Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista
Hmm, this was better than the Robin book has been in a while, but still not what I would call spectacular. It reads very much like a 'new writer just joined' issue with new characters showing up, a return to old supporting cast members and the whole bag of tricks.
However, it does show signs of promise. Dixon hints at Spoiler quite a bit and shows he has at least a basic understanding of how people felt about that character based on how he treats her, even having Robin questioning the no memorial in the Batcave and so on. He also has Tim do a double take on a girl at his school, thinking she's Spoiler based on how she walks and looks from a distance. I liked the character, so these minor things are a bigger deal to me than most I suppose. I hope this ties into Gotham Underground's new Spoiler.
Overall, a good start for Dixon and there's potential for this run. If you liked the character and weren't satisfied with the book since Beechan bastardized it, you might want to give this issue a go and see how it treats you.
Verdict - Check It
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