Wednesday, November 14, 2007

World of Warcraft #1 Review

Written by Walt Simonson
Art by Ludo Lullabi

I've played World of Warcraft. I quit World of Warcraft. It dragged me back and I eventually got in a 12 step program to get off that crack addiction of a game. So having this hellspawn of a game enter my world of comics is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I get to satisfy my WoW cravings. On the other, it could be like giving Tony Stark a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Ignoring my vices, this was a pretty solid debut issue. As a WoW fan, it hit all the right notes. Lots of references to the game and its lore, showing off Simonson's attention to detail that made his Thor run so awesome all those years ago. I'm talking stuff like his references to Dire Maul, the various races and knowledge of their backgrounds and the assorted classes he uses in the issue, like the Night Elf Druid or the Orc Blademaster at the end. And none of these things come off as forced. Simonson makes them all flow naturally with the story.

My only complaints with the issue are concerning Simonson's choice of focus for this story. The gladiator theme was recently played out in Planet Hulk and, as of right now, it seems like he's going to follow through with the whole Gladiator rip off. That's not to say the issue wasn't good, but a video game property probably won't hold up with such a cliched premise.

However, it's only one issue and I enjoyed it enough to stick around for more, but it's worth noting, nonetheless. I'm also not sure how much non-WoW fans will like this. Fantasy buffs will most likely enjoy it, but they probably play WoW anyways. So, I'm curious if any non-WoW addicts actually picked this up and enjoyed it.

Verdict - Check It

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