Monday, November 12, 2007

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 11/14/07

It's Monday and that means it's time for the Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews! These are all the comics from my pull list for this upcoming Wednesday's week of comics. For those new to the site, these are not every comic that is coming out next week, just the ones I intend on purchasing. The previews are made up of the solicitation information from Marvel and DC with my own added comments on what I expect from the comic or storyline currently happening in said book.

That said, this is a spectacular week for comics and my wallet will be severely hurting after this Wednesday. Probably going to have to skip a couple meals with the huge selection of books to pick from, ranging from All-Star Superman to the final part of World War Hulk to everything in between. Hit the jump for all the previews.

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant

Behold the Eisner Award-winning creative powerhouse in another fantastic exhibition of All Star bravura! Perils loom as Superman faces the strangest of adversaries.

Kirk Says: Bravura - a brilliant and showy technical skill; from the Italian word meaning brave. Who says comics don't teach you anything?

This issue has been a long time coming and will more than likely overshadow the rapidly deflating WWH event's conclusion.

Written by Tom DeFalco
Art by Ron Frenz

As Spider-Girl learns the fate of a family member, the Hobgoblin unearths the secret origin of the Black Tarantula.

Kirk Says: Amazing Spider-Girl started off with a slow burn, but with the increased focus on Hobgoblin and Black Tarantula following an entertaining Carnage arc, this title's been rapidly returning to the former adjectively Spider-Girl title's greatness. Fresh off the Daredevil Annual's appearance of BT's father, I'm looking forward to seeing this issue.

Written by Dan Slott
Art by Stefano Caselli

When the Vulturians make off with some of our government's most classified secrets, it's up to the SCARLET SPIDERS to take them down before they can pass them off to a foreign power. By the time this adventure is over, expect to learn the identity of at least one of the men behind the Iron Spider masks!

All this, plus an appearance by a mystery Spidey villain. And Spider-Man fans take note: This issue features a VERY important Pre-ONE MORE DAY appearance by Peter Parker! A great jumping on point for one of Marvel's hottest new titles!

Kirk Says: A "VERY" important pre-OMD appearance of Peter Parker? I take it this issue takes place before the first two parts of OMD then. Honestly, though, all I can see coming out of this is Peter beating up on the Scarlet Spiders and finding out the identity of one of the Spiders. Avengers Initiative is an excellent title, hopefully it doesn't get dragged down by One More Day.

Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Julian Lopez

The new era for the team begins with Catwoman, Metamorpho, Katana, Grace and Martian Manhunter called into investigate a potential time bomb at Jardine Enterprises — but will the new team's first mission also be it's last?

Kirk Says: I was almost excited about this title when it was first announced, but all the delays and creative changes has me worried I'll be wasting money on a rushed, hack job put together after the departure of the former creative team. Hopefully Dixon can pull this one out of the fire and make me care about this relaunch again.

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy

As Teth-Adam finds himself on the verge of death, a new weapon is revealed that may be able to kill Black Adam — even when he is fully powered. Is a secret cabal in possession of this weapon, and will the members of the JLA and JSA be able to bring Black Adam to justice before this weapon is implemented?

Kirk Says: Black Adam is probably my favourite title coming out from DC at the moment. Last issues cliffhanger has me waiting with baited breath for this issue and I'm sure Tomasi and Mahnke won't disappoint with this month's issue.

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Lee Weeks

From the pages of CIVIL WAR comes the tale of a man out of time! An accident in the Negative Zone propels Captain Marvel from the past to the present day. Now he must come to terms not only with his own impending death, but with the way the world has changed in the time he has been gone. Brian Reed (NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI; MS. MARVEL) and Lee Weeks (DAREDEVIL; SPIDER-MAN: DEATH AND DESTINY) bring you the mini–series that returns one of Marvel's greatest heroes back where he belongs.

