Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sub-Mariner #5 Review

Written by Matt Cherniss and Peter Johnson
Art by Philippe Briones

Sub-Mariner started out with a lot of promise. There were the future scenes with a dead Namor skeleton on the throne and then the threat of a full scale war with the surface world with Iron Man and SHIELD on Atlantis' doorstep and, finally, some awesome early fight scenes with Wolverine and Venom. The last two issues then decided to throw away all of this momentum and pile on a lot of excess story in lieu of the action packed, fast paced feel of the earlier issues, which is a shame really.

This issue continued from the last with Namor confronted by his son, who is leading the Atlantean terrorist cell. What followed was a rather abrupt fight scene with the traitors which lead to Namor returning to Atlantis to straighten out the attempted coup by his son's colleagues. It's all fairly generic and boring as we never, even for a moment, believe Namor will fail or the coup will succeed.

On top of these rather generic proceedings is the US military building up to start a war with Atlantis, despite Namor stopping the terrorists and Iron Man trying to explain to them the situation is over with. It looks like this will take an approach similar to Silent War where the series should have been done on the 5th issue, but they still just send random US troops to the Moon to fight the Inhumans, despite the climax and conclusion in the fifth issue.

Verdict - Avoid It. Nothing to see here. All the good, mindless super hero fights and action packed plot has fizzled out. Expect an equally disappointing ending to this series next month when it's shockingly revealed the Namor skeleton is really his own son and that the Atlanteans escape the military! Shocking, I know.

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