"Time does not concern me."
Mongul's quickly returning to his father's former pre-Crisis King Badass of the Universe status now that he has a Sinestro ring. All he needs now is a solid display of power over some named heroes / Corps members and his return to form will be complete.
"You'll regret this come Blackest Night."
Anyone else think this is going to come back and bite him in the ass once the dead start rising with Black Lantern rings?
There's a few panels cut off where they first start making fun of Tony's former female Ultron body, but the best part is this scene where Ares gets in on the action. His reaction to Wasp is awesome because it's probably what Hank Pym would have done.
"She will be mine. Oh yes, she will be mine."
Ares reaction to Spider-Woman's joining the team could be attributed to her pheramones, but I'm going to blame it on Ares being the man. Bob looks a little constipated in the same scene, so I doubt it's her powers at work. The next scene is another classic, if overused, Sentry throwing things into the Sun joke. Those never get old.
"Super-hero fashion 101 - don't wear a leisure suit for a costume."
What was Wonder Man thinking when he decided, "Hey, my old costume's a little shitty, I'm going to just pull out random things in my dad's closet and wear that as a costume.". What was Marvel or the writers thinking when they put him in this mockery of a "costume". While Janet's taste in fashion is a little shitty as well, at least she got him out of that jacket suit thing and the Luke Cage comment from Ms Marvel was pretty funny as well.
"We need to talk."
Dick never gets the 'we need to talk' from Supes. He's always the nicer, friends-with-everyone version of Batman and that's why this final page of this week's issue really caught my attention. Dick didn't do anything this issue either that would warrant a Superman 'talk'. Curious to find out what happens next solely based on this last page.
"I kan reed n rite gud."
Poor Rhino. With writing skills like this, it's a wonder he became a muscle bound idiot in a rhino suit.
"J'onn, is that you?"
This is about the only thing interesting to come out of Salvation Run this week. Not sure what purpose this double agent twist really serves, though.
"Random person I don't know died! Oh noes!"
The Twelve was a rather mundane and kind of boring story as we are introduced to all twelve obscure and unknown heroes one after another until the very end of the book. I was probably going to drop it until the last couple pages when they finally found out they were getting the Captain America treatment, but even that was a bit redundant. It was this final splash page that really sucked me in and now I'm left with wondering what the heck happened. My guess? Guy with the gun is secretly gay for the blue guy. Blue guy covered up his sexy chesticles now that he's in the future and, deprived of his eye candy, the guy with the gun shot him. Can't wait to see if I'm right.
"Does this mean you want a divorce?"
This was probably one of the best moments this week and I think they really nailed it. Probably had something to do with PAD being the writer of X-Factor and these being the only X-Factor members that are featured in this crossover. Loved how Layla was really upset about killing Madrox and even used her usual catch phrase about knowing stuff, but with the slight change of Miller to Madrox here, tying back to her saying they'd eventually get married. No clue how she'll get back in time though...
"And the winner for best off panel death goes to..."
Can't believe they killed Sinister off panel. On top of that, they have him die to the non-powered shapeshifter, Mystique. Up until now, Sinister hasn't really done anything in this storyline. I'm not sure what the point of including him was if this is all they had planned for him. However, it was a pretty shocking moment seeing this, but by the looks of it, that was its only purpose.
Sinister? Actually dead? I'll believe that, well, never.
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