Friday, November 9, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 11/07/07

There were a lot of great comics this week which adds up to a lot of great Moments of the Week. If you missed the reviews, make sure you check them out in the Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews and the follow up Quick Shot Reviews. Once you're ready, hit the jump for all the great moments from this week in comics.


"What other lies have you told?!!"

This scene is just build up for what comes next, but that last panel with Scott smiling is picture perfect if you ask me.

"Break World go boom?"

I just have to say, it's about goddamn time Scott has learned how to use his powers without the visor. I pray that this actually carries over into the main books as this has been a long time coming.

"To me, my X-Men."

Not much I can add to this. This is page was just plain awesome. "To me, my X-Men." ranks up there with Thor's, "I would have words with thee." line in the badass department and I'm sure this will be quoted on message boards for years to come.


"In Soviet Russia..."

Natalya's broken English always puts a smile on my face. Hopefully we get to see a little more of her in January's final issue.


"The only good Robin is a dead Robin."

Batman & Dracula: Red Rain is one of my favourite Elseworlds tales and this Search for Ray Palmer issue knocked it out of the part this week. I simply loved this final splash page from the issue and hopefully we get to see more of this Earth in the future.


"That's no way to get a head in life."

This cliffhanger was a huge, "OH SH--!" moment for me as Reed blows the head off the future version of Namor after he's been told Sue will eventually leave him for Namor. It capped off one of the best issue's in McDuffie's run on the title.


"Valuable female wisdom."

Mr Reed knows his Nextwave and this scene with Machine Man is easily the funniest scene this week. I do believe poor Anya will be scarred for life after this. The only thing that could have made this better was if Monica got to see him wearing her body.


"What's in the box?"

The only part of this week's Supergirl that was remotely comprehendible was this pranking of Supergirl by Batman.


"Dude - Wii."

Along with my comic collecting, I'm a big video game enthusiast and seeing references to anything video game related is an instant moment for me. While not as good as the Ant-Man Wii-references, this was still funny considering we all thought Calamity was going to beat Carl to death with a bat based on last month's cliffhanger.


"Daddy, I'm home."

If you read my Adam Warlock spotlight earlier this week, you'll know that the High Evolutionary played a major part in his history to the point that he even gave Adam his name and the Soul Gem that he typically wears on his forehead. Considering the villain behind the Phalanx was spoiled with preview copies of this book, I was taken off guard by this High Evolutionary reveal since no one bothered to spoil it with all the focus on Ultron

"Boob-tron? Is that you?"

Well, despite all the internet spoilers concerning Ultron, this scene is still pretty damn cool and you've got to love a robot that wears a cape for no other reason than to look cool.



Blackbolt. Skrull. That's all you need to know about this amazing splash page.

"You dirty Skrull, you killed my brother."

And here we have Bendis messing with fans by having two Skrulls dressed as Colossus and Thor popping in for a visit after the Blackbolt reveal. Nerd rage will engulf the entire internet if either recently revived hero is revealed as being a Skrull. Aside from that, this is still an amazing splash page. Cheung really needs to draw more comics.


"Off the satellite, off the railing and in the hoop."

I'd just like to point out this is not a moment of the week. These next two scenes are the opposite of a moment of the week. Let's look beyond the ridiculous fact that Superman just bounced his heat vision off a satellite in space, which banked off his apartment railing on the other side of the world, and wrote a message on his apartment wall for Lois and Chris. Let's even ignore the fact he could have just as easily burnt a hole in either one of those people and check out the writing on the wall. After all that bouncing and redirecting he still manages to write the damn message in perfect cursive. Words fail me on this one.

On top of that insane feat on Superman's part, just look at "Lois" in that image. That blob of yellow with the greased down hair is Superman's hot wife Lois Lane. And where are her hands? Her arms just merge into Chris.

"I think that's Lois?"

Continuing the horrendous artwork, here's another "Lois" shot. Someone forgot to draw her eyes and nose and she's recently undergone chemo, which resulted in the dramatic hair loss. Also, she's supposed to be holding Chris' hand in this panel. I think. And what's up with her neck and that extra finger on her right hand coming out of her wrist? How this image, or the issue itself, made it past quality control at DC is a mystery to me.

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Anonymous said...

Cyclops: Finally the badass I always knew he was!

Anonymous said...

1) Cyclops without a Visor is just what I wanted too...and on Bonfire night!

2) I'm so stoked that the new Super-Skrull had the powerset of the Illuminati. Presumably they'll have that on record. Imagine the Super-Skrull of Annihilation's surprise that he's been outmodeled.

Anonymous said...

I thinkt he two new Skrulls were meant to be 'Avengers-Skrull' and 'X-Skrull'; notice the X-Skrull has Nightcrawler's tail and costume.

Anonymous said...

I loved the Superman laser thing. He has all has x-ray and microscopic vision and he has his super-intelligence so he could just calculate the angles so that it wouldn't hurt anyone.

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