Monday, October 22, 2007

Sodam Yat VS Superman Prime in GLC #18!

I had to update again to bring you this awesome new cover for Green Lantern Corps #18. If you missed my first character spotlight on Sodam Yat, you better get caught up because it looks like he and Superman Prime will be throwing down in next month's issue of GLC. On top of that, it looks like Prime isn't enjoying what Yat's giving in this Andy Kubert drawn cover. Hit the jump for the full sized cover and some more discussion!

I honestly figured Sodam Yat's role in the Sinestro Corps War was pretty much over with his destruction of Ranx at the Battle of Mogo. I figured we'd get a few little shots of him fighting Generic Sinestro Corps Member #2937 and that the Earth Lanterns or JLA or whoever would take care of the big shots like Prime and Sinestro. Looks like Johns and Gibbons have managed to surprise me yet again with this revelation of Sodam Yat versus Superman Prime.

Remember, before you start wondering how a mere Green Lantern like Sodam Yat can take on Prime, he is a Daxamite who has the same powers as Superman under a yellow sun combined with a Green Lantern power ring.

So, any bets on what's gonna happen? Will Yat be the one to finally kill Superbrat Prime? Will the Guardians empower Yat with the Ion entity to push him over the top in this battle? Is it a typical "hype cover" that will only be featured in like 2 panels of the actual comic? Is Yat's dominance on the cover just an exaggerated view and will Prime actually be the one issuing the beat down? I'm not sure, but I know this cover has me pumped to see what happens this week and I don't even know how I'm going to survive the wait for next month's issue.

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Anonymous said...

It was inevitable, for three reasons.

1) Sodam Yat is destined to be the "Ultimate" Green Lantern; defeating the guy who the others couldn't touch would probably qualify him for the job.

2) Alan Moore intended a character named 'Sodol Yat' (a possible typo) to kill a corrupt Superman in a "Twilight of the Superheroes" proposal.

3) Moore created Sodam. How could he not therefore be great? how could he not therefore be able to PWN almost every characetr you throw at him?

Anonymous said...

From a character standpoint it makes sense for Yat to kill Prime. He is an unknown character whose history is being written right now. The only other people capable of really killing prime are the kryptonians, and they would never pull that trigger. It would be a tarnish on those characters.Then you have Yat, a firmly established badass, who will clearly have a part in the DC future, basically having no reason not to destroy Prime and will probably enjoy it.It is about time they both get whats coming to them.Plus you get rid of the issues with the Superboy name.

PS: Love the new site design. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Remember the "Darkest Night" prophecy foretold of the death of Sodam Yat as one of the signs of the "Darkest Night." Though the cover shows Sodam Yat beating on SB-Prime, I think this is really the death toll for Lantern Yat.

Unknown said...

شركة تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة
تعد المدينة المنورة من ارقى مناطق المملكة و تتميز بالطابع الدافئ والتواصل بين سكانها واجتماعهم في المناسبات المختلفه من هنا جاءت اهمية شركة تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة لتقديم خدمات التنظيف للبيوت والمنازل والفلل والقصور
ولاننا ندرك بان الفلل تحتاج الى عمالة مدربة على تنظيف الاماكن الواسعة فالاول لمهارة عمالها تعد افضل شركة تنظيف فلل بالمدينة المنورة تتميز بسرعة اداء عمالها في تقديم خدمة تنظيف فلل بالمدينة المنورة نتميز باننا افضل شركات تنظيف الفلل بالمدينة المنورة
وكثيرا ما تحتوى الفلل على عدة خزانات فلابد من الاستعانة بافضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالمدينة المنورة فهى تستخدم افضل منظفات الخزانات والمطهرات نتميز باننا احسن شركة غسيل خزانات بالمدينة المنورة نغسل كافة انواع خزانات مياه الشرب بالمدينة
ولاننا افضل شركة تنظيف شقق بالمدينة المنورة نقدم افضل خدمة تنظيف شقق بالمدينة المنورة بالاعتماد على افضل منظفات الكنب والستائر بالبخار
ولارتفاع درجات الحرارة في المدينة تنتشر العديد من الحشرات وخاصة في موسم الصيف فلابد من الاستعانة بافضل شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمدينة المنورة تقوم بمكافحة كافة انواع الحشرات والآفات
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شركة نقل اثاث بينبع -
شركة تنظيف بينبع
كشف تسربات المياه بالمدينة المنورة

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