Thursday, October 18, 2007

Weekly Crisis Quick Shot Comic Book Reviews for 10/17/07

This is yet another new thing I'll be trying over the next couple weeks. There are a lot of great, and not so great, books that come out every week. I don't always get a chance to review every single one in full detail. So, for the time being, I'd like to try some quick and dirty style reviews. These are a couple quick lines describing the quality of a book or pointing out books I enjoyed, but didn't manage to do a full review on for whatever reason. With that said, take a peak at this first installment of the Quick Shot Reviews.

CATWOMAN #72 - I was really impressed with this issue. In my previews, I was concerned they might try and use Zatanna to mind wipe the baby and all character development over the past several years away in favour of some editorial mandated decision. What we got was a great tale that showed how much Selina has changed and how much she cared about her child. It was both sad and heart felt and one of the best issues in a long time. Sad to see the baby go, but there's hope we'll see her again in the future.

Verdict - Must Read

X-MEN - EMPEROR VULCAN #2 - Wow, another train wreck of an issue. The original arc by Brubaker wasn't much to talk about either, but this one just heaps more and more unnecessary and convoluted plot elements onto what should have been a simple brother versus brother / rebels versus empire parallel story.

Verdict - Avoid It

THE SWORD #1 - Another solid start for a Luna Bros created comic. Great family dynamic torn apart by the end of the issue leaving us with a very solid and engaging story that has me wondering what will happen next. Only problem is the Luna's last story, Girls, did the same thing and ended up going astray after a solid start.

Verdict - Check it

TERROR INC #3 - This is an excellent Marvel MAX title. While it does rely heavily on graphic content and features lots of "adult" language, it does not rely on these to carry it. There is an excellent story to complement this mature readers title and I'm anticipating an announcement of a follow-up series or, hopefully, an ongoing of this great title.

Verdict - Must Read

SUBURBAN GLAMOUR #1 - This was a pleasant surprise. Some of the best and most realistic teenage dialogue I've ever read combined with a unique and interesting story. I'll just quote the description on the back cover, as it's spot on and hardly hype.

Astrid and Dave are teenagers stuck in a dead-end suburban town living uneventful lives - until Astrid gets a visit from her childhood imaginary friends, who tell her something big is about to happen.

Are they real or is she crazy?

Life is about to get a lot more interesting - and very, very dangerous!

From the co-creator of PHONOGRAM comes this tale of magic, mystery and underage drinking.

Did I mention this book has virtually no ads? That extra 50 cents (it's $3.50 cover price) equals an incredible story with the only ad an in-house Image ad and 2 extra pages for this great first issue.

Verdict - Must Read

ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR #47 - Carey is up and down with his run on UFF. I liked the Thanos stuff and it looks like Reed has finally finished his Cosmic Cube and I'm primed to see the conclusion to that story. However, looks like I have to put up with some random talking bear using mad scientist story. Sigh. At least the Crimson Dynamo looks interesting, although he only appears for like 2 pages and the armour is only briefly shown.

Verdict - Check it

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IslandLiberal said...

I disagree about Emperor Vulcan. I'm quite enjoying it so far.

Kirk Warren said...

I guess I was just expecting something completely different. The whole new race from the origins of the Shi'ar Empire coming back more powerful than the entire Shi'ar fleet and basically ending the whole brother versus brother thing seemed to come out of no where and the whole 'mystery powerful race' thing just doesn't interest. We'll have ot agree to disagree on this one.

Jamie McKelvie said...

Thanks very much for the review!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree on the Catwoman issue this week. What I can't believe is why the art on this book does not get more attention. It delivers month after month and it would be nice to see David get some more recognition. I first noticed him when he did Fallen Angel years ago and he just keeps getting better.

Kirk Warren said...

@Jamie McKelvie - Wasn't expecting the actual creator to drop by, but glad you liked the review. Looking forward to the rest of this series.

@ray van buskirk - Have to agree on the art. I love his Batman and would pay to see him on a regular Bat-title (as long as it doesn't interfere with his Catwoman work).

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