Kirk Says: Does anyone honestly care about Captain Marvel at this point in time? Marvel brought him back in the middle of the oft-delayed Civil War, tossed him into the middle of the final battle of said event and then proceeded to quickly forget about him. Early reviews have been fairly kind to this title, but I'm still not convinced his return was even necessary.

Story by Paul Dini
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Script by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by Al Barrionuevo

The countdown continues with a new name and even bigger thrills! Karate Kid makes it to the bunker in Blüdhaven and confronts both Firestorm and the Atomic Knights! Jimmy Olsen enslaved on Apokolips! Mary Marvel not enslaved on Apokolips! The Monitor, Jason Todd and Donna Troy home in on Ray Palmer's trail! Desaad takes control! Lex Luthor kidnapped — but by whom? Trickster and Piper: One will live…one will die! And Mister Mxyzptlk explains it all! Plus, more DC VILLAINS origin backup stories, including: Desaad and Mr. Mxyzptlk!

Kirk Says: Well, previews for this issue reveal the evil, black suited Superman to be none other than Superman Prime, ruining yet another Sinestro Corps War ending. I understand the need to keep everything on track in Countdown since it's a weekly, but it's still annoying having a superior storyline's ending partially ruined by this title yet again.

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Cliff Chiang

Black Canary and Speedy head to Amazon Island, where a job offer from Athena seems to be the perfect opportunity for Dinah to focus some of her frustrations over what's happened to Green Arrow.

Kirk Says: Now that Ollie's been revealed to be alive, I've sort of lost all interest in this series. Here's hoping this issue makes me care about how they rescue him.

Written by Christos Gage
Art by Mike Perkins

Return to the world of the hit House of M series, where mutants rule the earth and familiar heroes lead shocking, unfamiliar lives! See the history of this alternate reality revealed for the first time! Follow Luke Cage as he goes from wrongly-convicted prisoner to super-powered fugitive...and assembles the band of rebel freedom fighters who will come to be known as the Avengers! Featuring Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, Tigra, Mockingbird and more than a few surprises! The team behind the acclaimed Union Jack, Christos (World War Hulk: X-Men) Gage and Mike (Captain America) Perkins, reunite to bring you Marvel's heroes and villains in a world where anything can happen...and does!

Kirk Says: Returning to the House of M seems like an odd choice for a mini-series. I enjoyed the alternate reality event, but even I don't see the reason behind this story. Are we going to see some kind of bleed off from that reality into the normal universe or a return to it once the Scarlet Witch regains her memories and powers? Gage is a great writer and I have faith this issue will be a solid read, but I'm kind of puzzled trying to figure out why Marvel chose to focus on this so long after the fact.

Written by Various
Art by Various

The premiere comics anthology gets invaded—by Magneto! Witness a tale of the beginnings of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch guest–starring. Meanwhile, Hellcat continues battling for her very survival, Weapon Omega faces down demons both internal and external, and a routine murder investigation has lead to something—or someone—called…the Vanguard!

Kirk Says: The second issue was a much better read then the first one and I'm glad I stuck around. The Vanguard storyline is quite entertaining and the main reason I'm coming back for more this month. Here's hoping I'm not disappointed with that decision.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Francis Yu

Hey, I don't know if you read the solicitation for Mighty Avengers but a Venom virus has gone off in New York City. That means the whole city!! That means the New Avengers have turned symbiote. Oh yeah!! Plus, Wolverine has a bone to pick with Spider-Woman about a little green-skinned something. Oh, and the Hood isn't wasting any time setting himself up as the kingpin of all super-villains.

Kirk Says: Marvel really needs to get Mighty Avengers back on track. This issue is focusing, much like the Illuminati #5 did, on the aftermath of Spider-Woman giving Tony the Skrull Elektra body. Sadly, we have never seen that event take place as Cho can't draw more than one ass-shot per day and has delayed Mighty into oblivion. Despite that, this issue should be a solid read and more Hood is always nice.

Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Don Kramer and Wayne Faucher

"The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul," Part 2 of 7! Could it be? Nightwing and Robin fighting side by side with Damian? Will the combined might of Batman's three "sons" be enough to overcome the machinations of the newly reborn Ra's al Ghul? And what will Nightwing do when Robin is tempted with an offer he can't refuse? Guest starring Talia al Ghul and the Sensei!

Kirk Says: This better offer more to the Resurrection of Ra's than last week's Robin did. For a storyline dealing with his resurrection, there's been very little actual Ra's so far. For some reason I expect this to be another let down issue as they tread water waiting for Detective and Batman's parts of the story.

NOVA # 8
Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Wellinton Alves

The next big Nova arc blasts off here! In the first four sold-out issues, we’ve seen Richard Rider burnt to a crisp, replaced by a hot Kree soldier and turned to the dark side. But just wait until you see where writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning – and special guest-penciler Wellinton Alves (Nightwing) -- rocket Nova now as a special spooky two-parter begins! If you missed his first or second story arcs, but heard how good they were, don’t miss your third chance to jump on the book that calls a “Must Read!"

Kirk Says: While I'm sad to see the focus of Conquest shift away from Nova, I'm pumped to see him finally get out from under all the tie-ins and aftermath issues he's been tied into since his title started. While every issue has been spectacular so far, I expect this one to be the best yet. If you're not reading Nova, this is a great issue to jump in on.

Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Sean Chen and Walden Wong

Don't miss the stunning debut issue of a 7-part miniseries written by Bill Willingham (SHADOWPACT, FABLES) with art by superstar Sean Chen (Iron Man, X-Men: The End) and Walden Wong (COUNTDOWN TO MYSTERY, DAY OF VENGEANCE)! The world has finally had enough of the villains of the DCU — so they're exiling the evildoers to another planet, where they'll be left to their own diabolical devices! Who will thrive…and who will survive?

Kirk Says: Willingham has failed to impress me in any of his super hero offerings. His Fables is easily one of the best books on the market, which further confuses me how he can do so poorly on every other book he's written. Here's hoping Salvation Run can break the mold and offer us something entertaining.

THOR # 4
Written by J. M. Straczynski
Art by Oliver Copiel

Thor has come back from the void–he’s reclaimed Mjolnir and summoned the lightning–and he’s rebuilt Asgard from the ground up…literally! But who will populate the home of the gods? The Odinson’s search for his fellow deities spans the earthly plane of Midgard…and you won’t believe where he finds them!

Kirk Says: JMS's relaunch of Thor has been pretty good and the art by Copiel has been nothing less than breath taking. However, JMS has been beating us over the head with his political commentaries and this issue seems to continue the trend with his focus on Doctors Without Borders and a trip to a Third World country.

Written by Mike Carey
Art by Mark Brooks

What new Ultimate villain will make their debut in this issue?
Lost in the snowy vastness of Siberia, Reed, Ben and Johnny discover what they never hoped to find --- the
wreckage of Susan Storm's aircraft! Who brought Sue down, and has the Invisible Woman disappeared for good? What does this all have to do with the Crimson Dynamo? Is his arrival coincidence, or part of a much larger, sinister scheme?

Kirk Says: I'm sure I'd wear a belly shirt if I was heading to Siberia. I've never been there, but I'm sure they must have beaches and warm weather based on Sue Storm's professional attire pictured to the left. Last issue was a dud, but Crimson Dynamo looks interesting and might salvage this storyline.

Written by C. B. Cebulski
Art by Travis Charest

Recapping the entire series to date, the ULTIMATES SAGA will be told by their new leader, Tony Stark. As America's premier super-hero team, the Ultimates have been forced to face more trials and tribulations than anyone ever expected during the course of their short time together: a Skrull infiltration, the trial of the Hulk for his murderous rampage, betrayal from within and the invasion of America. Now, no longer under the auspices of S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark is forced to face the reality of his team's newfound freedom. Having gotten his hands on Nick Fury's personal files, Tony sifts through the information Nick has collected about the Ultimates’ adventures and discovers there's been a lot more going on with his team than he ever anticipated. This 32-page special will also include an extra four-page section featuring an all-new story by C.B. Cebulski and superstar Travis Charest.

