Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ultimate Fantastic Four #50 Review

Written by Mike Carey
Art by Tyler Kirkham

This was a bit of a return to form for Carey on Fantastic Four. Maybe it was the stress of putting together the Messiah Complex event that was causing the dip in quality for the last half a dozen issues.

Whatever the reason, the Thanos story is finally back on track and issue #50 marks a return to what made me stick with Carey's run post-Millar / Land. Reed's Cosmic Cube has activated defense measures as someone tries to steal it while the FF are in Russia. It creates a null space that freezes everyone in place in a giant, several NYC blockswide cube. Reed, being the creator of the cube, tells the cube to let him in. From there it's one person / cosmic group after another trying to take the cube from him.

Not sure where this story is going, but I think I'm going to like it based on this first issue.

Verdict - Check It

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