Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Penance: Relentless #2 Review

Written by Paul Jenkins
Art by Paul Gulacy

Well, last issue was a curious oddity. There were so many random new character traits for Penance, and most of the Thunderbolts, and even more continuity errors - too many to count in fact - that I was both intrigued and completely puzzled with this new mini-series. I was tentative to continue with it based on what Jenkins offered in the first book, but came back this month against my better judgment.

This issue throws away all the good will I heaped upon the first issue. Iron Man is depicted as some random government strawman harassing Norman Osborn. He's probably the smartest man on the planet and, using his Extremist powers, could easily "see" all the information on those computers himself and analyze it quicker than the time he spends arguing with Osborn.

Apparently, Penance became some kind of super hacker somewhere along the way and managed to hack into the highest security clearance mainframes in the country. Yet another new characteristic added to this character by Jenkins from out of the blue to go along with his numbers fixation, which was barely touched upon this issue. All the intrigue that went with the constant numbers OCD Baldwin was displaying in regards to the numbers was pretty much ignored this issue aside from the general questions by Iron Man while arguing with Osborn.

Jenkins has all but sealed this books fate with this issue. The mysterious person he was going to see ended up being the D-lister, the Robot Master, whom most probably have no clue, or inclination, to care about. Supposedly, with the cliffhanger in this issue, we're supposed to believe Robbie wants to nuke Latveria because he heard they were harbouring Nitro, who was responsible for Robbie's Bleedball transformation through his blowing up Stamford in Civil War. Not even a direct confirmation. Just heresay and happenstance. It's either just poorly written or a terribly contrived cliffhanger / plot device and was just one of many reasons for me to drop this book.

Verdict - Avoid It. Another dud. If you were waiting to hear how this series turned out before deciding to pick it up, you just saved yourself some cash.

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