Friday, February 8, 2008

Return of Jean Grey? Let's Kill This Rumour Now

Comic Book Resources posted the pencils on the right of the above image while stating Marvel sent them it with a "Stay tuned..." note attached. Before the whole return of Jean Grey nonsense gets blown out of proportion, take a look at the side by side of the images above. The coloured one is from X-Men Legacy, which is a random cover showing past events of the X-Men. This new "teaser" is just the next cover in sequence based on how it matches up perfectly with the previous one.

So, don't get your pee hot over Marvel resurrecting Jean Grey. While it's still possible, this cover shouldn't hold any weight in that decision unless you think Emma Frost is going back to the Hellfire Club and the Brood are making a comeback (well, they kind of are in Ms. Marvel).

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the catch. I would love a Jean Grey return. Am I the only one who never bought Scott and Emma being together?

Sazyski said...

yea, I can't believe anyone is falling for this.

adjectiveless 208 - original 5 and xavier.

adjectiveless 209 - mags and original brotherhood

adjectiveless 210 - dps era hellfire club (with jean as the dark queen too, notice nobody threw a hissy over that)

this is just the next one in sequence.

oh, and all drawn by finch too.

Ron Cacace said...

I don't understand why everyone is freaking out over this. It's like nobody reads the solicits.

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