Thursday, January 31, 2008

Weekly Crisis Comic Book Quick Shot Reviews for 01/30/08

Rounding out the week is another half a dozen or so reviews in my Comic Book Quick Shot Reviews. There's a few books I picked up but didn't review and I figured I'd give them a quick mention here.

Countdown to Adventure was a wash and only thing noteworthy was the fact Forerunner can have sex for 2 days straight.

And over in Batman, Spoiler got a shrine in the Batcave in Bruce's mind! I guess batarang prices have been going up, so he can only dream about it since he obviously doesn't have the cash to build it. Oh, and I don't know if it was intentional, but that last page with evil Batman having the power drill immediately made me think of Black Mask after seeing the Spoiler shrine earlier in the issue. Was the issue good though? Uh, Morrison is on crack. He wrote Batman as if he was on crack. He wakes up at the end. It was good...I think or something.

Anyways, on with the actual reviews!

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank & Jonathan Sibal

I think this was probably the strongest issue of the Legion storyline. It seems like Johns has finally gotten past the fan wankery of showing off splash pages of Legion shots and introducing eleventy billion different characters and the story is finally starting to take shape and build to a conclusion. That's not to say the early issues were bad, but they were definitely lacking any focus from my point of view.

I liked how they finally made mention of the lightning rod from the JSA / JLA crossover. Seems it can't be used until the crisis of the 31st century, which I guess is going to be in Final Crisis. Can't imagine there being another crisis after a final crisis, but DC does like that naming convention. It was good to see they tried to explain all the stars turning red through the use of one of the captured Legion members. Still doesn't make much sense, but it's a comic book and at least they tried.

Verdict - Check It

Written by Dan Slott
Art by Stefano Caselli

I love and hate this issue. Slott is doing wonders on this book and I believe Gage joined him this issue or is coming on board soon, so it can only get better with that. However, making new heroes, kiling them, then introducing more new heroes, building them up and killing them again is not the way to do things. This storyline isn't finished, but as of this issue, it looks like Hank Pym, Thor-Girl and Trauma were all killed in this issue. I think it's all going to be a fake out, but, more than likely, someone is going to end up dead by the end of this.

Taskmaster and Ant-Man are settling in nicely in this book and I'm so happy they both landed on their feet after Tasky looked to be off to prison post-Civil War and Ant-Man's series was cancelled. Slott also touched on Thor-Girl's relationship with the 'other' Thor that recently started showing up in the Marvel Universe.

So, getting back to my opening line, I love the developments and variety of new and old characters and this book is my favourite Avengers title, but if it turns out Slott's just going to cannibilize his own characters and bring in a fresh batch every 6 months, he can count me out.

Verdict - Must Read

Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Paul Pelletier

Rule number one of time travel stories - don't try to explain time travel stories. I knew this wasn't going to be pretty when the first two pages are dedicated to explaining an as yet to be seen law of time travel that would later be referenced about 80 times before the end of the issue in an attempt to explain what the hell Doom was trying to accomplish by coming back in time.

Speaking of which, the future literally was perfect and Doom just wanted to be the one to get credit for it instead of Reed. Of course, the two FF teams had to fight each other at one point or the book would have ended after about 10 pages. In the end, Doom got sent to an alternate time line where the Hulk killed all the heroes during WWH and then committed suicide after finding out it wasn't their fault. Right, send the egomanical dictator from the future to rule an alternate timeline. Real kind to the other people there. After condemning another world to Doom's rule, the FF decide to dedicate their lives to making the world a better place. Your head will hurt if you have to read the actual time travel logic these people were trying to use to justify all this nonsense.

Verdict - Avoid It

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Mark Bagley

Mighty Avengers is definitely improving in my eyes after the Ultron story. The biggest detriment to the book at the moment is basically the fault of said Ultron story. The book is currently way behind schedule and out of sync with the rest of the Marvel Universe, specifically its sister title, New Avengers.

Bendis does his best at retelling a story we know the details of, which we witnessed in New Avengers months ago, but it's still not enough to make this issue really shine, especially with the other two Avengers titles coming out this week. While I enjoyed Iron Man's trip to Reed's lab, it really killed any momentum the story had been building.

We have all these Venom and Carange's running around, lots of potential for action and super heroing and the entire story is spent with Tony freaking about Skrulls while making a cure for the Venom virus. He then proceeds to just spray everyone and the event is over. Very anticlimactic.

However, I really liked the new Marvel Adventures ripoff development with Wasp and I think it's about time she got an upgrade. I assume this basically excludes Hank from any and all future Avengers teams though, as he's completely redundant with the shrinking / growing Wasp.

