Friday, December 14, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 12/12/07

Green Lantern dominates this week's Comic Book Moments of the Week after the explosive conclusion to the Sinestro Corps War. There's also a full compliment of moments from other books on top of that. So, hit the jump and see all of this week's great moments for yourself!


"Who watches the Watchmen? Steve, apparently."

Sorry for how hard it is to make out all the writing in this scan, but I'll give a breakdown for speculation's sake.
  • The Ghost Detectives have all the answers! - No clue who the Ghost Detectives are.
  • No Ray Palmer = Disaster - Ray Palmer is obviously Countdown related.
  • ?Who controls the Wildebeest Society? - Again, no clue on the Wildebeest Society.
  • The Sun Devils will save us all! - Sun Devils? Maybe the Sun Eater or possibly related to Superman's dependance on the Sun for power?
  • Lightning Saga(s) Strike Twice??? - I assume the Lightning Saga one will be handled by Johns in the future and deal with whatever Brainiac has in that lightning rod of his.
  • 3000+8 - Not sure what 3000+8 means. Maybe deals with the Legion in the 31st century somehow?
  • Who will escape the Book of Destiny? - Book of Destiny is Sandman related, but I assume it's just an offhand remark that has no relation to that Vertigo series.
  • Steve is watching - No clue here. I'm guessing an editor or some personal or inside joke on Johns part.
  • Death of the Supermen - Arena related maybe? Or, if the Supermen are the "Sun Devils", they could die saving us.
  • No trophy = Stephanie? - The 'No trophy" one is obviously referencing Spoiler and her lack of a trophy case in the Batcave. With a Spoiler appearing in Gotham Underground, does this mean she's alive?
  • Who does Supernova work for? - Will be handled in Booster Gold
  • GOG is DEAD! The Age of Gog is upon us! - Not sure what the Gog one is for, but he's from Kingdom Come. I'm guessing, since Johns writes JSA, he will show up in that Thy Kingdom Come story he's been writing.
  • The vigilante knows the traitor - the League does NOT - Sounds like vigilante is Batman and the League is the JLA. It's interesting that it's not "knows who the traitor is", but is literally, "knows the traitor", as in is personally acquainted with him or her. Can't really make any guesses here as there's been no reference to a traitor in JLA to my knowledge.

"Blues & Gold"

Just a cool splash page that promises the potential return of Ted Kord.


"This is going to be messy."

Yes, more senseless death to sell issues! Go Countdown, go! At the rate the Multiverse is losing heroes and planets, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say DC will be retconning it out of existance come Final Crisis.


"Best New Villain - Evil Cloud"

Damn you Cumlonimbus! I assume this was supposed to be a sniper shot from a Boomtube or something, but it just looks like that cloud didn't like Connor.


Okay, I'm posting a lot of images from GL#25 here. I don't like posting this many images from any one comic, but seeing as it's an oversized issue, I'll bend the rules a little here. I probably could have picked another half a dozen images to go with these, so I recommend buying the book. It's the best ending to an event or storyline since Annihilation.

"You are one ugly, mother-"

Poor Predator gets killed in the left side of the first of several splash pages. There's just so many small details in this one image that I don't know where to begin to start listing any characters.

"As for the non-Green Lanterns."

Another spectacular splash page. I won't waste words describing the awesomeness of it. Just click and enjoy. There's so many random heroes on this page that I find a new one everytime I look at it. Like just now, I noticed Wonder Girl between Prime and Power Girl's legs. So much detail on things most people will probably not even notice.

"Go, go Power Rangers!"

I love these new character designs for random Corps members. I really hope some of them make it into the actual book if Johns does bring in all these random emotion based Corps's. The Red Lanterns all look pretty badass and the bottom right and the one in the middle are my favourite of the bunch. The Zamarians are the least inspired of the bunch. They could use a little work in the costume department, I think.

"Ding dong, the emo's dead!"

Emoboy Prime is dead! Three cheers! This scene would have been a little more dramatic if we didn't already know Prime was alive and well in Countdown. I'm pretty sure they stuck him floating in space at the end of this issue simply because his survival was already spoiled.

"The Guardians of the Universe are absent no more!"

Considering the fact these little, blue smurfs never do anything, I thought this scene was pretty badass. I'm still a little confused on the whole Crisis on Infinite Earths though. I was under the impression no one was supposed to remember it and now everyone knows who the Anti-Monitor is, what he did and what happened way back when.

"A hope and a prayer."

Is Ganthet actually going to make a Corps? I thought he wanted to prevent the Blackest Night. Isn't this just leading directly into that whole Power Ranger deal?

"Thanks for nothing Green Lanterns."

