Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Blue Beetle #23 Review

Written by John Rogers
Art by Rafael Albuquerque

Must have missed this when I did my previews because it's always on my pull list. It's probaby one of the top 2 or 3 books coming out of DC and this issue is possibly the strongest one to date.

Jaime basically takes the fight to the Reach this issue and just when it looks like he's going to suceed, everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Friends and family possibly killed? Check. Home destroyed? Check. Taken prisoner by the Reach? Check. Mystical scarab that gives you your powers forcibly torn from your spine? Check. The Parker luck's gotten nothing on this.

Oh ya, there's tonnes of Ted Kord love this issue, ranging from a "What would Ted Kord do?" poster in Jaime's bedroom to the numerous mentions to his work and knowledge that Jaime uses to enter the Bleed. There's also a Booster joke about how in the future big breasts in sweaters are referred to as 'sweater nebulas'. Gold Jerry, gold.

Verdict - Must Read

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