Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Green Lantern / Sinestro Corps Secret Files

The GL / SC Secret Files #1 came out last week, but, after seeing it was mostly character profiles and I was pressed for time with the holidays, I never really got a chance to sit down and make my way through until today.

It's actually one of the best Secret Files books I've ever read. While most of the Green Lantern and general Guardian / Oa / ring related stuff could easily be found on the internet, it was still nice to have it all in a single place for reference. However, the Sinestro Corps stuff was my favourite part and highly informative. It really fleshed the mass of yellow canon fodder out and made me actually care about some of these guys. More after the jump.

For instance, the Sinestro member, Kiriazis, in the image above made her debut in this Secret Files issue, along with a couple other new SC members. She's one of the coolest designs I've seen in recent memory and I can't wait to see her actual in-comic debut. The way she uses her powers seems to be quite unique as well based on the description. Another interesting character was the four armed Smithwick. He appeared to be just Random SC Member #108332 when he appeared in the Sinestro Corps Special, but, apparently, he's of the same species as the Green Lantern Salaak and has sworn to find and kill him as he considers him a disgrace to his race. There's a wealth of information on the various unnamed or background Sinestro Corps members and, as far as I know, this is the first time we are learning about it, making this a great source of information for anyone still enamoured with the recently ended Green Lantern event.

However, the thing I wanted to point out most today was the Green Lantern Saarek, the other person featured in the image above. While he isn't a new character or even someone created by Geoff Johns, just read that mini biography and tell me there's not something fishy about that, especially knowing that the Blackest Night will be heavily focused on death and dead characters. Used telepathy to make contact with the dead? Away from Oa for years and only rarely checks in with the Guardians? Most think he's insane? He's not much to look at, but the fact he was featured in this issue and our knowledge of upcoming events, I get a sneaking suspicion that he'll be featured in some form or another in the upcoming Blackest Night.

If you're looking for a nice bookend to cap off the Sinestro Corps War or just have a desire to know more about the various GL and SC members, then this Secret Files will have everything you want and more. If you're only interested in actual stories, stay away from this as there's only a single short story to be had in the entire thing.

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Anonymous said... 1

Actually, Kirazias was first named in the 'Tales of the Sinestro Corps' backup stories in Green lantern, named by Lyssa Drak along with 'Low, who consumes his enemies bones while they still breathe'.

Kirk Warren said... 2

But Kirazias is a female (not sure if you mistyped "his enemies"). I was going based on the image in the profile stating First Appearance: GL / SC Secret Files #1. If it's just a one off statement by Lyssa, they may have changed the concept of her since using her name in the Tales of the Sinestro Corps backups.

Anonymous said... 3

I meant that Lyssa mentioned one named Kiraziakis and one named Low.

Anonymous said... 4

Nicely enough Secret Filess gives previously unknown info about lanterns that only made cameos such as Volk, Ghr'll and Xylpth, Krista X and more as well as other little unknown tidbits about other GLs. This info previously existed in Geoff Johns head and can't be found in comics or the internet. Some of it also explains little facts like how Medphyll survived two deaths (transferred his consciousness to other plants) and who Ch'p's successor is. I was prepared for disappointment and rehashing, but this files was worthwhile.

Anonymous said... 5 the beer. Umm...good.

The other funny is that the Sinestro Corp member (don'thave comic with me right now) who is human..oid with the red face and beard (not the one with the GL brother) is based on a real life person. He's the owner of a comics shop I stop in at in Fort Pierce Florida. Looks just like him!!!!

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