Monday, November 19, 2007

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 11/21/07

This week sees a bit of a lull in comics, at least compared to my pull lists from the last couple weeks. However, there are some noteworthy offerings from this week, most notably the Annihilation What If? and Captain America. There's also some more Legion action in Action Comics as well as the conclusion to the Fall of the Wall in Checkmate. Hit the jump for all the solicits and my thoughts on the books I'll be purchasing and reviewing this Wednesday.

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank and Jonathan Sibal

The return of the original Legion of Super-Heroes continues! The Man of Steel's jump to the future is anything but idyllic as he finds a world torn apart by strife and a populace that has turned on the Legion of Super-Heroes — and it's all because of Superman! But what went wrong, and how can Superman begin to fix it when he's Public Enemy #1?

Kirk Says: The first part of this Legion storyline was fairly average. I'm sure if I was a huge Legion fan, I would have enjoyed it much more than I did, but, as a first offering, it was just good enough to bring me back this month for round 2. Here's hoping for more action or story this time around.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting

The Falcon and Black Widow hunt together! Can they save the Winter Soldier from becoming a tool of the Red Skull again? And if they do, will he just go kill Tony Stark? And what of Agent 13, Sharon Carter, who shot the final bullets into her true love, Steve Rogers, and has seen her life fall apart since then? Those answers, much action, and more! From the Eisner Award-Winning Best Writer Ed Brubaker and Fan-Favorite Artist Steve Epting, who brought you the biggest selling comic of the year!

Kirk Says: Captain America is easily one of the best comics coming out of Marvel and as long as Brubaker and Epting are on this title, it'll always be on my pull list.

Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez

Catwoman's back to claim her title as Gotham City's top thief! Not only does she have to stay one step ahead of the Batman, but Gotham's underworld is out for her blood!

Kirk Says: Last issue was one of the best issues of Catwoman in recent memory. However, I'm not sure I like the direction DC is forcing this title to go in, but I'm willing to stick around to find out.

Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Joe Bennett and Jack Jadson

"The Fall of the Wall" concludes with a bang! Taskforce X marks the spot as the Royals force a showdown with Amanda Waller!

Kirk Says: This should be the best issue of Checkmate to date and I can't wait for the grand finale of this storyline.

Story by Paul Dini
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Script by Paul Dini
Art by Tom Derenick

The countdown continues with a new name and even bigger thrills! Karate Kid makes it to the bunker in Blüdhaven and confronts both Firestorm and the Atomic Knights! Jimmy Olsen enslaved on Apokolips! Mary Marvel not enslaved on Apokolips! The Monitor, Jason Todd and Donna Troy home in on Ray Palmer's trail! Desaad takes control! Lex Luthor kidnapped — but by whom? Trickster and Piper: One will live…one will die! And Mister Mxyzptlk explains it all! Plus, more DC VILLAINS origin backup stories, including: Desaad and Mr. Mxyzptlk!

Kirk Says: Paul Dini is actually doing all the writing for this issue, so it should be interesting to see if his presence will be a positive or negative for Countdown. He also gets to follow up on last week's Superman Prime rampage, which saw Prime destroy Earth-15. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what they'll do for a follow up to that action packed issue.

Written by Brian Augustyn
Art by Greg Tocchini

The quest heats up as one of the Challengers of the Beyond becomes an enemy. Plus, could finding Ray Palmer prove fatal?

Kirk Says: The Red Rain version of the Search for Ray Palmer was easily my favourite Countdown tie-in, mainly since that was my favourite Elseworlds tale. Gotham by Gaslight is another one of my favourite Elseworlds and I'm hoping we can get another solid outing this week.

Written by Steve Gerber and Matt Sturges
Art by Justiniano and Walden Wong and Stephen Segovia

Eclipso continues her maniacal mission to corrupt the heroes of the DCU! Find out who's next in her path! Plus, Doctor Fate enters a simple storefront that introduces him to a woman who will change his life!

Kirk Says: I'm not a big magic fan, but Countdown to Mystery has really been hitting all the right buttons with me. Some only like one or the other, in terms of the two stories offered, but I'm a fan of both and looking forward to seeing where each ends up.