Kirk Says: A recap issue. Joy. Not expecting anything worthwhile to come from this issue, but here's to hoping something of value comes from this issue.

Written by Greg Pak
Art by John Romita Jr

The millennium's most massive Marvel smashfest careens towards its cataclysmic conclusion! Four so-called Marvel "heroes" shot the Hulk into space. Their exploding shuttle destroyed his people and pregnant queen. And the Hulk has taught them what their arrogance has wrought. But now the Hulk faces the puny humans' greatest champion. And as the terrible battle rages, who will stand revealed as the hero – and who will be proved the monster? Who knows the difference between vengeance and justice? And who will pay the terrible price of anger?

Kirk Says: WWH? Is that still going on? Seems like the entire Marvel Universe has moved on from this "event". Seeing as Tony, Avengers Tower, New York and just about every other hero is fine in the numerous books that take place post-WWH, I'm inclined to believe nothing noteworthy happens this issue. My guess is Sentry and Hulk punch each other a few times, Hulk realizes he's become a villain, maybe through the death of a random civilian, and then he turns red. The end.

Written by Peter David
Art by Scot Eaton

X-Factor Investigations joins the search for the missing mutant baby! Rictor infiltrates the Purifiers’ church in hopes of learning what they know about the kidnapping, but the secrets he uncovers surpass his wildest nightmares. Meanwhile, Madrox and Layla visit Forge and learn the terrible truth about the future of mutantkind.

Kirk Says: Can X-Factor salvage the borefest that Messiah Complex has been so far? I hope so because this event has already sidelined everything that's been happening in the excellent X-Factor book in favour of this editorial mandated crossover.

*Note* Solicit information and covers from DC and Marvel respectively. This post does not contain all comics coming out next week, just the ones I intend on purchasing.

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Anonymous said...

Actually the Avengers tower is only shown standing in Iron Man #23. It is still gone in the upcoming Avengers: Initiative #7. The current Iron man title, while a good read, seems so far from whats currently going on in Marvel right now. I just pretend this current Iron Man arc takes place before WWH anyway.

Anonymous said...

Heh, the book I'm most looking forward to is the one without a preview (Booster Gold #4).

Agree w/regards to your comments on Countdown and Sinestro Corps War. It doesn't ruin the SCW story, per se, but it'd be nice if they didn't spoil some of the drama.

Kirk Warren said...

@Anon 1 - I was under the impression the tower was still standing in the current New Avengers issues and during the symbiote invasion arc coming up in Mighty Avengers. It was up in New Warriors as well, but that could take place pre-WWH as well. I'm sure Marvel will get around to putting all these random appearances and stories in order eventually.

@Anon 2 - According to DC's website, Booster Gold doesnt ship next week. It's currently scheduled for the 28th, but if that dates wrong, my shop will have it on hold for me, so you can definitely expect a review for it. It's one of my favourite new series.

Kirk Warren said...

Oh ya, in regards to the Sinestro Corps War, that's just a bit of nerd rage sensationalism. I was hoping for a more definitive fight with Ion Sodam Yat though.

With the killing ban lifted and the Superman-like Daxamite using the Ion powers, I was honestly wondering if they would have him kill Prime. This reveal that he's in Countdown, in a preview at that, just sort of took the wind out of my sails and ended any tension that fight will have.

Anonymous said...

I believe Booster Gold's shipping tomorrow; it's on Diamond's list.

SEP070164 BOOSTER GOLD #4 $2.99

Anonymous said...

a couple 'tings:

willingham wrote the legendary super hero series, Elementals, of which carcass writers today still pick. so im looking forward to him and sean chen on their book.

the recap issue is by charest, that alone is worth the price of the book.

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