Monday, February 11, 2008

Marvel Didn't Cancel The Order..

But it's still ending. If Marvel didn't cancel it, why's it ending? Here's what Matt Fraction said in an interview I must have slept through when it showed up on Newsarama last week.

NRAMA: Do you have anything you'd like to say about the book's cancellation or future plans for the characters?

MF: That the book wasn't cancelled: I chose to end it. Marvel allowed me to choose to leave the stage, rather than to continue on in a state in which I felt was compromised and decidedly unawesome.

I don't think I was too clear about that on Word Balloon: it wasn't cancelled. I killed it. And if you're looking for the man that killed The Order, it was me.

Now watch, nobody's gonna read that and nobody's gonna care, because it's way more fun the other way. Oh well.

This still begs the question, why is the book ending? I assume sales have nothing to do with it now, although they were approaching cancellation levels. Was it because this was turning into a Nextwave thing where the book couldn't support Fraction and Kitson's salaries and Fraction didn't want to do the book with a different artist? Did he write himself into a corner or maybe wasn't enjoying the experience like he thought he would? Or was it simply he wanted to make room to do the recently announced Invincible Iron Man book with Salvador Larroca? I suppose this will bat around message boards for a few months like the first reason behind the cancellation until Fraction clarifies, yet again, why the book ended.

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Anonymous said...

From what I'd seen it seemed good, I think I considered it a few times, but I can't buy everything that interests me.

One thing that put me off however was what I consider lazy writing. Yes I know it's about becoming famous and working in the limelight but making one of the heroes a famous young actress who is caught in a nightvision sex tape isn't revolutionary writing. It's just going through a celebrity magazine and copying stories.

Anonymous said...

I genuinely believe he stopped the book because Marvel was taking Kitson off and he didn't want to continue it without him, particularly since the book would have eventually been canceled anyway. This way he gets to end it on his own terms, which will make for a much better read.

Sazyski said...

Maybe they were gonna throw 'Avengers' in the title(something they should have done from the start as soon as it became clear they couldn't use champions) to boost sales and re-tool the book into a new WCA.

Anonymous said...

Fraction's ego is so enormous that I don't think that he could handle having a failing book on his hands. This way, it looks like it was his call. He needs to chill a bit and act like a human being for once; he's so busy trashing the work of others all of the time that once he fails on his own, he can't handle "the truth."

Kirk Warren said...

Any chance you could elaborate on Fraction's ego? I haven't read any major interviews or anything that would suggest he's some ego maniac glory hog. I'm not saying you are wrong or making stuff up, but this is honestly the first time I've heard anything bad said about how Fraction handles himself professionally.

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