Friday, February 1, 2008

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 01/30/08

Whoof. This took some work. I don't know if it's my longest set of Comic Book Moments of the Week, but it sure felt like it when I was putting it together. Maybe I'm just getting old.

There were a lot of great books this week and I felt like I was leaving some moments out simply because I was finding so many in the various books. I probably forgot something along the way, so if you think of any specific moment I missed, feel free to let us know in the comments and I'll see if I can scrounge up a scan of it.

Also, I got a chance to see the Justice League: The New Frontier movie screener the other day and it was seriously one of the best comic book movies, animated or live action, that I have ever seen. If you've been coming to this site for a while, you'll remember my DC: The New Frontier, the comic the movie is based on, review from last year. I'm going to try to put together a mini-review of it with the twenty or so screen captures I have from it for you this weekend, so you can look forward to that.

Enough of my jabberwocky. On with the show!



This was the best part of this week's Action Comics. I love the range of facial expressions Brainiac goes through as he tries to say he was wrong. I'm not a huge Legion buff, but I know all about Brainy and these are probably words he thought he'd never have to say. Frank did an excellent job on these panels in particular.

"Abilities: Grows extra eyes at will."

What the hell? This is worse than that Legion try out that could take his arm off for his power. Really scraping the super power barrel on this one guys.


"Good ol' Tasky."

You've got to love Taskmaster. He knows he's proper fucked in this scene and the minute he sees an opening, he's all over it. And don't worry about Crusader up there, he's a dirty Skrull. Well, not a Bendis Skrull, but a Skrull none the less.


"You'll always have a trophy case in my heart, Spoiler."

I fully expect DiDio to make an announcement that that is not actually Spoiler's tribute and only an artist's error that will be corrected in the trade.


"First page, first blood."

When I opened my copy of Black Adam and was greeted on the first page by this, I knew this issue was going to be everything I'd hoped.

"Fwam, fwam, fwam"

This is the aftermath of the blood bath started in the previous moment. I love the guy banging on the glass as Adam walks by, unphased by his desparate plees for help. Does that make me a horrible person?

"Chocolate Egg Creams"

First of all, go to this website for some chocolate cream egg fun. We knew he had to learn his word and this was the perfect way for Black Adam to do it. The looks of everyone's faces is priceless after the lightning hits.


"I'm Buck, er, Captain America."

I gave the costume a little flack, but this splash page by Epting makes it look pretty decent. I think the gloves are the biggest thing I have a problem with. They just don't look right. Maybe it's the colour or how they are just short gloves (ie, end at the wrist), but they really clash with the rest of the costume in my opinion. Still, much better looking than the early Ross images.


This was quite the ending to Cap this month. Nothing like a good ol' protestor hoe down to get the blood pumping. I like how there's the one, solitary guy shouting "Noooo" in the sea of people getting mowed down by gunfire. Can't wait to see the fallout of this play by the Red Skull. America's probalby going to be burning to the ground by the end of this arc.


"She keeps going and going and..."

Forerunner is a machine. Two days straight? I'm surprised the Thangarian is still moving after that little performance.



That dialogue is so bad, yet oh, so good, in a B-movie sort of way. I think it really captured the childish nature of Prime and fit the personality he's been written with since he came into the DCU.

"Brains vs. brawn? No contest!"

Earth-51 Batman didn't really think this one through too well. I know he's had the run of the place since everyone else retired on his Earth, but Superman-types can still put their fist through your head, even with Bat-armour on.

"We will, we will, rock you!"

I spliced a couple pages together so now everything you need to know is on this one image. Red Robin cries over Batman he didn't even know. Joker makes fun of him. Red Robin beats his head in with a big rock. Good times.



Oi, I was enjoying this time travel arc in FF, but I'm sure everyone knows, if you are presented with the above image as the opening to the book that you are going to be in trouble. Here's a rule, don't introduce retarded time travel rules and nonsense that doesn't make sense and then spend the entire issue contradicting yourself over and over in an attempt to add a "cool twist" to your story.


"Damn you, Johns!"

What kind of cocktease are you Johns? This is just plain mean and you know it. For those that didn't read the book, the next page has the Green Lanterns bust in and take the ring away from Scarecrow. They didn't even let us see the costume form on him like when Batman had the ring.

"No Green Lantern escapes the Alpha Lanterns."

Now this was a good idea. Let's hollow out our GL members and combine their husks with Manhunters to make some Internal Affairs division. I do believe Guy is going to have some run ins with these guys.


"Someone goofed."

With how much time they had to put this issue together, due to Cho's delays, you'd think someone would have caught the little blunder in the above image. If you're too lazy to click the image, of which I highlight the pertinent information, there's a group shot of the Mighty team with Wasp flying in front of Ms Marvel's face, to which she seems shocked at. Next panel has Ms Marvel saying she's going to go wake Wasp up from I assume when she got knocked out earlier in the issue. If Marvel is giving out No Prizes, I suggest it is due to the fact Carol is blonde.


Did Joe Q approve this? I can't believe there was a reference to Ben Reilly in the post-Clone Saga world. Maybe with the success of the Ultimate Clone Saga, Marvel is easing up on the Ben-hate? A deluded, single minded fan can only hope.


"I know...kung-fu."

I praised this What If? quite a bit in my reviews this week and this is just a sample of the badass Spidey becomes if he had stayed in Europe. This uber Spider Sense puts the JMS Other version to shame and that costume is just plain awesome. It retains just enough of the original's look while adding its own unique touches.

"Me? bad? Never. But maybe not quite as nice anymore."

Building on his super Spider Sense, I found this follow up scene was hilarious. "My should. That hurts. Snikt." Good stuff.



The last issue of Y didn't do it for me, but the ending was perfect with Yorick escaping, the fade out on the women living their lives and then the jacket floating through the air. It's a shame the series is over, but, alas, all good things come to an end.

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Ron Cacace said...

The jacket is in the shape of a Y.

Anonymous said...

O.k let me tried to no prize the Mighty Avengers goof. Carol wanted to let the New Avengers go but she couldn't just flat out say "you guys can go". Instead she tries to make it look like the MA's are way too busy with clean up- as they should be. The line "I'll try to wake Jan up" is simply code for "your so small I don't see you la la la. Or maybe she was going to knock Jan out for having really dumb thought bubbles.

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