't the point of this moment. Check out Guy Gardner's reaction to Booster Gold with Ice hanging all over him. Little things like that make Blue Beetle one of my favourite books.
"We've heard some gossip about that."
I had a chuckle at Triplcate Girl's little bit of curiousity about Karate Kid's claim about complete control of every part of his body.
"Kid Devil died for your sins. Or not."
I'm not a doctor, but that looks like it hurts. How can he be relatively fine, or at least conscious, with a metal pole through Kid Devil's heart? Cool piece of imagery and stumbling upon it almost tempted me to go pick up the new issue, but I'm done with Teen Titans for the time being. Might come back in a year or so.
"Snikt bub."
It's hard to imagine Dugan coming back from being gutted. On top of that, the next panel zooms out to show the room lighting up read, implying to me she then optic blasted him. The final image of him has him with a bruised and battered face as he collapses. Dead? It's comics, so probably not, but still senseless shock value. What kind of infiltrator pops the claws, shows them to him, lets him pull out a shotgun and fire it before doing the deed? She could have hugged and popped them in from behind. No wonder these guys are going to fail.
Also, Wolverine's claws aren't a mutation or a power. They're artificially made. How'd the Skrulls gain that power? I don't think they can make their body as tough as adamantium or a sharp steel to pierce people (never saw them do it before) and this can't be genetically implanted, so what's the deal with copying Wolverine's claws? He's popular so a bunch of bad guys with his claws should be? If I could make razor sharp protrusions come out of my body as a Skrull, why not have them come out of every part, since you can shapeshift everything? Why claws? Why not some T-1000 style liquid metal finger tip through the milk jug-stlye extension or Alien-esque prehensil tail? Wolverine's claws are not what I'd call the best weapon. They only work because he can regenerate from a drop of blood and can handle up close combat using them.
end rant
"The absurdity of it froze me for 52 weeks."
THIS. This scene is everything wrong with Countdown. When the text box perfectly describes the entire series with the absurdity comment, you know the book is in trouble. It's like they're making fun of us now. As if they've got us to buy 40 some odd weeks worth of books and they know we won't drop it now no matter how ridiculous it gets.
"The only page you need from GL#29."
I'm not kidding. This is the only page in the entire book that is new material. It's actually pretty cool, but is this single page worth $2.99? This isn't the Abin Sur that I remember and it's almost like he's a man possessed here. I half expected his eyes to have that Black Lantern symbol in it like that Guardian had. Next issue should be good stuff if they follow up on this.
What mo comment about the fact that Hal Jordan gets into a Air Force/Marines bar brawl with his eventual replacement John Stewart? I would consider that moment note worthy, even though the rest of the issue was recycled material...still good though.
Pretty sure that Wolverine's claws are part of his mutation as illustrated by Wolverine #75 and the current Origin series.
Where is this prologue available where Dugan gets killed?
It was established years ago, after Magneto ripped all the Adamantium from Wolerine's body, that his claws were part of his mutation, they were just bone protrustion. When the adamantium was infused into him, it also coated the claws, giving them the customary look.
As I remember it at the time, this was largely done because it was point out that they had just recently told the story of how Wolverine got his Adamntium at Weapon X(in tye original Run of Marvel Comics Presents) and the process had specifically not covered them being able to craft internal sheathes and claws for him, so they had to have some way to explain the discrepency.
(In the old Marvel Comics Presents story, they didn't even actually finish the process. they got nearly done pumping the metal into him when Logan broke free, then proceeded to go on a rampage around the facility until finally escaping into the Wilderness, leading to his later comic appeearances).
yeah, Wolvie's claws are part of his mutation. the adamantium covering them isn't, and as i recall, the skrulls can't mimic adamantium... but a) the skrulls have been doing a *lot* of things lately that they couldn't previously do, and b) just because skrullverine's claws are coated in shiny metal doesn't mean that they're coated in adamantium. hell, it's not like shiny metal claws were *ever* beyond their ability to duplicate.
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