Friday, November 16, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 11/14/07

It's Friday. That means it's time for the Comic Book Moments of the Week. If you missed all the reviews (and who would do such a thing?), you can check out Wednesday's Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews and Thursday's follow up Quick Shot Reviews before jumping into this week's moments.

As for this week's contents, there were a lot of great scenes, but Punisher MAX easily takes the cake. I can't believe they were allowed to show that in a comic book. Hit the jump to see what I'm talking about and all the other amazing moments from this week's comics.


"You've broken the moon."

Not much to add to this one. They threw him through the freaking Moon, nearly splitting it in two. Just one of many amazing moments in another incredible All-Star Superman issue.


"There's only one way to stop giant bugs - Buicks!"

Atomic Robo continues to impress in the second issue. I cropped together a couple panels to show this giant bug squashing scene. The entire issue had some hilarious background dialogue debating real world physics and comic book physics that would require me scanning just about the whole issue to show you. You should probably just pick this series up next time you're at the shop.


"OMD ending?"

Not sure what to make of this scene. Slott is writing Amazing in Brand New Day. This has been touted as a major Peter Parker appearance pre-OMD. Is this how they're going to explain "Peter isn't really Spider-Man" or is this just random nonsense that will never be followed up on?


"Don't shoot people named Black Adam."

Last issue ended with a sniper attack on the powerless Teth-Adam. Make sure you shoot him several times afterwards before you approach the "corpse" or you end up ripped in half.

"Don't try to shoot friends of people named Black Adam."

These random assassins don't learn as they attempt to kill the two doctors that helped Black Adam after he was shot. I'm not sure if instant lightning bolt of doom is more or less painful than being flown into the atmosphere, freezing to death and then crumpling into nothing.

"Do they not see him?"

Seriously. Do our heroes not see the guy stuffed into the ceiling 2 metres behind them? I know Bat's is cold, but you'd think Superman would have the decency to pull him out of the ceiling before questioning the survivors.


"Don't drink and time travel."

Last issue ended with Booster rear ending the Flash's cosmic treadmill. This scene has Barry lecturing Wally on the dangers of drinking in excess as poor Booster watches on.

"Aw, crap."

Poor Skeets gets to meet Maximillion, the super advanced, upgraded model of himself.


"Zombies? Psh, call me when you fight the Hulk."

Reed pokes a little fun at the whole zombie phenomenon with this cute scene. Really though, who hasn't fought a zombie Spider-Man by now?


Not sure if I like this series yet or not, but that's an awesome 'debut' for Captain Marvel's return to the Marvel Universe.


"Well, that's just Prime."

I couldn't scan every single kill Superman Prime had in this week's issue, as there were too many to count, but this final act of destruction where he destroys Earth-15 should suffice.


"Politically correct all the way."

I'm not touching this one with a 10ft pole.

"Deal or no deal."

I was wondering where Ollie got the new underwear after Connor rescued him. He had been running around naked the entire issue up until now. I think this was too much information to be honest.


"Kree Wars: Skrull Strike Back"

Not much to this image until you check out the various background changes. Kree Wars? Apocalypse Now? There's a couple more scattered about. Always enjoy nice attention to detail like this.


"Back up has arrived".

A lot of people are talking about this splash page cliffhanger. Just gonna let you know that it's most likely a Dr Strange illusion based on the pages before. Also, Howard the Duck, Silver Surfer, Thor, Punisher and several others can't even appear here. Surfer is off with Galactus heralding rage and whatnot. Thor doesn't come back from the dead for a while as this is pre-WWH. Mighty Avengers are in Latveria by the end of this issue and so on.


"Note to self: Beat Damian with crowbar."

This is how Nightwing should be written if you ask me. Funny and competent and that last thought box putting down Damian is so true. That costume is horrendous.

"You do that just fine on your own."

Just another random put down for poor Damian. I think Dick and Tim are just hating on the one, true son of Batman. Yes, that was sarcasm.

"Pimping ain't easy."

In the middle of fighting 100's of ninjas and trying to save Tim and Damian from capture and Dick still finds time to try and pick up. He truly is the biggest player in the DCU.


"Insert "in soviet Russia" joke here."

Cosmo the talking telepathic space dog. It doesn't get any better than this.

"Decapitated Celestial? Not good."

Finding out you're stranded on a decapitated Celestial head isn't exactly the best thing you could wake up to in the morning. Don't even want to know what did this to the Celestial.


"What. The. Fu--?!!"

Is that even allowed in a comic book? I know it's a MAX title, but hot damn, he just blew a hole in Frank's long lost baby daughter. This is easily the biggest "Holy Sh--!" moment I've seen in a long time.


"Oh yeah!"

Rhino does his best Kool-aid Man impression as he busts through the wall of this bank.

"Is it safe?"

I spliced together several pages of this hilarious Spidey / Punisher "team up". I love Spidey popping up asking if it's safe after Kraven threw him off the building and into a dumpster and Frank trying to lie about not going to kill Kraven after this capped off a perfect sequence of events.


"Power Boy dead? Finally."

Good riddance Power Boy, we hardly cared about knew you.


"Erectile dysfunction is a serious problem."

The only thing I could think of when I saw these two panels was that they were trying to say Tony had ED. He even wonders how Nick Fury could "keep it up".


"Poo flinging is not a crime."

I don't think Wonder Woman thought it through when she decided to let a bunch of super powered white gorillas take up residence in her apartment. Some smells do not come out.

"The will mate soon..."

Another funny scene from this week's Wonder Woman. Simone should be writing a white gorilla book guest starring Wonder Woman if you ask me.

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J. Kislingbury said...

Goddamn Barracuda is a bad mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

I think the NA Page would be kind of obvious, in that Vision Mk. 1 is dead, Angel doesn't wear that Red Suit anymore, and Dr. Strange is nowhere to be seen...

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