Friday, February 8, 2008

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 02/06/08

This week of under performers really took its toll on the Moments of the Week. I felt like I might have been reaching with some of these, but I also didn't really pick up as many books as usual to really get a good selection either. I heard Fables was quite good with the conclusion to Flycatchers' storyarc, but I pick that up in trades and won't find out about it for a few months, at the least.

Enjoy the slim pickings this week and let's all hope for a better showing next time around.


"Well...I am Groot."

Of course you are, Groot, of course you are. This joke gets me every time. I don't think it's ever going to get old hearing Groot say he's, well, Groot. Wonder what his plan is going to be and if it involves him being Groot.


"The Carpenter. Seriously?"

This scene in this week's Detective made me chuckle. It was probably the best momet of the week, actually. Right up there with the next moment.


"I'm from the future."

Starman was great as usual. Not much else to add to that except, weeeOOOOeeee!


"I found the sexy!"

Sadly, this was the only Machineman we got this month in Ms. Marvel. A bad sign of things to come? Hopefully he sticks around with a larger role in future issues or Reed gets put on a Machineman mini-series or ongoing.

"Skrulls? In my Marvel Comics? No way."

Anyone believe Ms. Marvel's a Skrull? Anyone? My guess is Tony is setting up Dim Sum there or someone else in Marvel's crew.


"Wally? You're alive? Ya, but they may as well be killing me in my own book."

I'm not a huge Flash buff, but can Wally even get drunk or does his body just metabolize the alcohol quicker than he can drink it? Beer questions aside, you'd think the lazy bum would help Nightwing unpack. It'd take him like 10 seconds top to unpack the wall of boxes behind them. Oh, and this page is like one of four or five awesome Flash and Dick chatting pages.

"Anchovies? Bastard."

There's just so much going on in this one page. We've got the funny Hawkman and Wildcat exchange going on, Starman and his anchovie loving self, John Stewart doing a million different things at once while talking to Dick and a bunch of other random JSA members helping out. Little things like this are what I like about shared universes. Seeing everyone interacting in mundane situations always leads to good things.

"Aztek? Is that you?"

Just a cross section of a page where Dick was placing bugs on all the fallen heroes' graves in case the mystery badguys try to steal their bodies. Is that Aztek - The Ultimate Man or am I seeing things? If it is, hopefully the villains kidnap his body and do a little revival mojo on him for us.

"10 Nights of the Beast"

There was a time KG Beast wasn't a complete joke and I still remember those early days fondly, so this seen gives me pleasure in seeing him possibly up for revival. However, I do find it odd he was buried with his costume on and that weapon on his missing hand.



Does it make me a bad person for thinking the black guy was the one that stole her purse? I can't even use the excuse that I'm from the 40's like this time displaced hero. Sign of the times, I guess.


"Welcome to...Jurassic Park!"

While I disliked this issue on principle, this was a cool scene of what makes Cyclops tick. Zabu's expression as he's getting pet by Shanna makes me wish I was a sabertooth tiger, too.

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Anonymous said...

I love what I've heard of Starman. Still the occasional bit of brilliance can't interest me in JSA enough.

Just because not all black people are automatically guilty doesn't mean they can't be. The woman says someone stole her purse, there's a black guy seemingly running away. Why is she calling for help and confusing the issue if her husband's on the job.

Anonymous said...

Machine Man will be appearing in Ms. Marvel for a bit (as seen on the solicited cover for April), as well as getting his owns toyline in Marvel Comics Presents. Huzzah and weeeOOOOeeee.

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