Thursday, November 8, 2007

Weekly Crisis Comic Book Quick Shot Reviews for 11/07/07

It's Thursday and that means it's time for the Quick Shot Reviews. These are basically short and sweet reviews of the remaining books on my pull list that I didn't get a chance to do a full review of yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, I updated the Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews throughout the day yesterday, so make sure you check that out in case you missed any of the new reviews. Once you're caught up with those, hit the jump for today's reviews.

Written by Joss Whedon
Art by John Cassidy

Another great issue of Astonishing X-Men. I can actually remember the events of the last issue, so it must not have been a long delay between issues.

really stole the show in this issue and you can expect lots of loving in the Moments of the Week for him tomorrow. Whedon has managed to make Cyclops a true badass, a tough feat for the perennial second fiddle to Wolverine.

Whedon's dialogue continues to impress, especially the snide remarks between Kitty and Emma. Armour seems to be taking the Jubilee role while partnered with Wolverine. Pretty much every character gets to shine in this issue and there's plenty of action and character moments that make this a nearly perfect issue.

Only problem with this issue is the fact we probably won't see another one until after the new year.

Verdict - Must Read.

Written by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Pia Guerra

This was another amazing issue of Y: The Last Man. I can't believe there's only one issue remaining. After last issue's shocking cliffhanger, where Alter killed 355, I was expecting an issue where we'd deal with Yorick's feelings for her and the emotional fallout from that. What we got was Yorick opening a can up on Alter and a satisfying conclusion to her story.

I'm not sure what Vaughan has in store for the final issue, but it's been one heck of a ride and I can't wait for the conclusion.

Verdict - Must Read.

ROBIN #168
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Freddie Williams II

DC dropped the ball on this first part to the Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul. This arc doesn't start with a bang, but a whimper.

The entire issue consists of Robin being an obnoxious brat as he fights with Batman's son, Damian. Ra's shows up in a panel or two and Batman made a cameo as well. Other than that, this was just complete filler.

To be honest, I expect more of the same in next month's Nightwing. I wouldn't expect any actual story until Batman and Detective Comics step up to the plate.

Verdict - Avoid It.

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Aaron Lopresti

Another solid outing for Ms Marvel. I'm not sure what the deal with this blue alien is though. There's a lot of history being referenced, but I'm honestly not that knowledgable of Carol's past to connect the dots. Even without knowing all the fine details, it's still an accessible story that I enjoyed.

However, the Machine Man apperance in this issue is worth the cover price alone. It is easily one of the funniest scenes this week and you can look for it in tomorrow's Moments of the Week.

Verdict - Check It.

Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Barry Kitson

If you like The Order, you'll like this issue as it is more of the same with the one character being interviewed as a backdrop to the events of the current issue style that Fraction has used in every issue so far.

The Zobo's (zombie hobos) are still popping up all over the place. The team is still fighting them and there's some minor hints that the SHADOW organization is behind it. Who would have guessed the board of shadowy figures would be behind the mysterious threat?

And the cliffhanger from last issue where we thought Calamity was going to beat the drunk driver that took his legs from to death? They decided to just play the Wii instead.

Like I said, if you enjoyed every issue so far, you'll love this issue. However, the format that Fraction has chosen for this book just doesn't appeal to me.

Verdict - Check It.

Written by Kelley Puckett
Art by Drew Johnson

What the hell was this? The new creative team of Puckeet and Johnson took over Supergirl with this issue and I have no freaking clue what I just read. Was it a tie-in to the Sinestro Corps War? There's an army of Green Lanterns fighting some unknown menace that's opening portals...or something that could be construed as part of the SCW. It's never really made clear.

is here, too, and he sends Supergirl on some mission to follow a space ship. The rest of the issue is basically 7 pages of Supergirl flying through space. No text. No inner monologue. No descriptions. Just Supergirl flying in space.

At the end of her trip, she flies through and star and teleports back to Earth, looks at her watch, realizes it's been 2 hours and flies away. The end. Seriously, what the hell was this garbage?

Verdict - Burn It.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Billy Tan

Hey, look at this, another boring, nothing-happens addition to the Messiah Complex. Here's a brief synopsis.

We recap everything that happened in Messiah Complex. Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Angel and Colossus beat on a couple of no-name former Acolytes. Cyclops does anothe recap of Messiah Complex when they bring the X-Factor crew in to help find the new mutant.

I love wasting money on complete filler.

Verdict - Avoid It.

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