Monday, October 22, 2007

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 10/24/07

Wow, what an awesome week of comics coming to us this Wednesday. Three issues that tie-in to the Sinestro Corps War, which can be seen in Green Lantern Corps, Blue Beetle and the Superman Prime special, the Titans of Tomorrow story continuing in Teen Titans, the What If? Planet Hulk one-shot and several other of the best and brightest comics are all scheduled to come out this week.

Hit the jump to find out what else I'll be picking up this week and feel free to let me know in the comments if there's any book I might have forgotten to put on my pull list for this week or a particular book you would like to see reviewed that I don't have listed.

Written by Javier Grillo-Marxuach
Art by Kyle Hotz

Wraith and Ronan -- the collision course ends here! Okay, Annihilation fans, if an appearance of the Accuser isn't enough for you, how about the Super-Skrull? What, you thought the Avengers cornered the market on the Skrulls? Also, which ANNIHILATION character is pulling the strings of Marvel's gothic gunslinger? Find out in this creepy conclusion that takes you right into ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST #1!

KIRK'S COMMENTS: Wraith has easily been the weakest Conquest tie-in so far. While I wouldn't say it's a bad book, the Wraith character, himself, has been a fairly generic "mystery" character. Hopefully this final issue will give me a reason to care about this character.

Written by John Rogers
Art and cover by Rafael Albuquerque

A “Sinestro Corps War” tie-in! The Lanterns’ war hits home as a yellow ring appears in El Paso. But is it being offered to the Scarab or to Jaime Reyes? And whose will is stronger?

KIRK'S COMMENTS: First, go check out the Blue Beetle spotlight I did yesterday. I'll wait. Alright, now that you're all caught up on my boy, Jaime, call your shop and put this book on your pull list for this week and all subsequent weeks. If a Sinestro Corps War tie-in won't be enough to get you to at least try this book, there's no hope left for humanity.

“DEATH OF A GOBLIN” Part (4 of 6)
Written by Brian Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen

Norman Osborn—the Green Goblin—has escaped the Triskelion and is headed toward Trump Tower! A team of federal agents is on his tail, determined to take Norman down once and for all! And leading that team is none other than—Spider-Man: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.! How did this happen and what does it all mean? You know you’ve got no choice but to read this one fast!

KIRK'S COMMENTS: Ultimate Spider-Man has seen a return to its former glory and new artist Stuart Immonen is really hitting his stride after taking over for Mark Bagley several months back. While the rest of the Ultimate Universe has cooled and become a bit stale, USM is consistently one of the best books on the market. Looking forward to more on the Death of a Goblin story. Harry hasn't made an appearance yet, so I'm still wondering if they'll actually kill Norman. Surely, a goblin has to die in a title like Death of a Goblin. Just not sure who yet.

Written by Dave Gibbons
Art and cover by Pat Gleason & Prentis Rollins

“The Sinestro Corps War” continues as one of the Book of Oa’s prophecies comes true! The Corps makes a last stand that reveals the reincarnation of one of their fold!

KIRK'S COMMENTS: This week is definitely the week for Green Lantern fans. With not one, but three Sinestro Corps tie-ins this week, we are in for some great fun. The only question is which title, Blue Beetle, GLC or Superman Prime, will be the best one this week? I expect this issue will deliver on the action that Green Lantern #24 lacked in its Parallax focused issue.

Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Mike Deodato

“Caged Angels” continues as we delve into the psyche of the Thunderbolts’ most elusive member, Penance, the man formerly known as Speedball. While Thunderbolts Mountain remains in a perpetual state of discord, the greater chaos might be within Robbie Baldwin’s own mind!

KIRK'S COMMENTS: If you read my Crisis of Faith on Warren Ellis' Thunderbolts, you'll know that I'm a big fan of this book. It's been a while since the last issue came out. Hopefully my enthusiasm for this title will not have cooled with this new release.

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Alé Garza & Marlo Alquiza

The Titans of Tomorrow take on Starro!

KIRK'S COMMENTS: Wow. DC sure got me pumped with that riveting and highly informative solicitation they put out for this week's Teen Titans. Based on the previews floating around the various comic news sites, it looks like Blue Beetle will be making his big debut on the team with a fight with Kid Flash (evil Future Bart). I'm also looking forward to seeing the follow up on the Robin / future Tim-Batman cliffhanger from last month. Teen Titans is finally good again with McKeever on board. Pick up last month's issue and jump on in again.

