Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ultimate Iron Man II #1 Review

Written by Orson Scott Card
Art by Pasqual Ferry

I'm not sure what to make of this. I probably should have re-read Ultimate Iron Man I first, but ended up just diving back into Card's UIM expecting big things, but ended up with another odd, but decent 'origin' story for Ultimate Iron Man.

This issue deals with Tony Stark being forced to lend his robot, which is actually his Iron Man armour, to the government to deal with some terrorists. Tony suits up and takes Rhodes, in a War Machine variation of the armour, to go kill terrorists. The rest of the issue consists of him killing terrorists until a little boy tries to suicide bomb him. They stop him before he kills himself and then go and try to save his father, who is also a terrorist. Really. This is what happens. I'm not sure if this is some American propaganda machine or if there's actually something happening. It's not as bad as the summary makes it out to be, but it's definitely not the best start to a mini-series. Worth checking out if you enjoyed the first one though.

Verdict - Check It.

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