"Turns out Jameson was tsundere for Spidey all this time."
Wondering what the one thing they couldn't do with a married Spider-Man was? Well, turns out it's a gay Peter and Jameson relationship! Okay, so that's not exactly what this image is about, but couldn't they have at least used a horizontal positioning for this layout. I'm still having nightmares.
"What, like robot pornography?"
Robo agrees to go on a year long mission to Mars to ensure the rover lands properly. The only thing he asked for was a large selection of books to read so he doesn't lose his mind alone on this trip. How this turned into a discussion robot pornography is a mystery to me, but was funny as hell. Also, make note of the last couple panels on page 2 as it leads into the next moment.
"Stephen Hawking is a bastard."
The first page picks up after the previous moment while the second page is at the end of the book after Robo has completed the Mars mission. It turns out Stephen Hawking told Nasa that Robo had a stand by mode for some reason and Nasa didn't bother supplying him with any books or entertainment since they assumed he'd be in hibernation the entire trip. Robo dedicated the entire year he spent on Mars to placing rocks in large enough quantities so as to see "Stephen Hawking is a bastard" from space. I love this book.
"Sewer pipes. The Super Mario Strategy."
This scene would have made it with the whole 'tactical genius' bit, but throwing in a Mario Bros joke sealed the deal.
"Damn, he got away again!"
Deadpool shows Kazaar why he should really consider using guns instead of rocks and sticks.
"We are Venomasaurus! Let us eat your brains!"
A city full of symbiote clad people? Pff, Deadpool has to put up with a city full of rampaging dinosaurs fresh from the Savage Land covered in symbiotes by himself. Top that Avengers.
"I'm Rick James, bitch. Show me your titties!"
The milk's gone sour in this dust off between Donna Troy and, uh, Donna Troy as our Earth's Donna shows evil Donna what the four fingers said to the face. Okay, I'll stop with the Rick James jokes. Bitch.
"Shut up. Child."This is why you don't mess with the quiet old dude that has been to a billion tournaments - they wreck your shit the first chance they get as Davos finds out in this painful humiliation at the hands (mist?) of Prince of Orphans. Danny and Fat Cobra can only look on in stunned silence wondering what the hell just happened. On a scale of one to awesome, this was an eleven.
Fat Cobra lives life dangerously in this scene while a scared shitless Danny goes over to talk to Prince of Orphans.
"I cannot hear you over returning fire!"
I think this new Hercules book has Ares acting out of character compared to his mini-series from a few years back and even with his recent Mighty Avengers stint. I know he has history with Herc, but this entire thing comes off as just far too over the top for my tastes. That said, this was a fairly funny scene.
This was a hilarious take on the old ads that used to run in most comic books back in the day. Marvel needs to launch a Mini Marvels title already or make these monthly one or two page back ups in the titles. I think I enjoy their take on most events over the actual events. In case you can't read it at the bottom, it says "I have enclosed a [ ] check [ ] money order for $100 million dollars.", in the cut out form you send away for your own personal Iron Man armour. The 5 gifts are hard to make out as well and they are: ninja stealth, archery, kickball, card tricks and break dancing.
"Cooties - the number one killer of mutants."
For those wondering how Sinister bought the farm last chapter, here's the flashback showing him dead and loving it. They go to great lengths of letting us know he's really dead by showing it and stating it a couple times. So this is going to make it that much worse when he returns next year or whenever they get around to it.
I liked how she took out sinister. It's wholly believable that he isn't actually dead, just incapacitated for enough time for things to happen on the island.
It's much better than a broken neck or gunshot would be.
I have no problem with how Sinister died. I just have a problem with him dying in the first place.
He literally had no purpose or reason for being in this story. He's done nothing but stand or sit and look badass. The one time he did anything was a brief fight with Colossus and Storm in the middle of hte event.
If they had no other reason to have him in the story than to simply kill him, why include him in the first place? The death is cheap and WILL be retconned the first chance they get. Shock value and nothing but.
So yes, it was a cool and believable way to take him down, but completely unnecessary.
oh, I totally agree there.
First off I don't read X-men, except Exiles. Even for comic character Sinister's death isn't that great. Doesn't he just clone himself everyonce in a while?
For that matter doesn't he clone the marauders, or the naughty boys (not sure of the name). I haven't been following but I was thinking if they lost their powers after M Day he could just kill them and make a new copy who didn't lose it's powers.
is Sinister in Rogue now? I don't wanna be ignorant cause i quit X-Men except for following on certain sites, but that looked like some pretty hefty skin-to-skin contact to me
@randallw - As far as I know, Sinister is immortal due to his pact with Apocalypse (not invincible, can still die, just will keep living until killed) and does not clone himself. He seems to have clones of most of the Marauders from the original Mutant Massacre, but I dont think Lady Mastermind, Gambit, Sunfire, etc have back up clones.
@oracle_x - That's a good question. It's possible Sinister could be existing inside Rogue or she could take on personality traits (when she wakes up) of him.
HOwever, since you haven't been following X-Men, during Carey's run, Rogue absorbed the Hecatomb (could have that spelt wrong), which is a pyschich entity from the result of a bomb that killed millions (billions maybe, I forget) aliens. Due to absorbing it, she's been goign insane, wanting to touch people, unable to control her powers, etc. This was on top of a virus she had from an earlier encounter in Carey's run.
The end result is that anyone that touches her dies instantly. Her ability is far stronger and more deadly than it has ever been and that's why he died from the slightest touch to Rogue, whereas, in the past, Gambit has kissed her and only passed out or be put in a coma, etc.
Those Deadpool pages are pretty good. lol
ah, now I remember where I got that idea. It was this huge book about marvel characters I found at the library. I seemed to forget half the time it had the wrong picture for whomever it was talking about. Not very reliable.
I'm pretty sure I read in a character guide somewhere that Sinister's one of those types who keeps a bank of blank cloned bodies to transmit his mind into whenever he gets killed.
thanks for the great moments kirk. I loved the fat cobra one.
theres one thing that confuses me on countdown. I thought they said in the beginning that donna troy was a singularity, so who come theres another donna troy. (i did like the smack down.)
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