Written by Paul Dini
Art by Ryan Benjamin and Saleem Crawford

"The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul," Part 3 of 7! Batman and I-Ching track down Ra's and Talia to their hideout while Nightwing pursues Robin! And why is the Invisible Map so important? All this, plus guest appearances by Talia al Ghul and Damian.

Kirk Says: Wolverine? Is that you? Ignoring the striking likeness of that cover, last week's Nightwing has me stoked for the rest of the Return of Ra's al Ghul. Now that the story has reached the main Bat titles, I expect the story to really take off.

Written Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente
Art by Khoi Pham


Kirk Says: Such a detailed and thought provoking solicit. Marvel must have spent days, or even weeks, on this solicit, which probably accounts for all the WWH delays. My guess for what happens? Cho says the Hulk rocks. Herc and the rest listen to whatever he says. Hulk loses fight to Sentry in recap / alternate telling of WWH. I regret buying the issue. Good times.

Written by Christos Gage
Art by Harvey Tolibao

S.H.I.E.L.D. has a problem, and her name is Madame Hydra. The leader of the world's deadliest terror organization is also the lawful ruler of Wolverine's old stomping ground: the island nation of Madripoor. Unable to depose her openly, S.H.I.E.L.D. sends in its best man to secretly take her down. His name? Stark...Tony Stark. But with his Extremis powers blocked and his Iron Man armor hovering in orbit for emergencies only, can the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. survive against enemies like Bloodscream and Roughhouse, who've nearly killed Wolverine himself? Wizard's 2007 Writer to Watch, Christos Gage (Iron Man), and in his stunning Marvel debut, artist Harvey Tolibao (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic), bring you a roller coaster ride of action and espionage that will change Madripoor forever!

Kirk Says: Love the homage cover to the old Nick Fury: Director of SHIELD books. Gage usually delivers an entertaining read and I'm expecting a fun, done-in-one story from this annual.

NEW X-MEN # 44
Written by Christopher Yost & Craig Kyle
Art by Humberto Ramos

The New X-Men have been ordered to remain at the mansion while the more experienced teams search for the abducted mutant baby. But the last generation of mutants isn’t content on the sidelines, launching a sneak attack on the Purifiers instead. But have they confronted an enemy that’s out of their league?

Kirk Says: Teaser images for this issue state the New X-Men suffer a "casualty". I hope Marvel isn't requiring a cheap death from the New X-Men to make this Messiah Complex story actually mean something. If someone has to die, all I ask is that Santo doesn't die. I don't think I could take it if they killed him off.

Written by Christos Gage
Art by Brian Denham

Songbird. Moonstone. The two longest-serving members of the Thunderbolts...but that's practically all they have in common. Songbird has vowed not to let Moonstone corrupt her team, while Moonstone schemes to kill Songbird in the field. This special issue follows the pair of heroes as they head inexorably toward confrontation...on a collision course that may tear the Thunderbolts apart!

Kirk Says: Another Gage offering this month. However, I'm not sure if he'll be able to fill Warren Ellis' shoes with this Thunderbolts one-shot, but I'm sure it will be a solid read nonetheless.

Written by David Hine
Art by Mico Suayan

The wave of ANNIHILATION nearly ravaged the cosmos...but WHAT IF Annihilus was not defeated in the outskirts of our galaxy? WHAT IF he brought his devastating alien armada to Earth? At the height of CIVIL WAR and SILENT WAR, can our planet's mightiest heroes put aside their differences long enough to save all of humanity?

Kirk Says: Hard to believe my most anticipated title this week is a What If?, but it is. Annihilation was awesome. Civil War not so much. Can a What If? that has the awesome Annihilation bleeding into the lackluster Civil War deliver the goods or will this mish mash of stories end in wasted money and tears for the faithful readers? The preview art looks incredible, so here's hoping they offer us something worthwhile.

*Note* Solicit information and covers from DC and Marvel respectively. This post does not contain all the comics coming out next week, just the ones I intend on purchasing.

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