Written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz
Art and cover by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund
An issue over ten years in the making! An official ZERO HOUR crossover kicks off the second time-traveling story arc of "the greatest hero the world will never know" with "Blue and Gold," Part 1! Witness the secret origin of Booster Gold as he journeys through the time line, lost, in an attempt to return home...with a good friend in tow. But there's an evil out there waiting for him; one of the greatest villains of the DC Universe: Hal Jordan, a.k.a. Parallax!
Kirk Says: Hopefully, with Ted Kord back, this book can return to the more comical opening issues that it's strayed from in the last couple issues. Shoudl be good to see Ted back, if only for a little while (we all know this won't last past the Blue & Gold arc).

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Lee Weeks
The mystery of Captain Marvel's presence in our world deepens as the first signs of a Secret Invasion are revealed! Brian Reed (New Avengers: Illuminati) and Lee Weeks (Daredevil) continue the winter’s most surprising mini-series.
Kirk Says: Not sure what to make of this book. You'd think Captain Marvel's return would be more high profile, but I guess Marvel thinks none of the new readers even remeber Genis, let alone the original, because he's been confined to this mini-series, which came out like a year after he returned in Civil War. There isn't even any mention of him in any of the Avengers books now that he's gone public with his return. Regardless, this seems to be gearing up to be a Secret Invasion tie-in. I hope they don't make Marvel a Skrull.

Story by Paul Dini
Story consultant: Keith Giffen
Script by Sean McKeever
Art by Jesus Saiz and Jimmy Palmiotti
With the recent devastation behind them, the new Challengers return to our universe to face their next challenge. Also this month: a returning hero, a surprising future for Pied Piper, and Karate Kid fulfills his destiny.
Kirk Says: I wonder if this will be another setup issue like last week or if everyone is now in place and we'll see what Darkseid is actually up to. Previews seem to show Holly, Harley and Mary, all normal humans (well Harley has some enhanced attributes) taking on the Furies, all of which are super strong, and holding their own... I'm hoping the previews left something out and the girls get taken down on the next page with little effort because they're pushing it a little with that one.

Written by Mark Millar
Art by Bryan Hitch
MARK MILLAR! BRYAN HITCH! Need we say more? All right, we will! Who is Mrs. Fantastic? And how will her return into Reed’s life rock comicdom’s First Family? Also, get ready to meet the Invisible Woman’s brand NEW super-team! This issue kicks off a year-long storyline that will make FANTASTIC FOUR “The World’s ULTIMATEST Comic Magazine!” Promise!
Kirk Says: I loved Millar's Ultimate Fantastic Four work. Millar and Hitch are both awesome together based on their Ultimates work. Everything I've read from interviews shows the two absolutely love the Fantastic Four and their enthusiasm oozes from every interview answer. It's hard, then, not to get excited about a project these guys are that pumped up for. I don't think there will be any delays either. Hitch's art seems rougher and less refined than his Ultimates stuff. It's still awesome, but it's apparent he isn't putting days into perfecting single panels like he was doing with some of his Ultimates work. Whether it stays that way or not is another story, but I think he's back to his 3-4 week per issue schedule that he had back with Authority.

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Andre Coelho
With a recent tragedy hanging over their heads, Green Arrow and Black Canary realize that they may not have actually gotten married. But will they try again or drift apart in the wake of all that's happened to them? Featuring art by Amanda Conner (GREEN ARROW/BLACK CANARY WEDDING SPECIAL)!
Kirk Says: For some reason I thought this was a mini-series and it ended last month. I must have missed where it said ongoing. Anyways, I'll give this another issue, maybe two to do something to impress me. It's not a bad book, but I don't really feel compelled to stick with it either. I'm going to wait and see how Winick handles the aftermath of Connor's death first.

Written by Sterling Gates
Art and Cover by Nelson
In this story, the saga of the mysterious Alpha Lanterns spills into Green Lantern Corps! Chosen for the elite Alpha Lanterns, Boodikka continues her absolute pursuit of justice and order. When she is assigned by the Guardians to investigate the negligence of her sector replacement, Boodikka is shocked to uncover startling secrets about her own life from before she joined the Corps! Writer Sterling Gates (TALES OF THE SINESTRO CORPS: SUPERMAN PRIME, GREEN LANTERN/SINESTRO CORPS SECRET FILES) explores the life of Alpha Lantern Boodikka in part one of "The Curse of the Alpha Lantern."
Kirk Says: Wonder why Tomasi's already getting a new writer to fill-in for this 2 part Alpha Lantern arc? Did Johns want it done by a different writer or are they just letting Tomasi handle the Mongul story and sticking someone in to cover the gap? I'm not thrilled about the Alpha Lanterns as of yet, but maybe these next few issues will help me warm up to them.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Michael Gaydos
The break up! CONSPIRACY, PARANOIA, BETRAYAL may have taken their toll on the Avengers newlyweds Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. After the shocking turn of events at the end of last month's NEW AVENGERS ANNUAL, has Jessica Jones turned her back on THE AVENGERS? Who better to help tell this story than Alias artist Michael Gaydos returning to Marvel for this special issue. Guest-Starring the Mighty Avengers. WHO DO YOU TRUST?
Kirk Says: So, is Yu officially done with New Avengers until Secret Invasion is over? It says Gaydos is only here for this special issue, but I recall Yu was going to leave to focus on SI at some point. I hope we're not in for a string of guest pencillers like back around the Collective and Civil War stories.