The biggest and bestest news from this issue was a cameo by Ben Reilly in Tony's symbiote host files and you should all buy this book to show Marvel you want more of him. What? You don't like Ben? Screw you guys! Scarlet Spider rules! Bring back Ben! I'll go cry in the corner now.

Verdict - Check It

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Carlo Pagulayan

This was a great fight issue, but there really isn't anything to say. Hood and his goons show up at Strange's place, remove barrier, brawl ensues, Avengers win. The end. There's some freaky stuff like Hood 'killing' Strange and Strange later reviving in some demonic trance and owning everyone before leaving the team to relearn magic or something, but, for the most part, heroes are fighting villains, there's some Bendis speak and the issue ends with most of them captured and the Hood managing to escape. He appears to be talking to some advisor and I believe it's either his cousin, which seems unlikely, or a Skrull of some kind.

The art really made this issue and I don't think Yu could have handled this nearly as well. Solid ending to this storyline and a great issue.

Verdict - Must Read

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen

Bendis utilized a unique narrative this issue that really pulled me into this story. All his issues are overly wordy and full of Bendis speak, but this time around he chose to shift the perspective and narrative of the story throughout the various cast members, including Moose, Mary Jane, Peter, Kitty and so on. It's hard to describe exactly how this read, but, to me at least, I just found it refreshing and like Bendis was finally letting us get to know the great supporting cast he's built up.

Moose's section was particular enjoyable. He's in love with Kitty and is really pumped about it and you can see him pumping himself up about asking her out, kissing her, being a man and not wimping out over it and then deflating shortly afterwards. It's also revealed, and I may have missed this somewhere along the way, that he knows Peter is Spider-Man. He would like to talk to him about Kitty, but he knows he'd just spaz out if he found out he knew who he was. This was all covered in a single page and quite enjoyable.

Well, with how much time I spent on Moose's little segue, I guess I'll wrap this up quick. Iceman and Human Torch come to Pete's school. Everyone decides to hang out and go to the beach. At a bonfire, much like the last one they had when the Torch was there, Liz bursts into flames and is apparently the new Firestar and a mutant, which should be interesting for the mutant hating Liz. It was a nice twist, if a bit predictable, and ended a great issue.

Verdict - Must Read

Written by Robert Kirkman
Art by Salvador Larroca

Apocalypse shows up at the end of this issue.

Oh, you want to know more? Um, Mr Sinister kills a bunch of Morlocks and then turns into Apocalypse.

Even more than that? Jesus, uh, the X-Men tried to stop him...I guess. Wolverine stabbed Bishop. Sniktbub.

Verdict - Avoid It

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Sazyski said...

really, if slott is gonna make characters I really like keep dying, I don't wanna be on that roller coaster.

Kirk Warren said...

I think I hit the wrong button when I was moderating comments because I can't get Christine's comment to appear, so here's the quoted text:

Christine Said:

"Daredevil must have made fun of his haircut, kicked his dog and told him his mother dresses him funny because this is some messed up shit he's doing to Matt as of late."

Yeah, when a blind guy makes fun of your haircut and the way you dress you know it has to be bad... :)

Jokes aside, great reviews as always.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kirk,

Not sure if you caught it, but in the previous Avengers issue, there's a coversation with Cassie Lang and Hank Pym about her dad possibly being alive after getting exploded because he could shrink himself into the microverse. I'm betting that's how lame ass Hank Pym survives getting incinerated. My other feelings on the issue: as much as I'm enjoying the story so far, I am getting tired of what appears to be Marvel's official policy of killing off young heroes with potential...whether they be New X-Men, the old New Warriors, and now promising Initiative recruits. Enough is enough already.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kirk! You forgot to mention who the big bad guy behind the symbiote attack in Mighty Avengers was. Maybe you didn't want it spoiled? I just thought that you got interested when you saw the end since that guy's already been scheming in a lot of other Marvel comics, like you yourself said in an earlier review. =)

IslandLiberal said...

Hank is quite obviously not dead (he survived a nuclear bomb in #2), but the others probably are (I'll miss Thor Girl; she was fun; Trauma, I never cared about).

Kirk Warren said...

@brother129 - that would actually be pretty awesome if Slott brought him and Hank back in that manner. He'd have to explain why Lang couldn't have come back by himself though, but definitely doable.

@anonymous - I suppose I did forget to mention Doom. I just sort of assumed everyone knew already and it didn't seem important since it was revealed in New Avengers 36 months ago and the solicits for next issue and preview covers all mention / show Doom already.

@islandliberal - I know he's most likely alive, but I was just emphasizing the amount of people potentially killed in that issue, all of which seem like so much wasted potential if Slott simply discards them.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, was Doom already revealed at the end of the symbiote arc in New Avengers? So this either demonstrates how stupid and forgetful I am or how long its been since this arc was resolved back in NA.

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