Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Astonishing X-Men #24 Review

Written by Joss Whedon
Art by John Cassaday

As many of you pointed out in the comments for my previews, this is not the actual conclusion to the Breakworld storyline. As it turns out, I must have missed the memo where Giant Sized Astonishing was turned into the concluding part. I could have sworn that was originally a sort of afterthought "if we have time, we'll do it" type of issue that would be an epilogue and bridging issue. I was wrong and finding that out as I read this issue really put a downer on my enjoyment of this. I really thought I'd get the conclusion and now I'll be lucky to have it by the end of the year with the typical delays this book gets.

After how incredible the last couple issues have been, it was inevitable this issue would fall short of the bar. It felt more like Whedon was waiting for the Giant Sized to finish the story and this issue reads a bit like filler or "decompression". Fear not though, it's still a very solid issue, but below standard for this title's typical level of quality.

The X-Men start by splitting up into two teams, one to take out the rocket and the other to negotiate with the Breakworld leader. Cyclops team, which includes Colossus, heads to the Breakworld leader. As Cyclops attempts to negotiate with Arghanne, Ord busts in and kills Arg, prompting Cyclops to tell Colossus to enter the light and destroy the Breakworld.

Meanwhile, the other team sets up the big conclusion on the missile. As Kitty tries to stop it, she realizes the missile is more like a bullet and has no circutry that she can phase through and destroy. During this time, the missile launches, taking Kitty with it to destroy Earth.

Verdict - Check It. Like I said, Whedon just moves some pieces around the board despite having set up his big conclusion set up last issue, making this just a bunch of redundant fluff as we wait for the actual main event to start whenever he decides to write the final script.

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