After apparently dying from the detonation of Warworld by the Green Lanterns, I found this to be a pretty sad fate for Cyborg Superman. The damn Manhunters had to bring him back and the single tear drove home how tragic the character really is.

"The Blackest Night"

And the final page for Green Lantern showed off a teaser for 2009's The Blackest Night, which is going to be the final part of Johns' trilogy for Green Lantern that started with Rebirth and Sinestro Corps War. The Anti-Monitor was turned into a Black Power Battery at the end of this issue and it looks like whoever did it will be using the energy for a Black Corps that will raise the dead. I'm a little concerned with the whole DC Zombies thing, but there's a lot of time to go until then and I'm still pretty pumped for this after how good SCW was.


"Don't mind if I do!"

I liked how they used a parallel to how Hal first got his ring to show Mongul getting his. This scene would have been a lot better if they hadn't spoiled his joining the Sinestro Corps in the previews months ago with that cover image.


"I'm Batman. Wait, no I'm not."

And Night Thrasher is revealed to be...the original's brother. Considering he was the only possible candidate, this wasn't much of a shock. They could have did a little better job on the whole reveal, but I guess they'd dragged it on long enough.


"Okay, I'm impressed."

I was seriously not expecting this from Cosmo after last month's pyschic / talking escapades. Cosmo - best new character or bestest new character?

"Rocket style!"

I would put money down on a Cosmo series right now if Marvel announced it. This is just another funny scene where we're reminded he's a dog as well as pyschic / telekinetic powerhouse and talking space dog.


"Taste like chicken."

Earlier in the issue, Kraven blew up a winged horse named Aragorn. Shortly after, Kraven came around with supper for everyone. Vulture lets Rhino in on the fact Aragorn is the other, other white meat that he's currently eating to hilarious effect.


"So I blew her fucking brains out."

Tyrese and Michonne's little mission to kill any stragglers from the Woodbury army seems to have backfired on them. Tyrese was captured and, based on this last panel, Michonne had her brains blown out off panel. I subscribe to the no body, no death line of thought, but with Walking Dead, Kirkman doesn't shy away from killing people, so I'm inclined to agree with this last page. I also fear for what will happen to Tyrese. Last time someone was taken prisoner at Woodbury, Rick lost his hand, Michonne was raped and beaten and, all in all, it was a pretty bad time for everyone. After that defeat back at the prison, I'm going to guess Tyrese is in for a world of hurt.

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The Ancient One said...

The Ghost Detectives = Ralph & Sue Dibny.

The vigilante = The Vigilante in Marv Wolfman's series. Supposedly he's going to uncover a hero in the DCU who's a traitor, the effects of which will crossover into other titles.

Anonymous said...

Sun Devils was a series Dan Jurgens actually worked on -

I totally agree with you on GL #25 - it was basically a constant flow of great moments.

Anonymous said...

The Brave and The Bold has the book of Destiny in it.

Anonymous said...

The Book of Destiny is being used in The Brave and The Bold by the Challengers of the Unknown.

Kirk Warren said...

@scott - I feel a bit stupid now. Ralph and Sue seem so obvious now. Can't believe I missed that.

@anonymous#1 - Interesting, never heard of that Sun Devil series before, but considering Jurgens does the art on Booster Gold, it makes complete sense now.

@anonymous#2 - Never read Brave and the Bold. Thanks for letting me know. Only thing I could think of was the Book of Destiny that Destiny has chained to him in Sandman.

Anonymous said...

I think that Black Hand will have something to do with Blackest Night.

Andres said...

Like anonymous and craw said, the Book of Destiny is featured in the Brave and the Bold, in the first arc (numbers 1 to 6) different heroes have to recover the Book and in the end they have to give it to the only persons who doesn't appear in it (and their rightful owners, according to the story)...the Challengers of the Unknown; and now they are trying to find why it belongs to them.
And in the first image of GL#25 you posted, in the right superior corner a member of the Sinestro Corps looks like an Alien (the ones from the movie), and it´s even killing with his tail.

Kirk Warren said...

@andres - Ahah, wow, I didn't even notice the Alien. Nice find.

Anonymous said...

thanks. always look forward to these. even if i'm behind on some of my reading, it gives me stuff to look forward to. damn, the walking dead's recent issues have been intense as hell. kirkman is doing a great job, hope he injects more zombies with all the recent human drama too. and i hope michonne comes back and fucking slays everyone.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Mongul Junior. Like Darkseid, except interesting and complex. He's the Boba Fett to Darkseid's Darth Vader - out to get everyone, on his own terms, ratehr than simply take over the universe and expect it to bow to him.

The Dangster said...

did you read Salvation Run 2? it picked up interms of plot. Joker really stole the show.

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