Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Avengers: The Initiative #7 Review

Written by Dan Slott
Art by Stefano Caselli

What the heck was this? Is this supposed to be the ending to One More Day? I know Slott is writing ASM come Brand New Day, but am I honestly expected to believe having the three Scarlet Spiders claim Peter was an Initiative operative the entire time? Granted, this is more than likely better than anything JMS and Quesada will come up with, but it still isn't what I would call a solid ending.

As for the rest of the issue, the Scarlet Spiders are revealed as MVP clones? Scarlet Spider. Clone. Oh Marvel, you sly dog. Will you never learn? I don't think Clor was exactly well received and you let the name Scarlet Spider be associated with clones again? I personally don't care as I liked most of the Clone Saga (most, not all), but I hope Slott and Marvel have this planned out very carefully. I can see this ending badly.

Verdict - Check It

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