Jackpot is MJ. It doesn't say it in the book and there is by no means any confirmation by anyone, but if she isn't MJ, the writers are a bunch of idiots. There is no remote chance, whatsoever, that a tall, red headed, modelesque superhero can come out of nowhere, use Jackpot as her name and spout of every single disco era inspired catch phrase that Mary Jane had and not be MJ. That said, her interactions with Spider-Man were fun, but only if you can believe it isn't MJ. Everytime I look at her, I get nerd rage and want to just tear the page up, so it's good and bad.
Anyways, it's Brand New Day. If you liked it so far, keep on keepin' on. For the rest of us, nothing of value was lost. Hit the jump more of my ramblings and a spattering of previews.

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Tom Raney
The cosmic blockbuster thunders on – with our villains on the verge of victory! Ultron gets his hands on Star-Lord! Ronan makes a chilling revelation! Adam Warlock gets the shock he never expected! Writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning join forces with superstar artist Tom Raney to bring you the sci-fi event that Wizard calls "Mystery, action and adventure on a galactic scale!"
Kirk Says: If I were in prison, I'd be Annihilation's bitch by now. Thankfully, I'm not, so I get to enjoy this event each and every month. So far, there have been some fairly shocking events, a few deaths and a return to form for Ultron, but nothing really major storywise. At this point, I really don't see how they'll stop the Phalanx, but I have faith we'll get some major progression over the next couple issues as they build to the conclusion. As long as Mephisto doesn't come in and wipe the Phalanx from existence, I'll be happy.

Story by Paul Dini
Story consultant: Keith Giffen
Script by Adam Beechen
Art by Carlos Magno and Rodney Ramos
With the recent devastation behind them, the new Challengers return to our universe to face their next challenge. Also this month: a returning hero, a surprising future for Pied Piper, and Karate Kid fulfills his destiny.
Kirk Says: Countdown has been rocking it throughout the entire Monarch / Monitor War, but I fear the series is danger of heading back down the crapper with the apparent re-focusing on the Amazon plotline. Unless Darkseid does something major, everything from here on out will be one big anti-climax.

Written by Geoff Johns & Alex Ross
Art by Dale Eaglesham & Ruy Jose
"Thy Kingdom Come" explodes as Jakeem Thunder returns! The Justice Society reaches out to the next wave of legacy heroes: the new Mr. America, Judomaster, Amazing Man and more! Plus, another face familiar to the Kingdom Come Superman makes his presence known.
Kirk Says: Delays are killing this storyline. I find myself barely caring anymore and this used to be one of my most looked forward to books. The previews look nice so far, but I hope this issue actually accomplishes something in regards to the whole Kingdom Come premise. So far it's been KC Superman drinking tea and chatting with the heroes. Not exactly rivetting storytelling.

Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Tan Eng Huat
The Surfer resorts to desperate measures in his cosmic quest to avert galactic war. But, with patience running low and tempers burning bright, his one hope of restoring peace…is the threat of total annihilation. This one’s got it all, folks: turmoil, tragedy, and Terror From Beyond the Stars! Spurrier and Huat’s alien extravaganza roars to its sky-shaking finale, with the fate of worlds hanging in the balance!
Kirk Says: People went crazy over last year's Requiem miniseries featuring ol' chrome dome here, but I think In Thy Name has been better than that series on every level. JMS's tale was a decent story, but it wasn't a Silver Surfer story. That character wasn't any Silver Surfer I've read and all of the circumstances don't make any sense if it actually was our Surfer. It was also heavy handed and overly preachy, as most JMS tales are, further making it stick out as a medium for JMS and not a story about the Surfer. In Thy Name hits all the right notes with me and very much reminds me of the old Stan Lee days of the wandering philospher. Hopefully this final issue finishes as strong as the rest of the miniseries.

Written by Amy Wolfram
Art by Karl Kerschl and Serge Lapointe
The origin story of the Teen Titans continues as the focus falls on Aqualad, who must overcome his many phobias and get help above the waves when Aquaman goes rogue! Things aren't any better on land, as both Kid Flash and Speedy must confront the madness of the Flash and Green Arrow.
Kirk Says: Last issue was a nostolgia ridden lovefest for me, but I'm not sure how well this book actually is outside my rose covered glasses. Hopefully it actually is as good as I want to believe it is and there actually is a worthwhile story hidden behind all the nostolgia.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Michael Choi
Reeling from the events of Messiah Complex, the surviving mutants reassess Xavier’s dream amidst the rubble of the mansion. Betrayed by one of their own, and mourning the loss of former allies, is peaceful coexistence still an option? The only thing that’s certain is an uncertain future for mutantkind. Is anyone safe in a world without X-Men?
Kirk Says: That cover just looks wrong for some reason. It's as if the characters are all pasted onto it. They look like stiff action figures instead of actual people.
Cover aside, I think the honeymoon might be over with the X-Men and me. Messiah Complex was great. I do believe I really enjoyed it, but I'm not sure how much I like the new direction. X-Factor and New X-Men were amazing pre-MC. Carey's X-Men was great before he was forced to do the Marauder build up stuff. Uncanny was probaby the only one really in need of an overhaul, yet they retooled the entire line. Maybe it was just me enjoying most of the books and they actually did need a kick in the pants. I'll give Divided We Stand a chance, but the X-Men have been doing this 'no more X-Men' schtick for a long time and this doesn't look to be treading new ground.
Big things are coming to the X-Men. Messiah Complex was just the beginning, after Uncanny #500, each team will have a clear and distinct purpose.
Or so I'm told.
Oh man, don't jinx Annihilation: Conquest with references to Mephisto, One More Day or J. Quesada!
>>I think In Thy Name has been better than that series
I see the words. I know they convey an idea, but I just can't understand it. it's incomprehensible.
also, "each team will have a clear and distinct purpose." is what they've said about everything post mc.
and quite frankly, they've done the whole 'no x-men, for reals this time' thing before. I'm still pissed about New being gone. this doesn't not "fix" the x-men.
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