Saturday, October 20, 2007

Weekly Crisis - Comic Book Reviews Site Redesign!

Well, here it is, the new layout for The Weekly Crisis!

I've spent the last couple weeks adding small touches here and there, like the new navbar at the top of the page and the related posts widgets, but today I am rolling out the final site design I will be using for the foreseeable future. I think I've gotten most of the kinks out of the new layout, but if you find anything that isn't working or if one of the widgets hang or what have you, please let me know with either a comment (no registration required!) or through e-mail.

There wasn't anything particularly wrong with the old layout, but I feel the new one has a lot more colour and just plain looks nicer. I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks, so feel free to comment and I hope to see you around the new site!

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