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Wellinton Avlves & Mahmud Asrar
The repercussions from ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST rocket Nova into his first Annual! As Nova desperately races to find the key to defeating the Phalanx, the tyrannical techno-fiends make one last attempt to enslave him—in an act that will unravel Richard Rider’s life right back to the moment where he first became the man called Nova – and possibly reveal his future! Ongoing NOVA writers Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning team with new NOVA artist Wellinton Alves and Dynamo 5’s Mahmud Asrar for huge action, shocking drama, and unmissable revelations for the book that Comixtreme.com calls “one of the very best Marvel books currently being published.”
Kirk Says: I'm not sure if I like annuals that take the place of the book for that month. Especially if the annual is just a continuation of the ongoing's storyline. I can see if it's supplimentary or maybe something like the Daredevil Annual that setup Black Tarantula for possibly future stories, but if it's like what this Nova sounds like, why not just ship a double-sized issue of Nova? I'm sure this story will be as good as every other issue of Nova and I'm going to buy it in a heartbeat, but it's still weird when they put random pieces of stories in an annual instead of just putting it in the ongoing.

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Ron Garney
Writer Jason Aaron (Scalped) and artist Ron Garney (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) bring you a searing 4-part epilog to the biggest X-Men Event in a decade. In the searing aftermath of “Messiah CompleX,” Wolverine has just one thing on his mind: revenge. But who is the focus of his rage, and what dark secret does he share with them? And how far over the edge is Wolverine willing to go to get what he wants?
Kirk Says: Wolverine? On my pull list? Yeahbuwha-? To be fair, I don't hate Wolverine, but his main title hasn't appealed to me in a long time, probably since shortly after Fatal Attractions. However, Aaron is the writer for Scalped, a highly praised Vertigo book I'm looking to pick up in trades in the future, and the artist is Ron Garney. On top of that, I like Mystique and want to see where her story goes post-Messiah Complex. So, unless this issue is complete garbage, I'll be picking this title up for the next couple issues, at least.

Written by Gail Simone
Art by Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson
The finale of "The Circle" pits Wonder Woman against the secret sect formed solely to prevent her birth! But to take down this ancient threat, Wonder Woman must find a way to return to Paradise Island, from which she was banned! Meanwhile, Nemesis is left alone to face the rampaging army of Captain Nazi!
Kirk Says: Can't believe Wonder Woman is now a title I collect. It's never been a book I'ver read, let alone collected. Gail Simone has been doing wonders (heh, wonder) on this title since she took it over and every issue has been a must read since she came on. Looking forward to seeing how this first storyline finishes up.

Written by Peter David
Art by Pablo Raimondi
Following the events of MESSIAH COMPLEX, X-Factor Investigations is in shambles. Jamie is a basketcase from his trip to a nightmarish future, Layla’s fate is completely in the air, and Wolfsbane has to leave the team to join X-FORCE, though none of her friends can know about it. What will Wolfsbane tell the X-Factor team? What are they going to do about Layla? How is Jamie coping with his guilt? Get onboard here for X-Factor’s brand-new direction!
Kirk Says: Finally, a real X-Factor issue and not a Messiah Complex tie-in that features two pages of Jamie and Layla and that's it. Hopefully PAD hasn't lost any momentum after the three or four month break.

Written by Christopher Yost & Craig Kyle
Art by Clayton Crain
“ANGELS AND DEMONS” Part 1 (of 6)
There are lines that the X-Men have sworn never to cross. But after the shocking events of “Messiah Complex,” Cyclops realizes that some enemies need to be dealt with permanently… and the X-Men can never know about it. Enter WOLVERINE, WARPATH, X-23 and WOLFSBANE…X-FORCE.
Kirk Says: This book wreaks of the 90's. It's so overly EXTREME and grim and gritty looking. I don't know why I'm even picking this up. Oh ya, it's because Yost and Kyle wrote New X-Men, which didn't even get a freaking send off issue and just ended without any fanfare or notice during Messiah Complex. So, with the writers of my favourite X-title pre-MC, I'm going to give them some leeway to make this mutant kill squad work.
I too am looking forward the new f4 team, if only because it has recently been so bad. I am kinda disappointed that they are probably just gonna give reed a pass for his part in the crimes of the civil war.
and I totally agree with you on wolverine (the preview pages look fantastic), they should have had this dude on the book since the end of CW. everything in that book between cw and now was just so fucking awful.
I'm still bitter about how New was just killed, but I like yost and kyle so I'm giving x-force a shot.
Connor didn't die. He's in a -sigh- coma. I'm hoping the series picks up as well, but my faith in Winick is dwindling.
I too am looking forward to Nova Annual. Maybe it's an annual, because it also explains Nova's origin?
Ya, Connor didn't technically die, but they said he's brain dead. You don't just wake up from that. He shouldn't ever wake up unless they use some magic or we have a deal with Mephisto happening. If they had said coma or something more believable, yes, I could see it, but their description puts him as a vegetable on life support for the rest of his life. No continues, do not pass go on that one. But it's a comic, so he'll wake up as if nothing happened in a couple months.
"I hope we're not in for a string of guest pencillers like back around the Collective and Civil War stories."
No dice, solicts already has #39 by David Mack and #40 by Jim Cheung and another source says #41 is also by Jim Cheung and #42 by Billy Tan.
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