Written by Greg Pak
Art by Various

Last year, a group of Marvel heroes decided the Hulk was too dangerous for Earth, tricked him into a shuttle, and shot him into space. After the Hulk rose from slave to gladiator to conquering emperor on the savage planet of Sakaar, the shuttle exploded – destroying the Hulk's people and his pregnant queen. And the entire Marvel Universe knows what happened next as the Hulk returned to wreak his terrible vengeance in the pages of "World War Hulk." But what if the Hulk had landed on the peaceful planet the Marvel heroes originally intended? What if Banner had landed on Sakaar instead of the Hulk? And what if the Hulk's warrior bride Caiera the Oldstrong had come to Earth seeking vengeance instead of her husband? Get ready for three shocking tales of what could have been from the writer of the "Planet Hulk" and "World War Hulk" epics.

KIRK'S COMMENTS: Look at that cover. That's just too good for words. I'm a sucker for alternate realities and these recent What If's from Marvel have been pretty good all around. I liked Caiera in Planet Hulk and was sad to see her die at the end of it. This What If? should help ease the pain.

Written by Steve Gerber and Matt Sturges
Art by Justiniano & Walden Wong and Stephen Segovia

Doctor Fate faces a steep learning curve when it comes to mastering his new powers. Uneasy lies the head who wears the helmet when he faces “The Devourer of Souls” in Las Vegas! Plus, Eclipso has discovered Plastic Man’s weak point: attacking him through his son, the Titan known as “The Offspring!”

KIRK'S COMMENTS: I enjoyed the first issue of Countdown to Mystery. However, the Dr Fate section spent a bit too much time giving us backstory and not enough action. The Eclipso part of this book suffered from the exact opposite problem. Both did a good enough job to get me to pick up this issue though and I expect an even better offering this month.

X-MEN # 204
Written by Mike Carey
Art by Michael Choi

The X-Men lick their wounds after being taken apart by the Marauders. See what remains of Cannonball and Iceman. Discover the fate of Rogue. See the Marauders prepare for the next part of their plan.

Featuring Endangered Species Chapter 17 – The end of Beast’s journey. Has he uncovered a new hope for mutantkind?

KIRK'S COMMENTS: Carey has really fizzled out on his run on X-Men. I was really digging the new villains and frantic pace he had set up. This current arc started off great in X-Men #200, but has pretty much stalled out in the story department for the last few issues. This arc has done nothing to get me interested in the upcoming Messiah Complex, but hopefully this issue will bring something big to the table.

As for Endangered Species, to be honest, I don't even really care anymore what Beast does. The entire 17-part borefest has accomplished absolutely nothing and I pity the people that went out of their way to pick up the various X-titles that this "story" crossed over into.

Written by Geoff Johns & Sterling Gates
Art by Pete Woods & Jerry Ordway

He nearly destroyed the universe. He has a bloody track record with the Flash family. And he frightens even Superman. He is the Anti-Monitor, the most powerful evil in the DC Universe, and this special one-shot reveals what his future holds! Plus, witness another horrifying Tale of the Sinestro Corps: “Fear is a Baby's Cry”!

KIRK'S COMMENTS: And the final book for this week and third Sinestro tie-in for this week, Superman Prime. As the only Tales book that is being done by Johns, this should easily out do the previous Parallax and Cyborg Superman offerings. I've been dying to see Prime do something since he was revealed in the Sinestro Corps Special and, finally, my prayers have been answered. Previews have Prime going after the Flash, who is bringing along the JLA and JSA. Their funeral.

*Note* Solicit information and covers from DC and Marvel respectively. This post does not contain all comics coming out next week, just the ones I intend on purchasing.

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Anonymous said...

I do believe that the December Solicits clearly show a cover with Ult. Hobby duking it out with his Da.

Kirk Warren said...

Good call. I usually try to avoid most future solicits with the exception of casual glances for new books, events or storylines. I recalled reading Harry would be showing up, probably should have checked all the future solicits. It's just that this was 3 parts in on the Death story and he hadn't showed up. Wasn't sure if I had imagined his future appearance or not.

Anonymous said...

Who knows? He might be on the side of the angels. It could be that he's so utterly disgusted with his Dad that he gets over his mental problems and dies stopping the GG.

An alternate theory is that the Ultimate Jackal has hypnotised Harry against his Dad as a weapon.

Or maybe they're all Clones. Crazy Clones.

Let's find out...

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